Are the normies catching on?

Are the normies catching on?

Do you think we will reject this trans bullshit before it becomes too late like in Canada?

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"trans rich" heh.

I've never met a single person who is on board with the "trans" thing even though many people I know are totally cool with homosexuality. It's generally understood in my experience that people are recognizing that the 'T' and the 'LGB' are entirely different. The Dianne Sawyer interview with Bruce "Catelyn" Jenner was the moment that most people first found themselves engaged in the national "conversation." If I could go on television and say one thing about the "trans" issue, I'd tell everyone in the media who righteously view themselves as the 4th estate or benevolent gatekeepers of knowledge to not be confused by Dianne Sawyer's sky high ratings. The country is not on board with the "trans" issue. It's not a benign aspect of the human condition like homosexuality existing on a scaled spectrum of wider human sexuality. To be trans requires a lifetime of chemical and physical therapy and years of invasive surgeries. It's anything but healthy or normal.

I know a hard core leftie that asked a 4 year old what gender they identify as

Pls nuke us

I honestly think even the most hardcore leftists believe this deep down. Its just become something you have to say or you can literally be arrested in some places.

I encourage anyone in this thread to take a look at this. It will make your blood boil.

This tranny fad disgusts me completely.
This attack on alpha males is intentional.

The entire "trans" thing is going to eventually go away. People aren't willing to accept these people the way they've come to accept homosexuals. Eventually we'll have science to back this up as a mental illness in the sense that we'll have definitive proof of why some people have these feelings. When we have this science in hand there's going to be a day of reckoning for everyone in our media-political-social thought establishment who advocated for the rights of individuals to mutilate themselves. They will be called to account for allowing this to happen.

Wtf that is insane

can i get a quick rundown

>Woman shoes a Jordan Peterson during a class lecture about pronouns
>Gets in trouble
>Might lose her job because they say she is transphobic.
>This is a recording of her trying to defend herself

shows jordan peterson video*

Cant type on my phone

Trannyfag here

Stop giving a shit fags. The harder you give a shit the more you push the agenda to fadniggers.

>Goodale confirms 60 ISIS fighters in Canada

To borrow a lefty phrase - can anyone "unpack" this? 60 unknown ISIS? Or 60 Isis knowingly but not arrested?

Archive time

oh the reintegrated ISIS people.. crazy

The school has made an official apology to her though. This whole task force bullshit in investigating showing A Jordan Peterson video to adults is retarded.

Neck yourself

That's a critical factor that is badly lacking on so many campuses. These students need to get it in their heads that they are ADULTS studying in an adult learning environment. University should indeed be safe spaces, but not in the way so many students use that term. It's a space for the respectful exchange and sharing of ideas, including some ideas that may be considered radial. It is a space for intellectual combat (if that isn't too pretentious a term or connotation) in pursuit of the best ideas.

Agreed, and that’s what the student in the recording was saying too. The university wanted to shut it down and was using the Canadian law against hate speech as an excuse to say that this conversation about trans people and pronouns has already been decided. Therefore, any opposing view is hate speech that cannot only be tolerated, but also must be eliminated. The student didn’t even agree with Peterson, but knows that the “adults” are going to experience these viewpoints outside of the university and should be exposed to them.
Also what the fuck was up with the part of the lesson she was teaching where they were constructing sentences using they pronouns? Holy shit this is what students are learning now? That’s not even a skill.

>a little overweight
>200 lbs

hahahaha enjoy life while you can you're gonna kill yourself within 15 years

You could also look deeper at the trans community. A lot of trans people are starting to have misgivings about the whole 64 gender thing. It was surprising how many trans people came to Jordan Peterson's defense.

Ten years ago, trans people believed "sex is between your legs, gender is between your ears". But nowadays, even comments like that will get you crucified because sex is an imperialistic scientific social construct or some shit like that.

I'm convinced that most people know all this stuff is bullshit.
Even the most ardent libs I work with/know are not crazy SJWs.
Not sure why we hear so much silliness in or culture.
Is it just the loudest voice that gets attention???

Sounds about right. Unfortunately it seems to takes about 15 years for this shit to surface as victims mature, and I imagine there are going to be an absolute fuckload of legal cases pertaining to these these abuses by virtue signalers in the near future. Like the hollywood scandals we see today, I expect the headlines in 2030 to be reading "My teacher told me it is ok to be a girl and it ruined my life"

How about you act sensible and stop letting your delusions be propped up by an increasingly large support structure for your bullshit. You are only the gender you were attributed with at birth, deal with it.

Get them woke to how jews ran the slave trade and became the 1% off the blood and bondage of the blacks.

most americans still have """""""some""""" remnants of anglo banter and it drives them to bully ridiculous shit like trannies

our teenagers are also outright vicious to each other and promote anti-depressants or complete marxist degeneracy is sort of self-moderated