I recently learned of the best law to be passed in California in a while. At sets us on the glorious path of drug decriminalization/legalization.

>Proposition 47 now reduces all drug possession charges to a misdemeanor
>as long as you don't get caught by the feds, you cant get a felony charge for simple drug possession
>misdemeanor means 1 year max in jail. Most likely just community service, probation, or a fine.
>does this for some theft and fraud charges too i think.

This applies to cocaine, meth, heroin, and LSD. As long as you only buy small ammounts, it's unlikely youll see jail time of more than a week or so until you get caught several times over and over. If you don't drive high, which you shouldnt as you risk others lives, and don't act like an ass in public it's kind of hard to get caught.

Any other cali bros know about this law? I'm so happy i discovered it. Our state got less shitty. We have the best drug laws in the nation now. And theres a ballot initiative going around to decriminalize the possession, use, sale, and cultivation of magic mushrooms. If it gets enough people to sign it, we'll basically have "legalize mushrooms" on the 2018 ballot.

Mexicans gonna bend taco shells.

Drugs could all be free and California would still be hell.

Bring back the 2nd amendment and lower the taxes

Why do you dislike it in Cali?

I think it's pretty decent here if a bit expensive. At least in my city.

2nd amendment

not a bad idea if you also put fentanyl in all the drugs so the degenerates all die off.


>a bit expensive
You either still live with your parents or your at least 30 minutes from your nearest big box stores.
I'm in Monterey county now and I've lived all over CA my whole life (40yo).
>Ain't nothin cheap here if you live near civilization.

I'd rather it be expensive and have high taxes then get shoved into prison for 5-7 years for having some drugs in texas or somewhere.

Bro if you can't figure out how to hold your drugs so you don't get caught, maybe you shouldn't be doing drugs in the first place. It ain't hard.
Decriminalization of all drugs is stupid.
You telling me you're cool about meth dealers now? That them tweakers are OK people?
You're a fuckin idiot.

So what is it, you still live with your parents or are you put in the sticks?

it's too hot. the sun sucks. it's gross seeing people with their shirts off. makes me think of them pooping. everyone unironically has cancer and is a mutant.

Hopefully more Californians will OD and die because of this.

Great, the absolute one thing California needs is more people who don't make good choices, messing with more drugs. It's not like we have a homeless crisis here, where 90% of them are drug addled or mentally ill, probably made worse by doing drugs.

And what fly-over state do you reside?
>Fuckin hillbilly

No it's not stupid. It's unjust to jail people for simply having drugs or being high on them.

I'm fine with meth users that can behave when on it and dont act violent, steal, rape, or do other things.

I live in California. This place is Hell.

I don't agree with the poz laws and tranny pronoun laws but I sure as hell agree with this one.

I fucking hate it here. Everyone is rude as fuck, the state taxes you out the ass for fucking everything. The weather sucks cock, and so do the un godly amounts of faggots. I cant stand this fucking shit hole and everyone in it. I voted for Hillary hoping for a Nuclear War and I was denied so now all I have left is the fucking super quake that hasnt happened yet.

>drive high

Nice try fag. I drive high all the time for the past 2 years and never got in accident... Unlike degernate alcohol would.

Stick to weed. Hard drugs lead down the path to the dark side!