Why are millennials still living at home with their parents?
Why are millennials still living at home with their parents?
They fell for the college meme and now they’re all fucked
I like money more than a tiny bit more independence.
They have no jobs.
10 years ago a home in my town was 100k, now it is 400-500k. Millennials are being priced out of the housing market due to increased housing taxes to fund socialist programs. This is largely the case in Washington, I am not so sure about other states.
have asian parents, tiger mu. am in college want to move out but forces me to live there until i get married. conservative parents but im gay send help pls
You need to be asking the parents of millennials this question.
I have a good job (>45k) for a few months now but my parents legit have no friends and they'd guilt trip the fuck out of me if I moved since I work close to our house and they keep telling me I should save up for grad school.
They love them and understand the importance of the family.
The 1500 a month i save by not needing an apartment is paying off my student loans, and i have some left over to invest on robinhood (im up ~20k) and spend on my based as fuck hot gf who doesnt care that i live at home bc im putting more money in the bank to one day spend on kids.
Hows your apartment, you shit eating faggots?
I am a millennial (born in 1995). I'm a senior at college and I stay with my parents because I'm minimizes cost. I am 70k in debt from my business degree and I need to save all of the money I can.
I want to raise children with Soe.
I love these threads, please keep spamming them
Why do you guys always post pics of this bitch in millennial threads?
Why are (((landlords))) charging 1600 a month for a studio?
Oh wait, it's all millenials fault I forgot. Can't question the boomers. Can't have that now can we?
Remember fuck over the millennials and then blame them for why they're fucked over.
Works every time goyim.
I'm 23 years old and I'm moving out in January after two and a half years of living at home and working full time. I have $60k in savings and no debt and I also helped my mom with her bills during a hard time for her financially.
That's why I did it. Got tired of my mom though. Her situation has improved and now I want to move. Also my new apartment will be only a couple of miles from where I work.
I don't regret doing it. I managed to save up a safety net that most people my age don't have. There's nothing wrong with moving out right after college but I don't think there's anything wrong with going back home and saving money especially if you're working and not totally useless with chores and shit.
Good for you user, instead of having 60k saved up I have that much dealt from school.
How mdid ch does your job pay a year?
Because they don't believe in themselves
My mom tried pulling this with me too. I think I could manage grad school if I wanted but I don't want to go back to school.
>Why are millennials still living at home with their parents?
Because your mother is a dirty whore.
Also immigration inflates rental prices, so it's harder to save a down payment if renting.
They charge that in overpriced cities fuckface, the last apartment I had in NC was ~800 square feet, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, laundry room, living room, and kitchen, water bill included and it was $750 a month.
So when I first started I was making $45k/yr, then I got a promotion and some raises and now make $60k/yr + an annual bonus.
I just moved to Alberta with a B-pressure welding ticket and 15k sitting in the bank, I'm paying 700 for a bachelor suite in the middle of a bunch of universities. I'm going to be swimming in it.
Because you can't buy a house for 75k anymore....fuck you mean....even with a good paying job and half a mill in the bank, I want to retire early and enjoy some of my youth by being free... not being a bald 60 year old indentured servant who gets a carvel cake and a bag of fucking skittles on my 40th workiversary and lives out my sickest years festering through endless illnesses.... gunna be 35 surrounded by bitches in bikinis doing my thing with a cool 3 millie
My brother moved out a year after he got his mba. He lives in an apartment 10 minutes away from my parents. I’m still in college
Living on your own is expensive, and less and less millennials are in active relationships.
>all these fucking newfags replying to this rehashed garbage
I'm going to live here my entire life.
Because there is no way to live on your own without co-habiting with others in an shared apartment.
I got a full-time job at 14 to help save them from foreclosure. The house and property is 40% mine why would I move out?
Because they have liberal parents
At least your housing prices aren't being increased due to your leaders selling out the country to the Chinese
Lazy communists who think that the world owes them everything they want. They are an embarrassment.
I worked as a construction labourer during the summers in between my college years.
I was the only British person on the site apart from the engineer & site manager.
The rest were all Bulgarian, Romanian, Albanian and Polish. They were paid the same as me.
While my wage for the summer was not enough to even cover my tuition (or the cost of accommodation for the year), an Albanian I was working with revealed that he sent 50% of his paycheck home to Albania.
With that money he was building a SIX BEDROOM house and his own landscaping business, which would be totally funded after working as a common labourer in Britain for four years.
Pay for all kinds of jobs are critically depressed by migrant workers who can forge great lives for themselves on wages that a native Briton can barely live on.
