KFI Red pilled me even further. I'm now an avid listener

KFI Red pilled me even further. I'm now an avid listener.
most of californias stations are all liberal crap like NPR. KFI is one of the last bastions of sane talk especially Jon and Ken. Jon and ken drop the red pill daily. Tim conway jr has the best commentary on current events and everything. gary and shannon are based af and Handel on the law points out how idiotic people are when they want to sue without a case. KFI is the best station here in California where they have free speech and can have different political views. Any California bros feel that this is /ourstation/?

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good goy

>Jon and Ken
>drop the redpill
Boomers go home.

Nice try Jerry Brown shill

>muh local conservative talk radio station

Nobody else lives in your shitty region, so we have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

one of the non liberal stations in the los angeles. A lot of people who live here need to wake up in LA.

Avid KFI listener here. I'm with you on that, brother

Ya'll need Brother Stair (Scare).

John and Ken were a lot more anti illegal immigrant before they got cucked by some Mexican boycott a few years back. Ken is gay its a secret.

>Bill Handle
Bill is a real life moron. He went completely liberal insane during the Obama election in 2008. Cucked on guns and said let in all the illegals "his dad was a moron for doing it the legal way. Oh by the way he was a cocain user years ago.

>Bryan Suits (Dark Secret Place)
He is the only reasonable one there. Told me nobody at the station owns a gun so big surprise the never know what they are talking about on that issue.

in a sea of insane people who want to be degenerate listening feels like therapy whenever they call people like that out. like lavar ball being a nig, no one is defending them there. or when the gas tax went up, they pointed out how its just blatant screwing us over. keep listening brother, commie doctrine is everywhere now and this is one of the stations who dont play along with the degenerates.