does anyone here browse /lit/? Apparently we've been gaining a lot of influence on that board and the /lit/izens are pissed off about it
Does anyone here browse /lit/...
links? The board always sounded right up my alley but I hated their liberal smugness.
Everyone will fall in line eventually.
it used to be that way but I've been seeing more threads about Sup Forums related books
the way I see it Sup Forums is unconquerable. They are the only ones more chaotic than us. /lit/ was an easy target because it's a slow board and we're probably the only other board that makes reading lists. Oh and JBP is being spammed all over /lit/ and it's hilarious
I might have to lurk there a bit. What kind of Sup Forums books are they talking about?
I was on lit for a while, not much came of it. mostly bored college kids
Not on 4chinz. But I'd guess the schizos that have been entering from reddit and the media coverage are posting really bizarre readings of interweb favourites like slaughterhouse 5, fight club, cat's cradle, brave new world, and 1984, or calling everything propaganda.
like Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Evola, Culture of Critique, Solzhenitsyn, JBP
Sup Forums is everywhere.
huh. I might go there. Is it like the other boards where you don't mention you are from Sup Forums?
what is this?!
it really is. Especially after the election
they will probably assume you're from Sup Forums. They've been complaining a lot about Sup Forums crossposters lately
lurk moar, bucko
How about you just go to the board yourself you lazy jackass.
I'll pretend I'm an oldfag there, just like I pretend to be an english teacher.
Suck my tiny uncut penis
i do but if you start posting there please bring more than the standard pol tropes. so if you're gonna be right wing, be so in an informed way
Fuck, two lines in and it's the same net neutrality shit that is fucking up this board. I swear to god.....
I like to browse /lit/ but I don't post there very often. It's too slow
>Apparently we've been gaining a lot of influence on that board and the /lit/izens are pissed off about it
What books have been gaining traction, user?
I looked at the catalog for /lit/, and there was the same spammy net neutrality thread that is here over and over again in row two.
They're the niggers of Sup Forums after all
All clay is Sup Forums clay.
They got colonised by SRS back in the day, turned it into a lefty shithole
I thought we were gaining on Sup Forums.
In a thread about why jews took over Disney I got banned for posting the CNN pic, yet the thread wasnt banned. Seems posting facts and discussing them is bannable similar to posting black crime stats.
From IRC one of the higher up mods named user seems to be keeping range lists of those who post anything contrary to his own personal political beliefs and banning them en masse when given the chance for review once a ban is submitted.
This is the same mod who also was enforcing the ban on discussing the neogaf meltdown on Sup Forums saying they should go to Sup Forums until we got Hiro to get involved.
We may need to make Hiro aware once against about this trend to step in and correct this action of being able to speak the truth in relevant threads only to be banned because of your opinion. Notice my ban was due to possible racism, but facts are not racism, thats like saying black crime stats are racism.
On April 1st, the admins/mods thought it was a good idea to merge /fit/ and /lit/. That was when the red pill started happening.
Jordan B Peterson
Prolly because the only books you fags ever recommend are ayn rands works, 1984 and the chow mein. How many times am supposed to read that shit pol? Recommend some new shit.
>we've been gaining a lot of influence on that board and the /lit/izens are pissed off about it
You can say the same thing about /x/, back to back memetic synchronicity here and they can't even summon a single semen demon. You can bet they're pissed.
Politics aren't supposed to be discussed outside of Sup Forums. You got banned because you literally broke the rules.
does anyone here browse /sci/? Apparently we've been gaining a lot of influence on that board and the /sci/entists are pissed off about it
yea, i post on lit, sci, his and int. sometimes tv and g as well. please don't post on lit with memes. it's best to argue in paragraphs because it is a slow board.
>post pseudo-science
>wonder why non-redditors get mad at you
Never heard of this faggots.
Lit mad. pic related
From what the poster is saying, the thread wasnt banned and was about How the Jews took over Disney an entertainment corp or Sup Forums corp. The only users banned were those who explained why, the thread was not removed, nor were any other users banned who posted calling it anti-semite etc, only people who named them were banned.
