Nice internet you got there, amerigoyim!

Nice internet you got there, amerigoyim!

Other urls found in this thread:

nice shill pic
that's not how it works

Who cares? We are already fucked thanks to no ball paul

Care to elaborate on for whom I am shilling?


Tech companies tricked you sad to say.

Don't care lol. If the internet gets too expensive to use then I just won't use it!

i need 25 clams, that hits me right in the shekles.

For what reason?

Better yet, just build your own mom and pop ISP

cya later burgers


This will be great. This will cause free municipal wifi to make a comeback!

Nah fuck it. I would rather build a cross and carry it across the country.

The internet will seriously suck when corporations get to set up their own exclusive 'ecosystems' aka local monopolies.

E.g. when you buy a Kindle from Amazon, they don't want you to put a competitor's ebook on it. Google wants to control all apps that go on Android. Etc.

ISPs want in on the game and they want to have their own ecosystems and gatekeeping, so they can keep the undeserving competition out. ISPs will first move in to offer their own media streaming servers and degrade service from other company's servers.
They really just want to rent seek by demanding money from the original content producers for their inter-mediation.

>implying they won't put MSM websites like CNN on the fast lane "free of charge"

>ISPs will first move in to offer their own media streaming servers and degrade service from other company's servers.
Means end of Google hegemony? Good.

Fast lane will go the industries like simulation and software development. Probably RND too. The internet right now is clogged with data that prevent us from having even faster connections.

This will benefit the user 100%

It means the end of competition, because your last-mile ISP will have monopoly on what you buy to watch.
Google has no hegemony, they have the most usable service.

What competition, there's only one ISP in whole fucking US.

are you retarded or do you have problems with reading?

Gotta find the silver linings where you can.

how much do they pay you guys for shilling?

I could ask you almost the same? are you retarded or you're retarded? Because i know you can't read, Shitslavski

With the removal of burgers from Sup Forums the quality of discussions will raise drastically, it's a raw fact. And as russian poltard I should be happy with them being BTFOed on their own board. However, if (((providers))) will block other right-wing sources like DailyStormer and TRS, it will become very hard for us to redpill normies and showing our ideological principles to the masses of ordinary people. It seems to me as lose-lose situation for both lefties and us, but it will be more serious loss for us in a distant future, since we do not have the huge amounts of money the (((lefts))) have.

FCC nigger was just on NPR here in midwest. Asked by faggot host about this specific claim. Said in no uncertain terms, FCC still has over site of their product offerings and the will not allow this type of ISP service.

Reddit faggots BTFO.

Can anyone point to an industry that has practices like this?
I can't think of any, not even the least regulated markets

slow writing for slow reading retards:
1. last-mile ISP can degrade quality for chosen sites
2. last-mile ISP can sign contracts with certain sites for exclusive fast-lane
3. last-mile ISP can fast-lane their own servers for lucrative services

Last-mile ISPs want to extract the toll by setting up a gate on the road and nothing more. They want to rent-seek without providing value. They want to capture value that goes to other corporations and have price-rising power over consumers.

This is indefensible, there is no good in this.

Here in US, car washes and golf courses.

i doubt it
and not all burgers wil be gone.
at least not the ones who count goyim

FCC Nigger on NRP also asked this specific question.

Guess what, we get to imagine you sucking your own dick faggot, because you just did that. You literally just sucked your own dick.

Go back to slashdot

Part of your script is to just throw insults, isn't it?

I know car washes and that's fine right?
I want the basic, I don't want to have to pay for the complete package every time I want to get my car washed
Just like I don't care for spotify or netflix

You have to go back. Believe me or now. Either you are BTFO now, or you are BTFO later on today when there is a print version of the interview. I don't care. Either way you can't stay here.

Europe has a lot of shit like this. Portugal and Germany for example.

ITT corporate shills call other corporate shills corporate shills.

Take your pick. Would you rather shill for Amazon or Time Warner? Because you're gonna have to pick a side in this

Since you have all the answers, explain what will really happen then retard?

Keep in mind like 75% of the US population only has access to a single cable/fiber ISP. There is no "MUH FREE MARKET" happening here, because all the locales have been overridden with laws to prevent others from using the same lines, or flat out sold those lines to companies.

oy vey, we need to regulate the internet, if you don't den dey could be charging u a fortune goyim!!!!! think of all the shekels you'll save if you give us control!

