Is ending Net Neutrality just SOPA round 2?

Is ending Net Neutrality just SOPA round 2?

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Mby, more importantly everyone is now too tired and too washed up to give a rats.

It is except for this time it will go thru

>is ending regulations the same as adding regulations?

it seems like it to me. i have plenty of energy, but what do i do with it? im powerless here

Its free market controlling the internet vs the government controlling the internet. I'll take the free market.

Sopa da Macac?

Uma Delica

Sopa de macaco? :DDD

I accept the troll because we deserve it....
But this is me with the joke, knowing it will last for a long time untill it's not cool anymore


>da gobernment
How dumb are you? The precise meaning of net neutrality is to give unbiased service. Kill yourself and your fucking retarded swiss cheese brain.

Nope. Net Neutrality IS SOPA 2 passed by Obongo. It needs to go.

Sort your fucking country out then, lad

>I'll take the free market
Good for you. Too bad you just 180'd Gen Z against us now. Commies are already milking this for all it's worth to shit on capitalism. What happens when ISPs start blocking Trump support websites. Grassroots movements will be killable with ease.
>hurr why hasn't this happened before
Verizon did block Sup Forums once you god damned newcuck.

This is a reasonable position for people who would prefer their entire internet experience to have the smoothness and quality of service they've come to expect from browsing alt-right facebook pages on their apple iFag.

>UN meme flag wants the government in control of everything.

What are you going to do about it?

>US flag is rootless uneducated mongrel

Oh wow.


What are you going to do about it? Seriously, what are you going to do to stop this from going through?

I don't necessarily care. I just want you to know that you have total dogshit for brains.
>Its free market controlling the internet vs the government controlling the internet
Shut your fucking mouth and listen to the adults. Ok?

Look around you.
This is first on the chopping block. The SJW pressure to not profit from subversive places like this will be extreme as soon as it becomes an option. Look at YouTube. There used to be an understanding. Now it's being sterilized.

What is sopa the post.

>What happens when ISPs start blocking Trump support websites

People will get a different isp, what would happen if the government blocked the website? Oh thats right, you just wouldn't see it at all, like under sopa.

No, the TPP was SOPA round 2, and I distinctly remember a deafening silence when it was going through. Never forget, never forgive.

sopa = government control
end net neutrality = who will give us the most money control

Which is better?

Try reading the op so you can be aware of what the conversation is about next time.


The Truth About 'Net Neutrality,' The Left, And Google

“ISPs can sell your browsing history” Law – FAKE NEWS

If you’ve been watching TV or on social media, you’ve heard that “Republicans are going to let Internet providers sell your browser history.”

It’s not true. Not even close.

What’s really happening is that a corrupt Google power grab from the Obama administration is being overturned.

Here’s the real history.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) until 2015 was the cop on the beat for Internet privacy, data security, and consumer protection broadly. The FTC had a well-developed framework that treated all the players the same way — Internet Service Providers (ISPs), search, advertising networks, and social media companies.

That all changed when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on a 3-2 party-line vote to adopt Barack Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet like a public utility.

That vote pre-empted the FTC’s jurisdiction and stripped Internet users of consumer protections — deliberately creating a vacuum which could then be used to shift the focus of the privacy debate to ISPs, taking the heat off Google, which has vastly more access to personal data.

The FCC took this party-line action despite warnings from the FTC that it would no longer be able to protect consumers as it had in over 100 privacy and data security cases and 150 spam and spyware cases.

FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen warned that “economists (and common sense) tell us that if different sets of rules govern competitors, companies subject to the more onerous or unpredictable regime are disadvantaged compared to those outside that regime.”

That’s precisely what happened as Google — which had an astonishing 250 personnel rotate into the Obama administration — used its stroke to hobble competitors.

Let's archive it

Even Meals on Wheels was fake news too!

>roleplaying this hard
shill detected

Trump never made fun of a handicapped reporter. that was Fake News to cover for the MSM lying about Muslims cheering on 9/11

You're living in a dream world neo.. The MSM are lying for their Globalist Banker Owners... does the 99% remember who they are fighting? Trump is a whistleblower, you missed it.. you are under the spell of the globalist bankers who have you fighting for your cage!

Rude awaking incoming..

>posting images made purely to make trump supporters look like delusional cucks
Jesus user, how much did they pay you?



>call somebody a shill because they I can't refute anything they posted
why are you guys brigading Sup Forums over this net neutrality garbage? was is the purpose? nobody's buying it.

>>posting images made purely to make trump supporters look like delusional cucks
>Jesus user, how much did they pay you?
again you don't actually refute anything he said, you just throw insults around

clearly you have no argument and you have lost

kill yourself

>post nothing but fabricated sources pulling news out their ass for clicks
i-i-i-i swear im not promoting my forbes page.