What branch should I join and why?
What branch should I join and why?
>I am a piece of meat put me in a grinder
None of them and because.
>fighting in jewish globalist wars
very few wars in american history have been just. Unless its something like the revolutionary war, dont bother
good goy
Army or Marines, infantry. Get some useful training then split after the minimum service requirement, try to acquire free gear.
Legit question, what do you actually want to do?
The larger the branch the better the opportunities for training and advancement.
Join the olive branch, bro. Because hey... free olives, right?
Jesus fucking Christ. Pick what you want to do. Make sure that job has a civilian counterpart. For example, infantry will be a mall cop, a satellite tech will be easy bank. Find which branches have those jobs and shop around.
Im led to believe the chair force is the safest and most respected in civvy street when you come out.
Get in, get the training, do your minimum, get out and get cock slapped by the dumbass civilians whilst making bank in the private sector
Hitler bombed English civilians though
And Churchill candidated on keeping England white
>poor, low IQ federal employment
This is the only branch you should be joining. All else is heresy
Also, ignore all of these faggots ITT, military training will teach you how to defend yourself and if necessary, how to kill opponents (guvvies included). Doing a four year turn would look great on a resume and you will most likely never see action. Try and get an intel position but avoid the nucc program like a plague if you have a lazy bone in your body.
Plus you get to take it up the arse every day, win win really
Everyone is taking it up the ass one way or another, getting school payed for and all living expenses covered for saying "yes sir" is a good deal. It allows you to save money and get a good start on life.
Air Force
>Corporate as fuck
>Stupid uniforms
>Good technical fields, built-in community college will give you a leg up
>Like Marines, only dumber, somehow
>Seriously, go Marines (or Navy if you want to do medical stuff)
>Hope you like boats and Filipinos
>Good options for technical and medical fields
>Seriously, don't go nuke tech unless you hate yourself and everyone you know; there's a reason they offer so many incentives for that job
>Best uniforms
>Plenty of technical options, but no medical (Navy does that) or you can go be a doorkicker
>Don't go fixed-wing aviation right now; Hornets are falling apart, Harriers and Prowlers are going away (no career progression); F-35 will be a fuckshow for years
>Marines get the least funding...
Coast Guard
>Good luck getting in that door
In all seriousness, do some research and figure out what you think you might want to do in the military, with an eye towards the future. Then go talk to a recruiter from each branch and don't sign shit on your first visit. Recruiters are salesmen, they have strict monthly quotas, and they WILL LIE. Remember, if it's not on paper, it didn't happen. Study for the ASVAB. It's the key to all those juicy technical jobs. If you can't even spell your name right, you're gonna have a bad time.
Finally, do not get married or buy a new car during your first enlistment. Seriously, don't.
Stay away from female service members. Don't touch that.
What's wrong with the females?
Take your pick goy.
have fun dying for Israel with your friends, in the middle of the fucking desert
If you're looking to fastrack citizenship you need to do army enlisted. Only branch offering it now
They are generally whores. Imagine the most mediocre female you know. Now imagine she is suddenly the hottest due to all others disappearing and she is surrounded by nothing but dudes. How do you think she will react to suddenly being a Stacy with all the Chads wanting to hit it?
None, unless you like fighting wars for banks, killing civilians or confiscating firearms.
>Look mom I posted it again!
Is there a smug meme for these?
navy all because of the gay memes, + you get to travel the world a lot
Good point, but women naturally mate across and up hierarchies. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
Give them an inch, and they'll tell their friends
tell me what it was like seeing you friends getting killed overseas, and your wife cheating on you during your deployment
Not all jobs have you patrolling in the desert you fucking idiot.
None. I will never fight on outside territory as i couldnt care less how they rule themselves. I will only take arms to defend a. Myself b. My family c. My way of life.
If some sandniggers choose to rape children, throw homo down a building and acid burn wives, so be it.
That's right they need someone to be the human potato peeler
Why Amerifats are so fancinated to die for Jews?
Good question, user.
Counter-Point: how do a people lose a war to emus? Even chimps can fight one another off.
do not join infantry. actually learn a skill and get out.