>101-20 winning record against Gin
Just how insanely strong is this nigga?
>101-20 winning record against Gin
Just how insanely strong is this nigga?
Stronger than Gin weaker than Azami
The winning dish will be cooked by Souma and Erina together. It will break Azami's hold on her and btfo Megumifags for all eternity.
Almost everything gonna get reveal soon.
No 2nd year confirmed. This is it folks.
We all know that Souma's mom will be proto-Megumi.
I find it funny Takumi and Megumi are the ones ready to fuck some shit up while Souma is in deep thoughts and Erina is still kinda brainwashed.
Reminder that Rindou will side with the rebels and face Eishi
I love a confident Megumi. Looks good on her
Granted it's never going to happen, but consider the following.
>Team Yukihira loses
>Jou joins team Azami
>Souma gets expelled
>Souma can't go back to Yukihira diner since it no longer exists under the terms of the match
What now?
Go full hobo.
>Granted it's never going to happen,
>let's make it into our second year
>No second year
The only way this doesn't happen is the series gets axed.
Would be funny if it happened after the rebel side already lost. Then out of nowhere Rindou just declares a shokugeki against Eishi even though they're on the same team.
How can she be so sexy and cute at the same time ?
I have a feeling Azami won't let Rindou participate for his team because he's afraid she will fuck around and cost them a loss. Then, Rindou, not wanting to miss out on the fun, will ask the Rebels to join their team. Her reasoning will be that if Eishi is participating, only she will be able to defeat him. There's no way Souma can grow enough in a few months after getting destroyed by Eishi, even with new training.
If Eishi participates, then I don't see how the Rebels win. There is no way in hell they can win, even with Erina. Also, it Tsukuda does give them an asspull win against Eishi, that's going to be really bad for the power gap since it means the 1st years are already the best in the school, which would be lame and make all of the 2nd year E10 members irrelevant going forward.
So Azami would know Jou will train these guys right? What's stopping Azami from training the seats so they'd stomp the good guys, especially since Azami is just salivating at the thought of his beloved senpai being on his team?
The seats probably have huge egos and won't want to change their style according to Azami's, probably.
I'd say Azami is about on par with Gin more or less.
He is too busy thinking what he will do with him.
The gap is way too big. I always thought they were almost going to be 50/50 (too cliche i guess?)
Though now Gin's first seat looks like trash.
>officially number 2
>actually stronger all along
>Rindou's powerlevel still unknown
It's going to happen isn't it?
Truly, the best girl
It's most definitely going to happen. This chapter settled it.
Rindou is in fact more powerful than the Paladin and is in reality the true end boss.
Is it wrong that I want to smell Erina's butt?
Ya know what makes it worse is that it's confirmed that most of the matches Jou lost was because he fucked around.
Like, maybe he was so good, he just decided he'd experiment and fuck around cuz he knew he'd stomp everyone if he stuck to his specialty.
Man, and Soma cooked under this guy for 12 years. He's going to be a monster by the time he reaches his 3rd year.
Perfectly normal.
But Jo said he only taught Souma techniques relevant to the diner, not really any super gourmet shit. If he had, he would probably be Erina level genius.
>Ya know what makes it worse is that it's confirmed that most of the matches Jou lost was because he fucked around.
No way he'd be fucking around against his rival.
Thought Souma's mom is dead
Is it just me or does young Azami looks super cute?
Yeah I really hope this is not the case and that his losses were just to other chumps.
Gin has been shamed enough already, pity matches would be too sad.
Nothing. Conflict resolves as a tragedy, series ends and pisses the readers off.
Storywriting-wise, the biggest problem I see with the series is that the characters are put into situations where the writer has no choice but to have them win. It makes the victory itself kinda bland.
Also I fucking hate it when character development gets cliffhangers; I don't wanna wait a week to learn more about Saiba
Definitely prime /ss/ material.
From thumbnail i thought it was that newspaper club kid.
He looks like a fucking nerd.
How could someone so cute become so edgy as an adult.
I bet Jou mind broke him with his food.
Could be like alice and dog's case where alice used to curbstomp dog when they were little but now they're almost even. Maybe jou's losses happened when he first met doujima
And look at the result, he's already one of the best chefs in the whole school in just his first year alone. And now that the stakes are so high, I bet Jo is going to teach him some secret Yukihira technique.
So are these Megumi, Erina and Takumi from the past?
Were they even rivals?
What if Doujima to Jou is like Takumi to Souma? i.e. The rivalry only exists in Doujima's mind, but Jou honestly gives no fucks?
From fuckboy to edgy man. I sure as hope the hype leading up to Jouichirou's change is worth it.
> the world of cooking Jouichirou saw was different from the rest of Tootsuki
> went around the world to experience different flavors and cooking styles
>Rindou doing the same thing with the shops during the crescent moon festival
Well it's supposed to be the Knight and the Dragon relationship, so wasn't there always a possibility? How many times does the Knight ever actually beat the Dragon 1 on 1? Only happens when there's a Princess to rescue.
Well, they are their respective best friends. Until Jou decided to fuck off and never called him again.