So add depressed wages to higher property demand (thanks to mass immigration) AND lower property availability (thanks to foreign buyers who never even live here, buy-to-let boomer cunts, and price fixing landlord companies), it's pretty fucking obvious why people struggle to move out.
I rented a house with a friend of mine
>He constantly made messes
>Landlord was lazy spic
>Gas leak first month
>then water leak/pipe broke
>then rats
>all took at least 2-3 weeks of constant pestering to get fixed
>finally electrical fire put a big hole in the wall
we broke the lease and got the deposit back somehow.
Best thing is though I mention that to a different friend who apparently knew of the place because he did electrical work there a year or so before I moved in. He told the landlord that the wiring was shit and needed to be redone. Couldn't say I was surprised to hear about that after everything
And the jobs all don't pay enough to match that.
That's the problem.
because their parents ruined the housing market
florida welder-bro here, god this state sucks for welding work.
no jobs, no skills, no money
I hate to rag on my own generation but most college educated millenials are fucking useless human beings, with the exception of those who actually tried and got into STEM/medicine/etc. Your typical college kid is barely qualified to work in a call center.
also to get anywhere in the work world, you need to job hop like every 18 months. If you buy a house you are stuck in that area for far longer.
>because their parents ruined the housing market
also this.
If you're in Australia, you'll soon be able to get married to a same-sex spouse, eh mate?
There must be some solid oil and gas work going on in the states with Trump in office
i dont know but i've grown to hate her face immensely.
because it's the same guy posting these threads every time.
theres tons of structural in miami, shipyard work in jacksonville but you gotta know a guy who knows a guy, i got offered a $12 dollar a hour job welding pipe for a ac company but took a cook job that pays $15, waiting to hear back from some ironworker unions further north, oil and gas is guaranteed in texas and louisiana but i'm not ready to leave the gunshine state just yet.
i voted no, why the fuck would i want a title telling everyone i fell for the jewish marriage trickery
Whaddyahmean? I don't. Got tired of paying $700 for a 10ftx10ft room that my gf's parents demand us to pay. My brother takes the extra bedroom. Split 3 ways, my rent and utilites don't exceed $400/month.
It's not that hard. Get a Sup Forums house together like yours truly and move the fuck out.
Because socialism and feminism destroyed the American economy. Real wages are less than half than what they were for their parent's generation. That and they are a bunch of brainwashed, chemically and socially castrated faggots.
I wouldn't weld for 12$/hr either, cheap fucks. What kind of welding were they doing? soldering?? Jesus
renting would rip off 50% of my salary.
boomers ruined things as usual
not to mention everyone wants x200 the actual value of a house being sold
except the Chinese owns the US in a lot of ways. Debt and properties
>moved out to not have to deal with insane boomer parents
>doing well and making money
>apartment explodes
>have no where to live
>have to quit job
>now going to college
>parents convince me living with them will be fun, and being grounded isn't a thing since I'm 21
>somehow get grounded, and told if I don't like it I can fuck off to the streets
I'm at the point where I'm probably going to buy a handgun, and specifically use it to blow my brains out on my parent's $20,000 painting.
>they destroyed my computer
>have left holes all over my room
>have purposely put holes in my clothes
>have literally been sucker punched weeks ago
I'm at the point where I have stopped feeling human
yo gf is fucking other dudes in their apartments, bro.
This is why the EU "economic collapse" that was threatened, was so hilarious in the eyes of the pro-brexit lot.
It was like "economic collapse? awesome, we'll simply rebuild it for ourselves, let the rats jump ship!".
The enemy do not understand hard work and courage.
They do not understand how we are like seeds of civilisation, that when planted, will produce civilisations that are the envy of the world.
Because I Have no idea what work means, I dont have any inclination to become a normal member of society, I have nothing to believe in other than sitting at my computer.
Im aware of what it all means for me.
NEET or die.
sorry your parents are shit. Get a job and pay for a shit apartment,or just start fucking with them without getting caught and they will fuck off.
I'm not. I have a job working as a programmer and earn enough to live on my own.
>just leave and never come back
Your dad/mom assaulted you as an adult and you're still living with them? How fucked in the head are you? I'd sooner sleep on the street than live with that kind of shame dude
>I hate to rag on my own generation but most college educated millenials are fucking useless human beings
Their parents and government failed to pass the torch of civilisation to them. Instead, they were handed a big pile of stinky shit.
Hope is not lost however: Ever wondered why the political currents are changing so rapidly and the old establishments are being viciously rocked at the ballot box and on the internet?
