Kraut/pol/ - Morgenausgabe

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
SPD in full damage control mode LARPing as opposition.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
Die Linke enjoying comfy last spot in polls.
AfD: "Waidmannsheil, Loide."
Presicuck Steinmeier won't call for new election.

>upcoming elections
early 2018: possible federal re-election
06.05.2018: regional election in Schleswig-Holstein
autumn: regional elections in Bavaria and Hessen

>AfD related

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)

If you can spare some shekels:




>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes but is AfD the next NSDAP?
That's all we need to know, even 50% NSDAP is acceptable.

Thread theme:

Threadly reminder to ridicule beta FDP soyboys.

They are the best we got right now. They aren't literally Hitler but are fiercly anti-EU and anti-Islam. They are useful to our cause, but we still need to be wary of traitors like that whore Petry.
Also, Sup Forums still lagging for anyone else? Or is the BKA just hacking me?

Lmfao. The AfD is a socially conservative and economically neoliberal party. They are nothing like the NSDAP. kek

>economically neoliberal
Eh, only about 50% of the party. The Gauland/Höcke wing of the party is beddy völkisch.

Guten Morgen
Liebe Sorgen
Seid ihr auch schon alle da
Habt ihr auch so gut geschlafen?
Na dann ist ja alles klar

Good luck Krauts, make sure to get out there and spread your memes of justice to the normie masses.

Will do. With some luck we'll have a right wing party as second biggest power in parliament. I probably should include the polls in the OP.

Pretty hyped for re-election. This timeline always manages to surprise me.

>Thread Theme

re-election so we can finally get the results that we have been expecting
AFD 20%

Guys need to meme a new TV debate with AFD.

Best way to destroy the kikes is to show people the truth.

they dont even get invited for the most part
third strongest political force but no invitation by our "neutral" msm

Soooo, can we finally have revolution in germany, kill all feminists, kill all leftists, kill all politicians and make Germany at least liveable again ?

This is nothing to be happy about. Now ppl will vote for FDP instead of AfD.

Nice try, Heiko.

I dont think so.

Ftp is a complete sellout anyway.

Lezs assume theyre not, but were sellouts out of desperation only, then this combination would be grear, right and actually make sense :

Afd + fdp + csu + maybe some small exotes

Nah, people who are that weak willed didn't vote AfD in the first place. AfD voters are anti-establishment voters, why would they vote for stability (and the FDP, the biggest bend over party of all) now all of a sudden?

>Snek fag calling for revolution


The only ppl abiding the law in germany are white native german conservativ-ishs.
Everyone else has abandoned all laws.
Makes no sense for germans not to do the same.

Agent Provocateur/10
kraut/pol/ is a thread of peace.

Grüß Gott, my fellow NEETs.

the only people you'll find posting on Sup Forums from germany, are most likely migrant-trash or the kids of migrant-trash, so obviously for THEM "politics" begins and ends with not letting ANY MORE of shit (like themselves) come to germany, everything else should stay the same with maybe a couple more gibs

This. You guys need to hammer on about how they deserve a debate over and over again.

Hm. I see. 50% still is a lot tho.

Hello krauts. Germany going to make it?


When can I expect a Neo-Nazi uprising from you guys? Do you know other people in Germany with your same views? Has the migrant crisis breed a new generation of neo-nazis? please respond germans.



What are the odds of shulz just accepting a coalition with mutti?

50% right now nut it would be shameful for the SPD

This guy is reason enough to hate jews


what is this?

Haben die das Grundstück gekauft oder was können die da irgendwelche jüdischen Betonklötze in der Gegend platzieren? Sag mir bloß nich, dass des vom Staat in Auftrag gegeben worden is.

Some lefties build a copy of the berliner holocaust memorial in front of the house of Björn Höcke.

they are giving him ideas, nice

Haben sich "verdeckt eingemietet"

Tfw Gauland calls afghans lazy in his first Bundestag speech

Cool. I'd walk my dog and let it mark it.

Kanns kaum erwarten, wenn dem Björn ein Ehrendenkmal fürs Einleiten des zweiten, diesmal echten, Holocausts erbaut wird.

Würde mich freiwillig melden um diesen linken Abschaum zu vergasen. Die Linken drehen jetzt endgültig am Rad wie es scheint.

Die fangen an zu merken, dass ma bald 20%+ AfD haben, deswegen wollen se jetz nochmal die Sau raus lassen, bevors in die Öfen gschmissen werden.

I'll explain:
>Oh look user Lindner is actually pretty based, look at his (((4-door plan))).


>Better a yellow/black goverment, to keep the refugees finally out.

Best case scenario would be AfD at 20% but for that we need more e-celeb support.

That can't be legal. They are either blocking the drive-in on private property or a public road.

BKA is hacking you.

Ist doch ganz nett von denen, dann kann der Högge schon mal dafür trainieren das echte Ding abzureißen :D

You're overestimating the amount of tactical voters that nevertheless voted the AfD. But you're right, those people need to be adressed by us aswell. We need to make sure we meme against Lindner and make sure people realize he's a opportunistic liying snyke that hasn't had a change of heart but just tried to gain voters by pandering to all kinds of people.

What neet profession? Got a degree?

Fuck, that might explain my back pain since yesterday. BKA is hacking my body, lads. I probably won't be around for the elections. Avenge me.

Yeah but we need to meme some younger, ultra charismatic guys into existence.

Dies. Das sieht einfach so scheiße aus es ist unglaublich

Lmao checked.

Musst mal zu Nazimucke durch das Original in Berlin marschieren. Das is so groß, das merkt eh keine Sau. Und die ganzen hässlichen Klötze dämpfen den Schall.

