It is happening!

It is happening!

That blush looks shooped.


I hope this is the beginning of a protagonist switch from Saki to Teru.


So when does Teru obliterate Saki

Nodoka is worst girl by a country mile

>So when does Teru obliterate Saki
Teru will kill Tacos and Saki will kill Awai. And the sisters reconcile on top of two corpses.

I like Awai though.

It's too bad she won't live.

Why is Awai's power so shit?

Been looking forward to this since it was foreshadowed in the 09 anime ED.

I dumped the raw chapter yesterday, but it's officially released today in Japan.

Have a nice Toki-Ryuuka wallpaper cover of the next manga volume in case you didn't know

Reminder that the next chapter is in 2017.

removing the boy.

hmmm, it seems that Toki is measuring Ryuuka's tits, if they are bigger than her head or not.

They aren't, she needs to rub them some more.

Shiraitodai is filled with circus-trick tier abilities. I'm sure Awai gets an upgrade though (and I don't mean that in terms of tits).

She already got upgraded tits
It's horrible. Next you know Teru will have Nodoka-tier tits.

Nah, Teru is safe. Subara, on the other hand...

>makes saki thread
>doesn't put Saki or Tanoshii anywhere in OP

See you at p10!


it's an edit of things to come.

Oh okay.


Aww, I like the wrigly ~ mouth better.

Tanoshii hasn't stopped threads from going into semi-Toki zone before so.


>oppai Subara

Will anybody even bother to sub this?

Depending on how closely it follows the manga, we might not need one at all.

Perhaps it will even be better if I don't understand what they're saying.

What's this, some live action thing?

It's the air date and time for LA Saki episode 1.

Ritz wills it.

Yes, instead of a new anime season for the 10 year anniversary we got four 30-minutes-episodes, a TV special (perhaps a double length episode) and a movie in February.

That's terrible.

>didn't know about the live-action
You lived under a rock for the past three months or something?

Saki threads are pretty rare on Sup Forums nowadays. I feel like I've seen more Yurika or gookshit threads than Saki threads lately.

How horrifying.

Well, we die with less than 100 replies including a raw or a translated chapter dump.

Tanoshii is dead
All that remains is kusoge.

>>Saki threads are pretty rare on Sup Forums nowadays
No, they're not.
You're just blind.

Yeah they are. Compared to before when a thread was up almost constantly.

How does this scenario even occur? I can't make sense of the situation.

Ok that was dumb, it was an edit. Which makes sense, she had no ass

How long before she dies?

Is that a nipple poking through Nodoka's shirt?

Strip mahjong?

>play strip mahjong with Subaru
>nobody ever has to take it all off

>(and I don't mean that in terms of tits)
reminder that ritz is reading those threads and every "I don't want a tits upgrade" will make them even bigger