Mexi/pol/ General - Not an actual General Edition

Let's discuss Mexican politics with the rest of Sup Forums
Elections are coming and meme magic is boiling

A m l o is our only savior. He'll guide us to prosperity and destroy corruption once and for all.

I wish I could nuke your country tonight. I would if I could.

t. Ecuatorian who hates Mexicans.

>meme flag
Nice try, Israel

>yet another puñetas that cant speak english

Just nuke us senpai

tbqh i dont know shit about Mexican politics, can someone red pill me?

Just stay away from Obrador/Morena, he is a Chavez/Maduro socialist, he likes to suck Chinese dick, and that is a bad thing, sucking American cock is better

I don't know what's going on down there besides lots of drugs and murders, but I hope you guys can get something good going to start making headway against it. Good luck bros.

AMLO nuestro señor y salvador ganara y no hay nada que puedan hacer al respecto

la verda la verda el PAN puede culpar a la Margarita por este pedote, van a terminar autosaboteandose y va a ser enteramente su problema

si tuviera oportunidad votaba por el Anaya

pero prefiero al peje al pri otra vez, no puede ser tan malo

Fuck off spic