This is Benjamin Morrison he is 18. In July he molested my 6 year old sister...

This is Benjamin Morrison he is 18. In July he molested my 6 year old sister. I was told on Monday that the Norwegian police that they were dropping the charges. My Sister has the spend the rest of her life with these memories and he doesn't even a fine

His address is Niklabakken 10, 6050 Valderoya. His mothers name is Lene and she works for the Giske kommune.

Please for the love of god some one make this sick fucks life a living hell.

not your personal army, faggot.

>Implying we're going to do anything about yet another roasty falsely claiming rape for attention

Pics or it didnt happen

She's fucking 6

Why were they dropped?

No hymen, no diamond.

Really? Please tell me how a 6 year old is at fault in any way?

i wish i was in norway user, i would gladly fuck this wigger up