Reserved space for nihilistic jackasses

Black pill, the ultimate peace in this filthy degenerated shithole of a world.

anyone else?

is anime black pilled?

gay pilled

Come home white man

If you accepts your death than their is no difference between news and anime.

I don’t have hope in the world and if I died tomorrow I’d be fine with it. I don’t believe there is a black pill, just someone overdosing in red oils and discovering that it’s not the world that cares too much, but them. The black pill is you caring too much and realizing others don’t give a fuck. Watch society raze itself and be comfy

If god is real, he would have put an end to this degenerate fiasco we call the human race long ago..

we are forever stuck in an endless cycle of hell.

with 5 pound of C4 tied to my body.

>Black pill, the ultimate peace in this filthy degenerated shithole of a world.

life is story told by an idiot full of sound a fury signifying nothing

A magical blackpilled genie appears and presents you with 3 choices:

1. Everyone dies on earth but you.

2. The sun disappears forever.

3. The milky way galaxy disappears forever.

Whaddya choose?