Hunter Ward
There are no shills on /pol. No psyop operatives from the CIA. The FBI isn't watching unless someone reports a post to them.
You see, this is just a bulletin board on the internet that is frequented by mostly crazy people. And people who troll crazy people.
Its not important. It doesn't have any influence on anything substantial in the world.
Jonathan Long
tell David Brock that I hope he has another heart attack.
Colton Cox
Golly I'm convinced
Aiden Jones
>Makes the news every month >Sometimes there entire lineups of news articles about this place's antics >tfw no influence >tfw no shills
Jason Williams
Grayson Price
Wrong, democrats have always been the truly red-pilled. You right wing fags are the useful idiots of the Zionist Kike agenda, always have been and always will be. One day you'll wake up and see it for yourself.
Ryder Watson
I think its a certain amount of self grandeur to believe they are being (watched) like obviously this place is full of outcasts who are starved of attention and a feeling of self worth or their place in the hierarchy, so the ego creates these scenarios , I think its ok, lots of good memes and great perspectives,very entertaining
Wyatt Howard
desu whenever 4 chan makes the news they smear the fuck out of it any publicity is good publicity, maybe but my iq is under 130 so I cant answer these questions
Juan Lopez
So if you spend more than 10 hours a day here you know that shills do exist and that people do come here and slide post.
Christian Lewis
>tfw not even government conditioning can stop Sup Forums
James Gutierrez
T. Cuck who checks Sup Forums to tell his antifag buddies if Sup Forums is plotting something.
Juan Butler
he doesn't realize he never would have typed the word "Kike" before he started coming to Sup Forums "ironically"
Brody Gomez
Ryan Garcia
>I Sniff My Own Farts, the Post Sup Forums quite literally affected the US presidential election, which affects the entire planet. >Memetics have always been everything >no one does them better than the people here >no time in history have they been so easy to propagate
Adam Cox
>Sup Forums is not worthy of watching
Levi Martinez
>dat projection Keep coming here. Keep being triggered. Your conditioning breaks down a little more each time you engage. We were all like you once.
Nathaniel Jones
Welcome to the void shillfags, you cannot unsee the truth once it glazes your eyes.
Jose Lee
>Mostly crazy people Absolutely.
Nathaniel Edwards
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006, I've seen your political trends come and go. 90% of you are children that got into politics through video games, your resolve in your beliefs is no stronger than an edgy kid listening to ICP to be rebellious.
Trumpcucks have literally become unironic zionists that fight against net neutrality. How long do you think this can continue for.
Take a good look at this picture, this is who you are.
Joseph Taylor
>been on Sup Forums since 2006 All evidence to the contrary, kiddo. Your obvious butthurt isn't becoming an oldfag. [Your Conditioning reduces slightly]
William Ortiz
>crazy people still not as bad as 2ch
Jaxson Turner
Ive been here forever and I am not racist.
Josiah Davis
>2006 >not cancer
Nathan Bailey
I come here to produce endorphins by using words like nigger, faggot, kike, spic. I welcome the day that jews openly try to rule. They are lazy parasites who can’t build anything of their own. Niggers don’t build anything either. Spics build but lack creativity. Fags are fags and like weird shit. Muslims are worse than red neck Christians. Christians are more fanatical but constrained by the practice of their beliefs. The galaxy is huge there is room for all of us. Kike nigger fags fight spic muzzie cunts. Trigger your triggering until it is untriggerable. Ascend to emotional Teflon.
Noah King
>muh FCC i knew (((net neutrality))) was a bad idea before trump started running because i actually bothered to learn what it meant and not just read the press release claiming how great it would be.
Nathaniel James
>tfw this is what happened to me
I only came here to troll Nazi's
Jace Rivera
just like the faggot antifa who went into the gunstore and started with "do you sell to kikes??"
David Russell
are you in the picture too, user? seriously fucking kys
Robert Diaz
Not really. I move farther to the left the more I come here. I'm still waiting for that faithful day where the coin drops and and I'm like "damn, those guys have a point" but whenever I visit this board all I see are a bunch of delusional goons who need everything they hold dear taken away from them.
Maybe one day I will "assimilate" but I won't hold my breath and count the seconds.
Carson Baker
Anyone else sleepy?
Caleb Ramirez
They smear Trump too. Get it? Do you want the msm to like you?
Anthony Harris
true, but cia niggers isnt a racist term; thats actually a thing. remember that shlomo is too weak to rule openly, and would prefer using goy blood to fight wars rather than 'pure' kike blood. that way, he can say muh holohoax and muh ebil antisemites, and we have to go along with the race mixing agenda so as not to be ebil raysists
Thomas Roberts
I'm woke. Eyes wide open, you might say. Consider supplementing with Super Male Vitality™ to improve your mood and energy levels.
Nicholas Mitchell
Traditionalism is the real red pill not the nazism people here espouse.
Ethan Wilson
Wish mods would delete all their shitty threads. Nobody even replies to them.
Cameron Morris
>get driven further left because of how retarded Sup Forums is constantly believing fake news >given driven even further left because of how retarded centrists are constantly believing fake news >find the left are also retarded and constantly believing fake news >just give up
Aiden Morgan
Camden Roberts
Barron Trump is tall Tall enough to be a God-Emperor?
Isaac Reyes
>let's adopt an outdated form of leftism
Dominic White
Cameron Wilson
>all I see are a bunch of delusional goons who need everything they hold dear taken away from them There it is - that vindictive Leftism. You don't want to win the policy argument for the sake of the country; you want to ruin, humiliate and destroy people who dare to question you. That's not a civilised political view; it's evidence of your communist-type brainwashing.
You're only moving further Left because you're having a hard time dealing with the truth about reality you see here every day. It's only temporary.
And the other user is right, it's not about trying to bring Hitler back. It's about bringing back the values that made our countries great and rich in the first place; not the suicide-cult arrogance that assumes we know better now so should throw our accumulated wisdom away because we don't want to offend mentally ill faggots and trannies.
Jacob Miller
I mean adherence to traditional values in regards to family, lifestyle and sex because they're tried and tested and our current situation is steadfastly deteriorating, what does that have to do with leftism?