No we ultra-far-right-wing larpers of Sup Forums demand government regulated carwashes!!! Everyone gets ultra delux car wash, with bottom blast and wax, and one government set fixed price, or we will... Get angry and knock over some trash cans and set em on fire.

What the fuck is that shit?

Go back to your callcenter job, that's what you are good for.

At least I won't be encumbered by retards who stream, game, and watch netflix.
I need the net for Sup Forums and a handful of other sites, plus I own a pass. Get bent.

If you're referring to this tweet about portugal
The comments say it's simply pay extra to not let the use of certain apps take away from your data which is fine

FCC Nigger specifically said this move is to address what you just complained about.

It hasn't passed yet. Theres still time to fight it idiots.


Show me a single piece of evidence for this. ISPs have had 10 years to do this and they never have done. Yet the app layer service monopolies have LITERALLY denied people access or blocked content whenever it suits them and you stupid reddit faggots don't want those to be regulated because you're drowning in the lobbyists that Mark Zuckerberg pays for's cum.

Net neutrality as it is now is more about bandwidth hogging corporations like google, amazon, and netflix passing costs down to you by jewing ISPs. They use "last mile" infrastructure to deliver services you pay for while collecting your data, and they don't pay anything to do it. It has nothing to do with throttling, blocking websites, ripoff prices, or data caps, all of which currently happen under this current system.

Why would we fight for more regulation to prevent a non-existent problem that will only be used to fuck us down the line?

they won't. the idiots who are addicted to social media and nu-tv will be charged more.

we'e good.

FCC nigger addressed this as well. There is literally nothing preventing them from doing this TODAY. This has nothing to do with anything internet know-it-all faggots have addressed what so ever.

The silver lining to the NN thing is now sites like Reddit are going to be treated like DS was. For all everyone keeps crying about how long NN will lead to censoring the web, the shit that happened to DS shows we already live in that world. More people getting the shit end of that stick is a good thing.

By FCC Nigger are you referring to the Indian head chairman? At least get the insults right. Poo in loo = Indian.

I don't see how removing this law will change anything. The law's only existed for 2 years while the local monopolies have been forming for the past decade.


Americans voting against net neutrality is the funniest thing that happened in a good while.

Good fuck normies. Net Neutrality is just a plot for the government to begin regulating the internet so that Jewish groups like the ADL can shut off internet for "hate speech".

>"Show me evidence"
>Capitalism in the 1920's
>Unironically asking this question while bearing an ancap flag.

What in the ever loving fuck are you on?

kind of like faceberg, cloudjew and zitter are doing every day?

>lack of NN
>Sup Forums

Sup Forums will be one of the first to be 100% blocked. They will not even sell it separately in a pack.

>ISPs have had 10 years to do this and they never have done
Because net neutrality?

I can't wait for the price of internet access to increase 400%, so that shills and niggers are priced out. Just like the good ol' days before king nigger gave every bag of shit mobile internet for free.

Sup Forums is privately owned and turns a profit. I'm a paid member, so sucks to be you or whatever

Show me an example of regulation and *not* competition that results in lower prices

No, that particular law has only existed for the last 2.

The reason it will happen now is because the locales with monopolies are and have been continuing to grow since then. There is essentially only 1 provider available to most of the US, just in some places it's one company while in others it's another.
Since they're localized monopolies they can enforce a package and their "customers" will have no where to run.

t. Zuckerberg

Also the first isp that trys to pull that bullshit would be the first to go under from everyone leaving it. Dont think it's gonna happen. More likely just throttling of megasites like youtube. We need a new video streaming community anyways.

Mobile traffic/phone industry was like that before heavy regulation, and partially still is.

If you go further back, internet providers - AOL prime example.

>Sup Forums will be one of the first to be 100% blocked
Then VPN or Tor it. The harder it is to find Sup Forums the better. I'm tired of all the normalfag cancer. I can remember a time when there really were NO women or niggers on the internet. I yearn for those days to return in some form.

I'm observing a massive shilling effort.
There is absolutely no reason that a private person should behave so emotionally anti-NN.
Where do they get those shills?


There's NO choice in most cities

kek flags users will be the first to hang.