This is the same as the mentioned neogaf meltdown which the same mod did not want discussed due to his personal politics on Sup Forums saying it wasnt vidya related at all. Hiro disagreed and if your a mod posting then you would know what will happen if he needs to step in again due to the same behavior of mods using their admin abilities to pick sides in discussions on an imageboard rather than let them organically take place.
We'll win eventually.
We'll saturate those boards so completely that eventually it'll be completely intolerable for anyone left-leaning to stay.
/lit/ is fucking cringey. I enjoy literature, I enjoy reading but any fag that takes their hobby too seriously is getting gassed. No more discussion necessary.
Last time I was there I saw one of them judge a guy for reading Thomas Sowell.
Forums need persistent IDs, upvoting, and opinion curation to keep Internet forums left-leaning. Right wing opinions are positively correlated with anonymity. When idea are the only thing exchanged, right wing ideas always win. This annoys the people who want /lit/ to be a leftist reading room. It's funny watching them try to apply their undergrad consensus rhetoric to attempt to shut down threads on right wing authors only to realize they're not in the university English department anymore.
>post race and IQ thread on /sci/
>300 posts every time
>post science that debunks the climate change myth on /sci/
>alarmists get triggered, 300 posts every time
It's been the plan all along user.
the Sup Forums vs /lit/ schism is just the continuation of dis vs /lit/ war
>Apparently we've been gaining a lot of influence on that board and the /lit/izens are pissed off about it
anons have been coming from Sup Forums saying the same
Sup Forums has become the zeitgeist
Fuck /lit; /fit is where it's at. Most are right wing, but it feels like a constant battleground. Like try to say nigger there
i'm fucking obliterated rn user. Pic related
/fit/ has become such an r9k/random board and it's slow too. Sad since it was the best. Still is but you know.
Well, don't try it at home. I'm what you might call a professional.
i went to fit one time, but it seemed like it was mostly homosexuals and other degenerates. i saw some tripfag named "Trappyfag" or something and left immediately.
I just go to T nation forums now
>spend countless hours in a gym
>still get shot and die
being /fit/ is the biggest blue pill
Fucking Americanos, sometimes I get reminded that fat people browse this place and leave for about a weak out of disgust.
Pls don't go to /lit/. I'm a Sup Forumslack but come on goys let's keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums and /lit/ on /lit/.
>Sup Forums is implementing digital Lebensraum
we are TV is very heavily red pilled
no. fuck you and fuck your precious /lit/ hippie nigger club
Any cia niggers ? still lmao
nigger the sad part is /shit/ would only benefit from a Sup Forums raid to breathe some life in the dead board
like what are you even accomplishing by posting in /lit/ while sperging the fucm out anything "Sup Forums" wanders into your shallow feebleminded worldview that you use fantasy erotica to escape from the reality of your inconsequential existence in it
meanwhile Sup Forums says a thing and it becomes world news overnight
Sup Forums raiding you or giving you any attention would be out of pity for you
Honestly I'm not familiar with /lit/. Is it a good opportunity to turn my English language and psyop skills into convincing ppl to kill pedos and Jews?
What psychologically happens is that by bettering yourself through hardship and suffering you start appreciating more men doing so also and get tired of girls not trying their best in this broken world. This is why fit hates 'nu-males' or 'soy boys' or whatever more than any board, because those men don't work towards betterment. Most guys on fit would rather have a cute Moose than a trap or buff guy, it's just half joking and half seriousness.
All women are circus clowns or trannies. You'll never convince me otherwise.
I just want to decorate ginger bread cookies with her
Focus on just jews, their taking over everything. Pedos cause problems but their not running banks and the corps who are funding the pedos.
We need to treat the disease focusing on the jews, and the symptoms later. Just like any other medical condition, the Jews are a cancer upon this planet.
That actually sounds like some good wholesome fun.
Good fuck /lit/
I'm an aut/o/bot and I'm not really sure what level we're in. But kike practices and nigger behavior are well known since we know about the value of cars and the treatment of their respective owners. At the same time, there are real life meetings with blacks involved.
It really depends.
I can focus on the Jews and the pedos equally. They're mostly one and the same.
