Another day another carniecuck being exposed for the cowardly idiot he really is.
Can this man ever be stopped??
Xavier Ross
Ian Lee
It's funny because VG is feminine af.
Benjamin Collins
you're a special kind of stupid
Hunter Rivera
his face and his voice are extremely feminine, you can't deny this
John Wright
nigga look like a wii avatar lmoa
Nicholas Myers
He's legit mental though and a horrible representative for the plant-based argument
James Wood
Veganism is an eating disorder. Eating disorders are mental disorders. PJW is also faggot.
Dominic Gutierrez
He should change his name to bicep gains since that is the only thing about him that grows. the rest of his body looks fucked up
Cameron Anderson
this guy pumps soy into his anus. just listen to his voice
Gabriel Ross
Lol, his fucking neck to.