
Best girls edition

What's his endgoal?



To get his girl back, and his groove.

best girl

Narancia a shit

Definitely the best girl


Is he eating her face?

post em.
i don't hate part 6 or think it's objectively bad, i just didn't enjoy it as much as the other parts for some reason.

>make a challenge to listen to more of the music referenced in JoJo
>Araki's taste is actually great
I did not think I'd be turned on to Wham!, Tarkus and Enigma from a fucking japanese comic book but I'm glad I was

of course not

yes, also her pussy

>manga edition
>uses mostly anime

That sounds dangerous

>Least favorite OP
why tho


t. Naranciafag

it's good, i just prefer the others. acoustic version is godlike though.

>That least favorites line
I really wanted to like you

I will marry him one day.

how do anons make these, I tried once and the pictures were just grainy as fuck

>Best girls for each part.

Part 1: Poco's sister
Part 2: Lisa Lisa
Part 3: Mariah
Part 4: Tomoko
Part 5: Trish
Part 6: Jolyne
Part 7: Hot Pants
Part 8: Yasuho

My P5 favorite is Mista.

Nah, Naranciafag hates Fugo, not Abbacchio.

user just has bad taste.


Tarkus has become one of my all time musical compositions and if it wasn't for JoJo I doubt I would have heard it.
I've never really cared about music outside of soundtracks and the occasional specific genres that I liked but stuff like King Crimson, Yes, Deep Purple, Enigma, REO Speedwagon, The Cars, stuff I found through JoJo, I've grown to love.
This series has done wonders for my life, actually, in multiple ways,

Not me mane.

>not BASED Reimi



1-5: All shit
6: Jolyne
7: Lucy
8: Yasuho

Loli Erina
Suzy Q

I will do anything to support him.

you can't be serious right user

would you suck a cock for cheap change to keep Narancia well fed?

sometimes i forget how tall hot pants is jesus

>claims 1-5 girls are shit
>chooses Lucy

She's average height, Diego is really short cause he's a jockey

i love pucci!

>Not Hot Pants

Anything that wouldn't make me cheat on Narancia also I can afford food for him.

Araki really does have solid taste.
I was a hardcore pretentious Sup Forums fag and i still find myself impressed with Araki's selections.

Hell im shocked that he actually did an Aphex Twin reference. That seemed outside of his tastes.
He has a very eclectic taste. Got me to appreciate a lot of his country selections from Steel Ball Run.

>1: Shit
>2: Erina
>3: Enya
>4: Tomoko
>5: Shit
>6: Jolyne
>7: Hot Pants
>8: Hato

This shit again for fucks sakes, did he deserve this?


>Suzie Q
>HFTF Middler (Or Mariah if it doesn't count)

what's wrong with lucy?

>efectos visales

didn't he also make a reference to girly j-pop idol band perfume with "chocolate disco" in SBR?


not appealing in the slightest, a literal who blondie

magenta tried his best but in the end all it did was cause him to drown with emptiness
SBR is so much fun

I think thats a goal everyone can relate to.

Yes, ads are in spanish because my phone is in spanish... and was toblazy to crop it

>tfw mildly retarded after spending most of the OG timeline mind-broken and frozen flying through outer space only for the same shit to happen again

At least Wammu got a decent next life in Wekapipo

How do we get rid of naranciafag?

damn nigga

More like what's right? Pic related, The World Diego literally BTFO by an ordinary girl.

gang fuck him

Nigga, you gay

just keep reporting
once he gets banned enough (he's already been banned once or twice) i'm pretty sure he won't come back anymore


rest in peace, sonny

Yes he did, and i think that is legitimately the only japanese reference he ever made.

Steel Ball Run in general had a lot of out of the ordinary references.

Not at all.

>Forgetting Wekapipo and Magenta Magenta

wekapipo was also a japanese reference, to that japanese song "wake up people"
>wake up people
>weiku appo piipoo

That's weird mane.
I've probably been banned like 20 times now.
My love for Narancia is too strong for me just to stop.

>20 times
jesus christ mods, how can you let this asshole continue to shitpost here while constantly shitting on generals

>most plot relevant girl
>literally who

>What is Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure

i meant in looks and personality.

keep going Naranciafag, this general is not the same without you, there is nothing wrong in a little bit of shitposting

Mods love my naranciaposting.
Also I only get banned for avaterfaging.

1. Erina
2. Suzie Q
3. Holly
4. Shinobu
5. Trish, is there even any other girls in part 5
6. Hermes
7. Hot Pants
8. Yasuho

>tfw you like Narancia but can't post anything about him anymore due to naranciaposter
god dammit

Honest question: how gay is this jojo manga?

the only reason i haven't read it is because how gay it looks.

Norisuke is the big bad of Part 8 and will be the biggest barrier to stopping the curse.

Kaato knows rhe truth
Joubin isn't a Rock.
Joshuu is a retard.
Gappy makes me happy.

Sure will mane.
You can still post him.
No one is stopping you.
Not gay at all just look at narancia.

Ignore and report

nah, he's a cool dude.
too bag waifags ruin everything

would giorno have gone for it though? it's made evident that giorno is just his dad but not an asshole, wouldn't his do-goody joestar impulses overpower the Charisma™ of Dio's legacy?

That one is actually not a japanese reference.
It is a translation of the lyrics to santana's Oyecomova

Technically I think Araki meant for the stand to be called [Listen to My Rhythm] it was just lost in translation. I might be wrong, but that is what i always called it.

literally not gay at all. Its a shame you fell for the jojo is gay meme.

Guys I'm about to post the 100th image of Narancia on his thread on /cm/ right now.
What a great day today is.

its true
i used to really like narancia but i have acid reflex whenever i see him now because of waifu fags on this board

Giorno's slutty mom, the chick that got raped by Baby Face, Narancia

Pretty straight bro

It's not gay, but it'll awaken homolust within you

Diego is a piece of shit.

I'd think so, Giorno's pretty cunning and knows a dickhead when he meets one. He was incredibly cold and dismissive towards Polpo after he completed the lighter-test, simply using him before disposing of him. Pucci wouldn't fuck up and alienate himself as badly (or as fatally) as Polpo did but I really doubt Gio would like him much.

You can't just ignore your problems forever mane.
I'm sorry you incorrectly feel this way but in the long run I am making him better.

Diavolo tried to get rid of Passione because it was evil from the inside out and by the time HE almost got them that wretched Giorno used his evil powered up stand Gold Experience Requiem to not only Put the protagonist in a Death Loop forever but he stole his Mafia business and his duaghter.

Did he know, though?

He probably assumed Magenta just drowned, if he even knew he'd gone in the river at all.

giorno is pretty good at snuffing out the true nature of people, i have a feeling he would notice how twisted pucci is right away, especially from how he talks about his dad

Okay, true.
He's still a piece of shit for killing Wekapipo.

Yes I can! I've been ignoring my moms phone calls for years!

he's terrible but i love him

Impregnate as many white girls as he can before getting gunned down in the street