Sorry, but if you can't afford this then you shouldn't be allowed on the internet

Sorry, but if you can't afford this then you shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

>m. people argue that pixels are a human right and not an (((entertainment service)))

2018. The year Sup Forums became the very thing they hate: the jew.

Cheaper than my current

You idiot you know that you are giving more money to the jews (Comcast,Verizon,ete.)

>if you don't support jewgle and kikebook making more money you're a jew

As to be expected from the country that needs a licence to watch tv kek

This. I dunno what americans are chimping about. It's the same here. I have the cheapest internet provider with only 100MB/s. I pay about 20€ per month for that + tv which is included.

You'd be giving them more money this way. Stop sucking Trump's dick for like two seconds to really think about the consequences that come with this, please.

You realize that once this happens Sup Forums will cost you like 100$+. The jews hate this site and know that this bill will kill all of Sup Forums