Why Leftists Always Win

Thoughts on this video?

Nail right on the fucking head honestly. Ostracism is a funny though, it's a matter of who hits who with it first. I've gone on dates with a lot of socialists lately (believe me not my choice, just a somewhat attractive girl). Immediately when we get into politics and they tell me their political view points. I tell them about Venezuela, and that Hillary is responsible for the open market slave trade in Libya when they actually had a fairly good life before...yet they still support the left, and therefore an awful person and I can't associate with them. They just breakdown, cry, and plead ignorance. If you do this, you always get a crazy amount of calls, texts. They themselves cant handle it, and that's why they really shame anyone on the right attempting to do this.

When he's describing the weakness of the cuckservative he's describing his pal cuckold Crowder to a T. I wonder if he'll ever mention it to him...

>tfw we're not actually the Nazis

>it's another Sup Forums brainlets think liberals are left-wing thread

I think social ostracism is a strategy that just benefits the leftist strategy more than the rightist strategy.

Right wingers don't want to destroy society/social institutions... leftists do.

Right wingers want to lead people back into the social order.

Ostracism is counterproductive to what right wingers want.

Yet the left will want order when shit hits the fan and they have nothing remaining that will provide them food or safety.

Do they honestly think their so called "Revolution" will yield any fruitful results? They will just be executed first once the day comes.

He forgot to mention that Leftists have all the institutional and organizational support.

>be Alt-Lite who supports open borders
>wonder why leftists control your government

Now we should want to destroy the institutions because they are no more sound and in accordance with our principles.

By American standards, Liberals are left wing even if they're the same as neo-cons when it comes to foreign affairs. Even Libtards aren't stupid enough to be Socialists

t. brainlet


Molymeme doesn't support open borders dumb fuck.

Are you dumb? We were experts at ostracism.

He's right.

Fuck American standards

He's right and we need to start doing the same.

He's literally said in a previous video that if you play your enemy's games that you win them for them, but now he justifies this idea because he's a disgusting crypto-fascist undermining libertarianism.

Stephanie Manure is an AIDS infested AIDS faggot... and a Leaf to boot.. Fuck him. I hope he dies in crushing poverty, begging on the fucking street.

well said

>Stephanie Manure is an AIDS infested AIDS faggot
>well said
You sound like a couple of retards. Shills.

Is that bald arrogant excuse of an academic still a thing?

Sure is shareblue in here.

Is it hard typing with one hand while you're stroking Mohammed's cock there cuck?

He's right, but still omits a lot of the reasons.

>Sure is shareblue in here.
It's almost like Molymeme struck a nerve or something

Molymeme has no right to complain because he relies on eristic style to argue