We have a lot of slide threads right now.
Looks like the corporate shills are worried.
Internet free speech kills the jew.

Wir müssen ERIKA abspielen und es filmen

Anyone else saw this shit?

>shitskin driver literally throws the Christmas tree to the ground in the fist 5 seconds
>shitskin driver is actually supposed to wear a cross but it got changed so to be more inclusive towards Muslims
>only shitskin driver and shitskin girl have ‘backstorys” while the german guy is just angry
>literally everyone is mad at the white guy and tell him to shut up
>call the germanguy “gringo”
>shitskin proves that he only cares about his ingroup by ignoring the obviously anxious german and going to the shitskin girl

Not a single person speaks german in this ad directed towards german people in Germany

I’m literally shaking

No, it's more compareable to DNVP of the time.
But screeching commies were what cause NSDAP to rise.
If you want 14/88, you vote DIE RECHTE.
(NPD is ppretty much the Verfassungsschutzpartei)

>das Fühl wenn jeder meiner Freunde inzwischen den Text von "Erika" auswändig kennt
Bestes Mitsinglied wenn ma besoffen is, ich sags euch.

>the bus is Merkels divers germany
>german guy is angry because he doesn’t know what happened to his country
>other shitskins care only about their own ingroup while all they do is shout and get aggressive at the german guy

>little refugee girl cries
>Germans import another 200gorillionf] shitskin into german

>happy diverse “christ’mas to you all(of course we censor all Christian things not to enrage Muslims ;^)

Bei meinen Freunden auch so. Einfach nur ein geiles Gefühl das zusammen zu singen



Maan ich und meine lads können nur das funkerlied komplett

It is till liveable, sadly it has to get worse before people relize what the fuck is going on.
Thread theme:

Fucking hell and I thought britains christmas ads were bad.

"Volk ans Gewehr" hamma auch mal können. Des is mal im Musikunterricht vorgekommen. War mal ne wilkommene Abwechslung zu den ganzen jüdischen Tastenklimperern und Negerblechbläsern.

>tfw live in NRW surrounded by commies and sand niggers
>tfw will never sing Marschlieder with the boys since I need to hide my power leven non stop
feels really bad, lads.

There are certainly more people going right, but the youth is incredibly brainwashed, our institution basically say there is no "real german history", the tech civic nationlism which already crashed and burned as an idea when the turkroaches came and are still voting erdogan after all those years in Germoney.
I am organizing myself, but you have to be extremely careful, there is a lot of legal threat to it.

Ich finde auch, dass er das dringend braucht. Da kann ihn wenigstens so leicht kein Truck of Peace bereichern.

Me too man but we just don't give a fuck anymore.

Wennst mal in Bayern bist marschieren wa im Stechschritt durch mein Kaff und geben as Horst-Wessel Lied zum Besten.


How does the youth vote? That quite literally determines the future.

You're all normies until you can sing Deutschlands Gloria in unison :P

that's mfw a friend unironically believes turks rebuilt germany after ww2

It’s the same everywhere mate, it’s just starting this year in Germany tho”

So we need to point the finger at all these things so other people notice

Heh, nice try BKA.
I won't sing that in public

guten Vormittag

I told you faggots right after the election that Jamaica won't happen and they'll go for another GroKo again. Nobody fucking believed me because "muh SPD". Just wait and see that I was right. They won't do a new election because they're all scared of losing more votes to the AfD, so it's pretty much the only option they have left.

They vote for whom Hollywood and the media tell them it’s okey to vote for. It’s that simple.

Ey, remember the 100000000 gorillion Gastarbeiter, du Kartoffel. amk

Heilige Scheiße, ist das komisch, diesen Faden als Normie zu lesen.

>scared of losing more votes to the AfD
Well, another GroKo would kill both the CDU/CSU and the SPD, so I'd be all for it. CSU would probably fall to 30% next year in Bavaria, maybe even lower. Can't wait for Memehofer to hang.

>So we need to point the finger at all these things so other people notice
Ummm sweetie you have no history or culture your just a angry white guy lmao.

Was isn komisch dran, du Vogel? Willst du Stress, Alta?

The youth is pozzed, but they tend to "wake up" to realitty once they have to pay texes and relaize rapefugees consume quite a lot of money.
Grüß' Gott, Kamerad!

quick rundown:

AfD wird als tatsächliche Option dargestellt, Rassismus überall...
Hab ja schon krasse Geschichten über Sup Forums gehört, hab aber die Rote Tablette noch nicht geschluckt.

We have to start organizing Boycotting, maybe speak to Identiy Evropa and IB about it.
Make a few comments in their recent videos, once there is economic weight to out opinion, the shitksin question will start to become noticed.

Nenene, verstehst du alles falsch. Wir sind alles Juden hier, deswegen dürfen wir auf Muselmännern rumhacken. Keine Sorge, keine Nadsis hier. :)

>Rassismus überall...
Du bist kein guter Rollenspieler, verpiss dich zurück nach CBTS

>in public
That would indeed be a bad idea. How about Das Polenmädchen? The sad original not the Heino version, it's supposed to give you feels.

Na, da bin ich aber beruhigt!

Was ist denn CBTS?

Klein Fritzchens erste Rotpille: Die AfD ist keine Nazipartei, wie es dir Achmed, Sören und ZDF immer weismachen wollen.

Klein Fritzchens zweite Rotpille: Die AfD ist keine Nazipartei, sollte es aber sein.

They are now pushing the idea of CDU/CSU+Greens minority gov. to ensure that we keep getting flooded by migrants.