One-shots you wish would get serialised

Just what the title says.

She's so boring, though

Why are you making this a low-grade hidden request thread? Why don't you just make a thread about this?

Pretty bad request thread if you ask me. You're only gonna get teases here.

Found pic related pretty interesting when it came out.

>Hidden request thread
What is it with Sup Forums nowadays and this? I just thought this would be a half-interesting topic instead of the same not-generals spouted out each day.

Here's another to keep things going.

Looks like OP just wants new material since he's posting only title pages, and doesn't seem to be saying or showing why it's deserving of a serialization.
Notice how didn't receive any reply.

It's a joke; her character trait is being boring

And that's all- nothing else to the manga or character?
Man, doesn't seem like it should be serialized then.

>tall girls are best girls

Her other character trait is psychic powers, and she was raised into being 'boring' by her father in order to avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself

"Neat, but that's still boring"

So what do you like about it?
I, from your description, find making someone boring to deal with(?) psychic powers to be pretty interesting.
I'd imagine she doesn't even think about using them until she tells her friends.

Tiger Dragon Brothers.

That one WSJ one-shot about the alien gang that uses meteors for energy or something, and the MC is fused with one.

I like a few things about this one-shot, the character archetypes are all pretty straight-up and usual but done very well, the author is particularly good at that Ashita Wa Doyoubi, despite its total simplicity, is one of my favourite SoL mangas and I consider its short length criminal

And like you said, its a nice concept. I wont say it's hugely original, but the idea and its execution had a charm that, again, the mangaka is great at creating.

Plus I think the mc is cute as hell

Better idea. Post best one-shots you read this years

I think the boring trait is a pretty good one because it lends to situations where the character grows in little ways like someone pointing out an object (a bird, a wallpaper, or whatever) and the character gains that spark of interest that really takes a hold and doesn't let go of the reader.
Of course, they can always make a reveal that they weren't boring in the first place too.
The point being: the ability to grow in a character is something you usually hear people enjoy.
Being cute is nice a bonus too.



Author too busy milking that Takagi money. Maybe once Takagi gets axed he'll work on the oneshot

Takagi is selling well, not getting axed.

Chinese zombie onee-chan on the other hand got axed.

is fudatski worth the read or was being shit the reason it got axed

It isnt shit, but its not entertaining enough at all.
I wouldnt reccomend it if you are looking for something good to read but rather to waste time.