Azami is nothing like Erina personality wise as a kid; given how much he looked up to Jou, he seems more like Mitsuru (The newspaper guy from the Tournament arc).
Soma's Mom is going to be the Erina.
They'll make it one minute into their second year which will be the final page of all of them going to classes.
Reminder that Rindou is best girl of the entire show.
Did anyone else feel like Soma's victory over Hayama was shallow? I mean Hayama was completely out of it for the fight and not in prime condition, it'd be infuriating if that's supposed to be the final win against his rival and the manga actually ends with them just entering their second year.
I have a feeling that Azami is mad because Jou dropped everything to cook for Soma's mom.
He is just jealous, isn't he.
>Soma beats Eishi to tie up the results.
>Eishi: "Since when were you under the impression that I was the best in the Elite 10?"
> "Rindou appears. "Menacing SFX"
>Did anyone else feel like Soma's victory over Hayama was shallow?
Yes, it was.
I don't really care. Fuck Pajeet.
Gin turned out to be a jobber.
Sasuga with that body design.
If so, Saiba is Cucking Chief. First Azami, then son.
This is some Kubo tier shit right here.
I can clearly see it happening though.
Will Megumi and Italian even win one battle or will they get carried by Soma, Erina, and TBA?
Tsukuda isn't this shit at writing a plot.
Where's Royal when you need him?
I think at least one of them will make it to the secon round.
Just because Jou is better than Gin doesn't mean Gin is a jobber.
I can see it happening. Rindou resembles Gin in some way. Calling for Souma x Rindou.
The new chapter is already out and translated.
>Rindou resembles Gin in some way
Literally how. You mean Jouchiro?
There was also that special chapter when Rindou and autism were kids.
IIRC she said she won't aim higher than first seat to give him the first seat.
Eishi is such an egotist, I doubt he considers Rindou better even if she really is. Not to mention Souma beating Eishi would involve the largest ass pull on the planet.
Theres two new elites who climbed on central jobbers. The umis can take em.
Another training arc.
Oh well, in this manga, training arcs are always better than the tournament arcs.
I don't know how the writer did it but he did. He should have gone full slice of life with this manga from the get go.
He's at least the second best Chef in the manga.
Nah it'd be
>Erina beats Eishi by out-perfecting him
>Rindou beats Erina by taking her hands out of her pockets
>Souma beats Rindou by finally perfecting his peanut butter squid dish
If they are paired with them, then Souma will have to take on an actual E10. I doubt he gets paired with Eizan again, but it's possible. Maybe the Sword guy, but that dude is the 5th seat and Souma barely beat Eizan, who wasn't trying. I could see Erina vs Sword Guy for Hisako revenge.
Still banking on a 7 v 7
Eishi/Momo/Somei/Nene/Eizan/New E10/New E10
And Rindo will be the wild card in some way
How many rounds do you think this will have?
Well Jou is apparently going to give them a power up such that they can beat the e10. Based on how the match works, all the Azami team has to be beaten by someone.
I'm betting on Kuga losing first round, the guy will directly go to Eishi.
If it's Megumi vs Momo I'd actually rather Momo win.
I want his boipussy.
I actually see Momo facing Tosuke and losing due to the fact that she most likely took his former seat
Doujin where edgy older Azami rape his own innocent younger self when?
Technically speaking, how do you even refine your cooking skills?
>Alice exists only to Worf
Feels bad man
Did I miss the thread or was there literally 0 hype for the new chapter?
We already had one thread that reached 500
yfw we will finally get to see Soumas mother in this flashback arc
Azami confirmed gay for Jou.
Alice also exists for me to spill semen over.
Jou is pretty cool and all, but I feel that the author is self-inserting here, given how almost everyone is willing to fellate him. I had hoped Gin to be a match, pity he turned out to he such a fuccboi
Even Jun would dominate him
Wait, Jun is THAT old? She is from Jou's generation?
What the fuck? Isn't she basically Hayama's mom?
I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for you.
>Erina beats Eishi by out-perfecting him
lmao no
>Rindou beats Erina by taking her hands out of her pockets
She wouldn't even need to.
>Souma beats Rindou by finally perfecting his peanut butter squid dish
Seems actually legit, it'd be the most fun she's ever had eating something.
I'm almost certain this was at least two years ago. Someone do the Geass slowpoke thing.
Erina definitely has a higher ceiling than Eishi and now she's getting trained by her idol.
Alright, first of all that's not how chefs even work. There's no such thing as chef powerlevels at the level they're at. All of them are approaching world class.
Second off, a higher ceiling don't mean shit when you realize Eishi is far fucking ahead of her right this moment.
Third off, training don't mean shit because like I said last thread Jou doesn't have enough time to drill them to godhood. All he can do is iron out their problems, give them pointers, maybe a quick rundown of higher-level tips and tricks they haven't learned yet or that he personally picked up while travelling, and maybe show them a dish or two. He doesn't have months to strengthen them.
More than 3 years.
Post a slowpoke in three years then I guess, even the fucking Geass slowpoke isn't slow enough for this.
This is the power of spices.
He looks just like Erina.