Trump doesn't believe Roy Moore's accusers

This is the man you've elected into office Sup Forums.
Are you proud of yourselves?

immensely proud.

Alex (((((((((((((((((((((((((((ISENSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADTTTTTTT)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Right? I don’t care if a pedo gets into office as long as liberals tears are flowing.

Fuck liberals. Jesus would be fine with 30 year olds fucking 14 year olds.

Remember when the (((media))) had chronic asshurt because Trump had the courage and the common sense to call out violent antifa rioters?

Still just as proud now.

no one outside cnn believes them either.


Stay mad cartel man


And? He can believe or not believe whatever the hell he wants, but it's the judicial branch that will have any say in it.