>this guy walks up to you and tells you he penetrated your 3 year old daugher,but says it's okay since she consented
How do you respond?
This guy walks up to you and tells you he penetrated your 3 year old daugher,but says it's okay since she consented
That's impossible, I'm the only who penetrates my 3yo daughter.
I don't. My bangstick does.
Dim mak the poor chinaman.
kabar slash to his throat should suffice
Place my left hand firmly on his shoulder, fake a chuckle with him.
Bring my right fist into his face, move my left arm to lock around his neck, throw him to the ground.
Straddle him and punch his stupid gook face repeatedly, then strangle him to death.
Drag his corpse to the nearest police station and politely explain what happened.
I’d twist his little dick off and feed it to him with some ramen noodles and a boiled egg.
I have enough connections I can walk on an assault charge. As good as time as any to vent the seething vortex of rage that is my inner being I guess.
Deport him back to China, and wait for some random driver to hit him with his car.
Advise him that the Prophet Muhammad (PBHN) waited until his brides were 9 years old to deflower them. Then saw off his head with a rusty talwar.
nothin personell, gook
Tear his eyes out and skull fuck him till he is dead
Double tap 9mm right in center of skull at point blank. Hollow point ofc
is there anything more cringe than an internet tough guy? Fucking soyboy epidemic.
Ask permission to penetrate his face with muh projectile high energy legs.
Then do it anyway for the lulz.
you're just jealous
>Tear is eyes out
here, you'll need this
>what if the child consents tho
I love how this boy is now living in amerifat country.
I tell him he has the wrong person as I don't have a daughter.
Skin him alive
at least her hymen is still intact.
I shoot him in the face and report I just saw two niggers running after hearing gunshots
What if she consrnts tho
I knew someone quite well who was actually instrumental in getting this faggot out of prison and into the US, and watching her flail to continue to defend this asshole makes me lose respect for her
How is that faggot still alive? the last i heard he absolutely refuses to get a job. He has only middle-school level education, he's trying to kickstart a youtube-patron career but the moment he opened his fat mouth about pedo rights he got his fb and twitter instantly banned. Literally a smug beggar.
ice the autistic singanigger
"you're not jewish!"
I thought canadians were into dogs.
He's from Singapore.
High-five, my Muslim brother.
Let's go out and gang rape the whole elementary school down the street. Maybe we can pour acid on their teacher and take her virginity for not being attended by a man.
I get him down and stomp a mud hole in his head.
wew lad, the tangy-zip of miracle whip
High-five him. My daughter's hot.
Soy boys are getting more common, it's really embarrassing.
gut him
Arrest him.
If true. I’d probably go Negan on him. Looks enough like glen.
I don't have a daughter, chinky lee.
I reveal to him that i knew he would attempt that, thus why i swapped my daughter with his daughter, that i have all on film and will "accidentally leak" it on the internet unless he do everything i tell him to.