Agree #FreeCynthiaBrown
The jury didn't buy her bullshit story and neither will I
Just watch the documentary you bigot. You are racist and dumb lmao.
Of course we can't have the sex slaves in open revolt. They need this object lesson if any other child whores get uppity. This is not a race thing. It is a slave thing.
They call them the vaginal Jew for a reason when they make up dumb stories like these.
Why?, bitch got what she disserved
>elite pedos buying a shitskin slave
Literally never happens. Hope she enjoys her life in prison.
That whole story reeks of bullshit. You dont send someone to the fucking pen for their entire lives for a single murder like that, especially when evidence suggests it was somewhat defensive. In reality shed get 20 tops.
Story seems quite credible and pardonable.