Something happened: The millennials grew up. By now they have figured out the mess they are in and the mess their parents created for them, and they are all very well aware of how badly they have been stabbed in the back. Now they are angry and want revenge.
These people are rapidly re-skilling themselves and re-thinking civilisation and culture as we know it, stomping on the snake that is cultural marxism and post-modernism to boot. Generation z seem to be enthusiastically following its older brother in this new direction the millennial has taken up.
Conisder the pic related user.
Because we're all fucking poor.
Employers are wising up. I lost a couple job offers last year because they asked too many questions about why I didn't stay at a company for more than 2 years
>go out on the streets
>with no money
>become homeless bumpkin doing heroin under the bridge with no prospects of a better life where I can tell them to kill themselves once I'm an established adult
It's the only thing keeping me going. The day where one of them will need my assistance and I can say "no". Have you ever had the conversation with your mother/father revolving around old age, and the possibility of taking care of them so life isn't hard? I dream about it. I'm probably going to look into a trade school so I can do a year of studying, and start making some form of income soon.
well here's my story. worked in mining right out of school for 5 years. company started falling apart and I moved to work in oil and gas which was going a lot better. As soon as I moved recession started and oil and gas became a bit of a roller coaster ride. Managed to get into it after a lot of persistence. Industry ended up finally imploding and I've been bouncing from short term job to short term job ever since. I moved back home because I couldn't get ahead in saving money with bouncing from job to job. Living at home again isn't something I want but it does help me save, which is important if I want to have my own place at some point. Also frankly with jobs in my field they can pay you like shit and get away with it because there are so many other people who would take the same job. Now housing prices are 3 or 4x the amounts of when I started working and I'm still getting paid the same salary. So what do? I'm not married to I can't share the burden of a mortgage with a partner and besides how can I even date when I'm living at home as an adult...
Because now they are at an age where you can bash their parent's skull till they can snort it off the ground so normalized millennial abuse doesn't work anymore, basically I dare you to kick me out of the house like so courageously threatened when I was 10 yo, not so tough now eh little bitches? Plus free roof and free food
I don't exactly know if that's the case. In my parent's generation (boomers) you could major in stupid shit in college and still get a decent job. The "college as a four year vacation" meme didn't start with Generation X.
Really what I see is that #1, high school education is basically so bad these days that the graduates are barely schooled in basic math and #2, everyone gets a college degree, regardless of how stupid they are. I have worked with literal 85 IQers that graduated with a 4 year degree from an accredited university. The bar for everything has been dropped so low that the degree doesn't even count for anything, plus EVERYBODY gets a college degree now. In my parent's generation it may have been 20%, which put you in a much smaller candidate pool.
This is why there is still a huge demand for people from actually academically rigorous schools and majors. Big corporations aren't hiring joe schmo from 2nd and 3rd tier schools, they heavily target the elite, and people from backgrounds like engineering or accounting.
>college meme
im a high school drop out. at least ive got no student loans. right?
Because the boomer's spent all of the millennial's prosperity on jet skis.
They're the generation that killed the golden goose.
you have to admit, jet skis are fun tho
Great post
I understand the advantages the guy in your picture speaks of. The high school I went to, from 2007 to 2011, focused primarily on teaching "humanities." Basically, we read a lot of bell hooks, but also other interesting readings not related to race but to power and institutions.
The important part was that damn near everyone around me suddenly became a fucking activist. The hot button word was oppression. Kids I knew who said nigger and chink like nothing suddenly clammed up tight and spoke of racial struggles. Lot of bullshit, and of course, there were social witch hunts. In a high school setting. I cannot even quantity the contempt I must have shown to everyone after we graduated.
Then, by some stroke of luck, i got into the university of california, berkeley. and some of my high school classmates did as well... and I watched ALL of them descend into the degenerate coop life that berkeley is known for.
Fucking pathetic. Meanwhile the rest of berkeley is made up of people who dont care about that shit. Guarantee you people who come to protests are not students. They probably tour the coasts looking for violence. My roommate called me a chink and I called him a dumb cracker - felt like a breathe of fresh air. Berkeley is made up of social activists, sure, but like any college, the underlying motive is to just fuck or get fucked. Im digressing. Ill never forget the spite that my highschool class transformation put in me. It will, as your picture describes, influence the way I influence others.
I'm a millennial and do not know a single person my age who lives at home. Literally all of my friends have Bachelor's degrees if not Master's degrees and most own homes and make 6 figures. Absolute fucking meme.
>Why are millennials still living at home with their parents?
idk, but I would unironically plaster Soe's
face while her parents watched.