Right? They will blindly support anything that annoys liberals. If Trump will introduce a law to rape citizens weekly – Sup Forums would be rationalizing how good it is for the country because Reddit doesn't like it.

Assloads of traffic for free

What is fdroid?

They charged you by the website?
Never heard of that

VPN how? Congrats, the server that handles your home's connection now only allows you to connect to this list of websites "facebook, google, wikipedia,"

How do you think you'll be able to VPN if that happens? Your computer won't know other IPs exist.

Live in big city. Can choose three to four different ones.

Mods, please edit all my posts and change FCC Nigger, to FCC Street Shitter. I happily concede the point, I was mistaken.

It sounds like to me this has more to do with charging ISP's charging Jewgle, JewFlix and JewBook to back haul, rather than letting them have those services for free.


I can't imagine being this fucking stupid

Big if true

Fucking rural retards Leaf, kill yourself.

Its not the competition its the fucking monopolies i was trying to get you to look at. It caused a fucking global depression. Just because it isn't government regulated doesn't mean that the lobbyists for it don't exist as a vector to enforce laws that keep little guys out. Its never a free market when there's faggot extortionists. You get all of this shit for fucking free and now you want to PAY for it individually along with PAYING the same rate of money you currently are paying for the same internet plan.

Its ironic how you think a free market can exist yet the market itself completely exists dependently on those who are willing to not extort it, you and I both know thats wishful thinking. Hence 1920's.

Video games, kind of

Refugee Zion to the Google Matrix.
Tolerated as long as it does not cut into revenues for more than 0.1%.

They throttle traffic. For example - video streaming and torrenting. I.e. for YouTube you had to pay additionally

How often do you use the services of a car wash?
How important do you consider the car wash's services?
If you aren't satisfied with the only car wash in your area (or with all of the car washes in your area), can you find another reasonable way to clean your car?

regulation increases monopoly strength via regulatory capture

how can you support it whilst knowing this

>Just because it isn't government regulated doesn't mean that the lobbyists for it don't exist as a vector to enforce laws

"it isn't government regulated, they are just enforcing laws to keep out competition"

well that is a roundabout way of doing the same thing.

>You get all of this shit for fucking free and now you want to PAY for it individually along with PAYING the same rate of money you currently are paying for the same internet plan.

literally the only people who would benefit from these "normie payment plan" with access to few sites are those application layer monopoly sites in the first place, the same ones that you *don't* want to regulate.

Yeah, it does, for now.

Problem is that makes no sense. We pay for out connection to the internet and they pay for there's. What does it matter what I do with MY connection? The backbone people (like Level 3) get paid by the ISPs we're all more familiar with. They're not having trouble supporting themselves.

So why do the end line providers think they deserve more money? We ALREADY pay them $80+ a month for the right to stream whatever the fuck we want.

Your lack of knowledge about how internet works is outstanding.
How old you? 80?

Do you even know what ISP is?

You sound like this retard

I know that streaming and youtube costs more data and that costs extra money
What OP is implying is that you're going to have to buy some pack for Sup Forums and another one for let's say a sport website

Both options are shit really.

>Net neutrality as it is now is more about bandwidth hogging corporations like google, amazon, and netflix passing costs down to you by jewing ISPs
what jewing?
the customer downloads vidya, the customer should pay per gigabyte of downloaded mp4s.
that's it.
ISPs are you envious that somebody is transporting gold on their roads and they want their 'fair share' of the gold.

>DIY trans sites
Wtf is this ? Are they teaching trannies how to remove their balls at home or how to dilate they big wound when there's no 10inch dildo around ?

This is how you get Genocide of government officials.

They realy are. And people who take one side over the other are fucking retarded.
>Yeah,imma choose the lesser evil out off dis cuzz gud for me. Im not gonna tell both to fuck off cuz im a fucking retard hurrr durrr ddrr

Assloads of traffic for free dipshit

I'm not gonna be the one that's stuck with one isp. Sorry you live in a shit city.

but the jews will out jew each other when net neutrality ends

Most of the US only has access to one ISP in their area, there is no other provider to go to if you don't like their business practices.

Ask yourself why that is
What's stopping someone from starting up a new ISP?

>he unironically thinks that Sup Forums won't be thrown into the slow-lane