Shes a swedish 5, i think not
It does annoy me that a lot of Sup Forumsacks don't put in the effort to read even within their own political arena. Nietzsche/Evola should be mandatory desu, sick of seeing people talk about "liberalism" and "tradition" but are so narrow in their understanding that "tradition" to them is 1950's consumer culture and liberalism is whatever the SJWs are up to on that day.
>I can focus on the Jews and the pedos equally. They're mostly one and the same.
Your not wrong, but focus on Jews. Adding literally anything is what they will lead all convos towards and discussion and away from jews. That is what jews do with heir sneaky tricks, look at any storm thread and notice how they tend to steer threads towards hating blacks or muslims, and always ALWAYS away from the one race causing the worlds problems, the Jews.
Dont give the enemy the ammo, keep it simple and clean like a sniper and focus your shots making each post as deadly as possible against the jews. Im with ya brother.
Sup Forums has influence in most of the non-porn/cartoon boards
What's the latest and greatest in literature?
I haven't read in a while
Sup Forums is basically just Sup Forums-lite now. Obviously though being a blue board people are not meant to be railing on the jews in a serious manner off of this board so of course a random mod is going to ban you.
>cat's cradle
This is the most autistic book I've ever read. An old friend who went full commie eventually gave it to me in HS. It forces retarded memes like bokononism because MUH DEEP
Another tinfoil hat conspiracy…Yawn
We all know it's people riding off of the back of colonialism and corporate domination that rule our society, exerting power through problematic privilege.
You really its some consortium of Jews? Fucking commie nutters need to get a job
I got a copy of Ezra Pound's cantos. Am I retarded if i don't understand a lot of what he's getting at, when he references things and some of his phraseology? It was recommended here.
FBI pls go.
/lit/ used to be the most leftist board on Sup Forums so if it's becoming right wing that's a shock
anyways i don't care what it becomes. every board deserves to choose it's own destiny.
Fuck off JIDF
>Dropping redpill seeds into unsuspecting minds
Go play some Dota Din jävla gubbe.
numerals noted
/lit/ and /his/ are just leftypol
I'm willing to bet that /lit/ is where the oldfags of Sup Forums are immigrating
This has always been the way of the chan. I immigrated to Sup Forums after Sup Forums became too cancerous. Maybe it's time I move on eh?
It doesn't help that every time someone posts an NRx thread, pollocks just say "Moldbug. Jew". Whatever you think of his conclusions, his footnotes provide one of the best right wing reading lists available on the entire Internet. It's gotten so bad that I was even shitposted at for trying to get people to watch Jonathan Bowden videos. He gave an hour talk on Savitri Devi and esoteric Hilterlism for fucks sake, and yet somehow even natsocs can't be bothered to tune in.
The influx of new blood since Trump's election has been an intellectually retarding influence. The literary core of these ideas is never going to be mainstream public knowledge, but anyone who claims to be an activist of any kind needs to understand these things beyond the surface level or they're of no use to anyone, and will just move with the winds like everyone else. You can't lead something you don't even understand. One reason Sup Forums ideas have gone to /lit/ is probably because it's the only place that older pollocks can discuss ideas beyond memes, and trumposting.
Too many of the 16 to 22 year olds here just want to shitpost and trigger their leftist classmates. They're not intellectually curious. They're just pissed off. That's fine, but it's not enough.
/polo/ is still on imo
between trucks of peace, dodge challengers, reviewbrah priuses, and GAS GAS GAS i think it's a hard pair to beat
Immigrate back to the reddit Sup Forumstard
>I'm willing to bet that /lit/ is where the oldfags of Sup Forums are immigrating
>One reason Sup Forums ideas have gone to /lit/ is probably because it's the only place that older pollocks can discuss ideas beyond memes, and trumposting.
>Sup Forums
>the jews are totally oppressing us they control everything after all
>the whites are totally oppressing us they control everything after all
defense rest
It used to be pretty vacant. A few Noam Chomsky fanboys pretty much lived there, and that was about it, but it does look like it's changed quite a bit.
Yeah, but Sup Forums is the spawning pool for the rest of Sup Forums. They can either spec Sup Forums or /r9k/ from there.
Sup Forums is the spawning pool now desu
why are people talking about jews and pedos as if they are not the same thing?