Honestly, yes. There are plenty of jobs that don't require college or even high school where you can work your way up and make a decent living.
I've read some gay, self-aggrandizing shit on Sup Forums but this takes the cake. Jesus fucking christ you're not special you absolute waste of human life
millennial here. not living with my parents, I actually own a place, but I am counting down the days until the last boomer dies.
Speak for yourself. Most of us are not poor.
Name 3.
just rent a room dude, start an apprenticeship or something
Lol yea leave gen x out of it. Never mind that they chose to hand over their kids to complete strangers everyday to have (their now collapsing karmically) career/retirement schemes. And whatever time they spent with millenials was to either dominate them, manipulate them, or punish them for not subduing to the strangers they were sent to. Im half convinced they bought their children vydia and stuff because they were aweare their spawn would snap and kill them without them.
>At least your housing prices aren't being increased due to your leaders selling out the country to the Chinese
California is having a public pension crisis right now, because the boomer's can't manage the state's economy competently.
The recent string of fires in northern California was due to neglected electrical infrastructure. Quite literally the boomer's are cashing out. The money they take for their opulent pensions, should have gone to maintaining public infrastructure. But boomer's being as selfish as they are, decided to not invest any money into public infrastructure (probably the first generation in hundreds of years to neglect to do so).
Now we're inheriting a crumbling state, mountains of debt, with few job prospects. Oh, and someone still has to fund the boomer's retirement and exorbitant medical bills.
1. Management in retail. Sucks for most people, but it will pay the bills.
2. Postal service.
3. Electrician. Probably require trade school of some sort, but again the main criteria is not requiring college. Admittedly, you may need high school or GED for this.
I may be underestimating how much being a HS dropout screws you over, but college isn't even remotely necessary if you're willing to do an unpleasant job or go to trade school. Hell, some of the "unpleasant" jobs aren't even that bad if you can give yourself the right attitude. I've noticed that most people who bitch about retail work, even at the lower levels, are just choosing to focus on the negative and feel sorry for themselves. The job can suck, but with a bad attitude you'll make anything miserable.
I left home and moved to another state when I was 18. I've lived on my own and supported myself for 12 years now.
Because my parents have big house on a large property that I plan on inheriting whenever they decide to move to Númenor.
I'm starting to think the " everyone on pol makes 6 figures" is a meme.
Nobody has to do that. Neetdom is the answer, work only for informal cash, reduce your spendings to the point where you need to work 2 months per year, watch as the boomers choke on their own blood in a soft apocalypse.
The Boomers inherited the kingdom and promptly sold its inhabitants into slavery.
Housing prices go up because old fags just won't fucking die. Economics 101: If Supply goes up prices go down. In this case, the supply of houses isn't going up because old fags are living until they are 105.
Because they're 17
Because the only housing I can afford as a Uni student is ridiculously expensive in nig infested areas.
Fuck that shit, I get along with my parents and I'm really only home when sleeping.
Cause real life sucked.
>tfw rich parents gave me down payment for my home
>tfw get to have my cake and eat it too
>parents inherited a multi-generational family business
>sold it to fund their retirement, despite having multiple family members, wanting to pick up the mantle
>didn't leave a dime
But somehow millennial's are entitled.
>Why are millennials still living at home with their parents?
it takes quite a while to pay off loans, especially if you didn't network properly while in college and have to hop around doing temp jobs to pay your loan balance while sifting through the pile of (probably rejected) resume submission replies for entry level work in your field. then if you weren't also squirreling away money the entire time for actually buying a house you have to take out another ungodly large loan from the bank and got in one little fight and my moms got scared and said 'you're movin' with your auntie and uncle to bel-aire'
Doing pretty good. Not living with parents. 23, married to a white woman age 21. She makes 40k and I make 45. Gonna have our first kid next year.
Git gud debtcucks
31m here. I lived with my parents after finishing college. Saved up for a down payment while living with them. I helped around the house doing yardwork, fixing things, etc. Told my parents thank you very much for the support and love. In many years from now I will pay back my parents love with hosting them in my house with my family when they start to have a hard time taking care of themselves. I'm shaking my head seeing the core values of family be shit upon. Just remember what goes around comes. No amount of money will keep you out of a nursing home when you go senile and get dementia. Your only last hope was raising a good family who will treat you with respect and love like how you raised them. All my siblings and cousins lived with their parents till they got married or bought homes. If you where raised with some backwards anti-family values don't be spiteful. Break the cycle when you start your own family. Help and be helped.