T-Rex na Kanojo

Has anyone else on here been reading this?

You'd be better off trying to discuss it in the Monster Musume thread.
But yeah, it's pretty cute. It's a shame Raptor Scans has been without a translator for a few months.

Might as well post the pages in case a passing user wants to translate them









And that's it. Hopefully a TL shows up before 7Seas gets around to their release.

Appreciated man.

I feel this manga is different enough to separate it from monster musume, this one gives you this warm calm vibe.


It's cute but the MC's obvious self-insertedness is kind of annoying.

>I'm just your average guy
>A needy and half retarded monstergirl fell on my lap
>She is totally co-dependent, isn't that cute?
>Also I'm secretly an ex-badass fighter don't tell anyone

Also the gold-digging raptor best girl.

The "totally not mgg" is super autistic about discussing other manga.

Isn't gold digger falling in love with someone?

I think she's physically incapable of loving anyone other than herself.

Is that autist ELH's name out of the credits yet?
That fucker tried to used the autistic form of gay-dar to insult me, "You're acting fucking autistic, and I would know since I have autism"
Got banned because I had a fight with his girl mod in private and I guess he thinks he'll get some poon by being a gaylord, I can't stand to see such a flaming autist's name at the end of every chapter.

>The "totally not mgg" is super autistic
All you needed to type

Nah, she's totally falling for Yuuma's bro, she just doesn't realize.

Your entire post screams of autism, and I would know I make fun of autistic people on vietnamese sandpainting boards.