Domestic na Kanojo

Rui is love

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what happened to rapist-kun?

Jesus, this made me realize how long the translation has been dead.
What chapter is this?

Rui rejected him clearly and devinitively
121. They fucked in Rui's room in 120.

>Yui being Sho senpai 2.0
>america not being paired up with slut chan so Rui can rebound on him

Yeah, well, Utsumi also fucked Shou.

It's just a matter of time before Hina comes back and he breaks up with Rui.

So she's Rui's half-sister?

Just how many sisters did the father breed, and from how many women?

Translations again fucking when?

You know what, I might just translate it myself if I can find raws somewhere.

well, there's this:

Oh fuck, I searched on Nyaa but only got the Norway ones as result. Should have probably unchecked 'trusted only'.

Who is the ugly girl?


Long hair a shit

She is, indeed.

Is her hair getting longer?

She's growing it out because Natsuo said he liked Hina's hair, back when she wore the wig.

Did Rui finally win?

She better have, then my heart can rest easy. Fuck it, it's just going to go the route of more NTR yet again isn't it...


Remember Kuroneko?

Knowing the author, they're probably going to break up, Natsuo will get back with Hina, and they'll get back together again by the end of the series

No, what's going to happen is
>Hina comes back, adds some unecessary drama
>Rui wonders who he really loves
>Turns out it was Rui all along
I swear to god, if Hina comes back and NTRs Rui is will literally find Kei and kill her

It's not just that they keep having sex. It's that she's written bonus chapters just of the sex scenes and even a fully text one for a bonus.

Rui is the main heroine, you know.

Doesn't mean Hina won't pop back on the scene for some last minute drama. God I hate Kei for being so predictible

Well yes, of course, she will. She even showed up (in her town) a chapter or two ago for the first time in ages.

While right now the arc is Natsuo in cram school, she'll show up soon enough to cause drama for sure.

We're close to the end, right? The Hina drama arc should be the last one before the finale

probably as a teacher in the cram school

also, who's this girl?

when i first saw Hina i thought it was Yuki from GE. i think thats why i like her so much

Alright so I actually did start on it, but turns out I overestimated my Japanese-to-English translation skills.
I thought I'd be able to convert the Japanese grammar to English since I can understand it just fine. Turns out I really can't.
I ended up working a good two and a half hours for three pages with a sub-Hadena-tier quality script.
Guess I'll polish my Japanese grammar before taking a shot at translating again.
If anyone is interested, I've got a cleaned chapter 88 lying here now.

Knowing the author, they're probably going to break up, Natsuo will get back with Hina by the end of the series.


or they all break up from each others to protect their parents

Breaking up for "protecting" someone else is basically a Hina thing.

i stopped following
i check 120 and there his father tells him he heard them fucking
so their parent are ok with siblings fgucking now?

No, he thought Natsuo was watching porn and told him to keep it down.


ah ok, iread only one bubble and came here

Their parents are against it.
I am not.

I wonder how much their parents actually suspect.

I wish. Him and Hina makes a really cute couple, but the end will probably be Hina giving her blessings for the two.


Already? Whoa.

>They fucked in Rui's room in 120.
More explicitly, in 119.5,

Damn, that's pretty cool. Picked up.