Read the guide
Read the guide
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Sticky pages.
My Sal package finally entered the country after 2 months since it left Japan.
Never again.
Is this possibly the cutest Nendoroid ever?
Stop using
In the damn op. The fuckin webmaster gets so much free marketing from you idiots and he profits off anyone on the site. Fucking retards
Where do you see this?
Selling some scales
Al Azif and Sonico DX Sealed
More for sale on my mfc:
Houki 1/4 (Pending)
Tatenashi 1/4
Charlotte 1/7
Altina 1/8
Muramasa 1/7 wing rerelease (sealed)
Sonico 1/5 (sealed)
Also selling my preorder for Iroha-Hime. May sell or trade various items from my collection so if you see something you want pm me
Okay, we'll stop posting the guide and get the thread flooded by stupid questions that the guide would have answered and make the thread even more dead as everyone new is driven away.
The guide is probably one of the best for new people getting into buyfagging. It stops people from asking stupid questions.
How much are you selling the Muramasa figure for?
Oh boy, I get the privilege of paying TOM 5 dollars so I can buy more stuff at their jacked up price with shitty shipping and get it two months later than the release date? Where do I sign up!?
It's nice to know TOM is officially dead. I was still on the fence, but this is it for them, isn't it?
70$ usd at max but I'm willing to sell cheaper for most of them
>Whaaaaaa a guy is rewarded for his work.
Wrong thread?
This is a general.
Don't play dumb, the rest of us are painfully aware of this cancer on the board.
Sup Forums isn't a marketplace. Fuck off.
Is that including shipping?
No, shipping can be discussed
Piss off poorfag.
My SB69 music arrived.
Thats all. Thanks for letting me blog.
Quite possibly. Why is Casko so great for cute and lewd?
Guess what just arrived today!!!
As good as the guide might be, it doesn't stop the stupid questions
it slows the flood of them, and gives you a valid reason to tell the people asking them to fuck off
just because we can't control all retards doesn't mean we should stop trying
S-skin cream!?
dragon etc
Oh shit I forgot the picture.
Can't wait until night, my dick is a diamond at this moment.
dirty old man.
>vaccum witch
Literally the only good thing about it is the suction. The design itself is not pleasurable
>mouth of truth
Enjoy teeth scrapes unless you have an asian willy
Is that toucan lube? Also why didnt you use NLS, the only excuse is if this website you used had a sale
Just post the guide in the 1st or 2nd reply.
>>>/jp is that way ---->>
Holy shit, I just thought it looked off because of her high-waist skirt.
Why don't you jackasses add J-list as a recommended store?, that way OPs wouldn't be deleted at all.
1.) Unboxing spam isn't useful for the thread; we know that feel of unboxing dozens if not hundreds of times.
2.) Onaholes are /jp/, in fact they have a thread specifically for those there.
When is she supposed to come out?
fuck off Sup Forums police, people always upload unbox picture here
Those are the hips of a malformed child with some odd yet thick thighs. The ass is probably very deformed too
This is the user who got assblasted because he didn't read /jp/'s guide and they ignored him so he came here asking for help.
He should either learn to read, or off himself.
Not soon enough is the correct answer, but March is the one dictated by Murphy's law.
So who is this delicious semen demon?
Are those your first onaholes?
Fapping will never be the same
Because Jlist is SHIT. SHIT!
Except their ads on Sup Forums, these are cool.
Who else is ready for teh Alice?
>dirty old man.
I'm a little girl ;_;
>Is that toucan lube?
Yeah, I don't know much about /jp/ memes, is it good?
/jp/ is dead.
No, I have 5 more.
I got memed into buying an onahole and I only ever used it a couple times.
It's too much of a chore to use one and it doesn't feel all that much better.
wonder if phat will ever give her a nicer scale, I mean they are still pumping out kancolle scale
>/jp/ is dead.
It's not, I sometimes post in the onahole thread. The board just happens to be slower.
Then you are doing it wrong
/ona/ is far from dead, they're just not so fast you can expect an answer or at least a "fuck off" within 60 seconds like you can here. Gotta adjust your expectations a bit.
To be honest, I only really got her so I could have an armor-less body for Gourai.
You getting a megami device too?
for that you could have gotten any of the 3 previous "Frieds" characters
Friends*, I misspelled that
Pretty sure she isn't meant to be displayed without the skirt.
Looks ugly.
I agree with half of that.
The last thing I want to do right after I fap is clean out a tube of cum, so sometimes I can't be fucked.
It's quite a bit nicer than regular hand fap though.
Someone knows who is making this? or it is a GK?
>I got memed into buying an onahole and I only ever used it a couple times.
>It's too much of a chore to use one and it doesn't feel all that much better.
this t b h
id rather have an escort give me a handjob/blowjob than fuck my onahole
make sure to clean them properly and straight away you dont want a moldy dick. if you're anything like me you wont use them very often. but the first time you cum from an onahole is unreal (im a virgin tho so mabye you've felt this feeling b4 with a real girl) and then the pleasure fizzles out the more you use it just like my heroin addiction
escort is just a nice name for a disgusting disease ridden whore
Why would you want to buy that abomination?
That figure looks seriously bad, it's got the same head problem as porkchaco.
I don't find it that bad, as your opinion states, I want to know more about this Mai scale, that's all
just let the thread die.
>Seller offers 300¥ yuumail and 160¥ kuroneko yamato
>Zenmarket goes for yuumail
I wish they let me pick for that little over a dollar.
Wo-kyu is the cutest.
What's in the box?
Is it the fucking GUIDE?
I still haven't got a bra for my daughter her big breasts dont work well with her small frame all the clothes are made for flat chested preteen girls
Are you the user that hangs a headless doll on his closet?
kill yourself
Learn to tailor
Jesus christ, seek help
the white dress on the left was supposed to be tailored but the dirty chinks just threw in a medium which is like double the size of her :(
>out of the box
Neck yourself for being such a dumb fuck.
why give the option for tailored and charge more for it then?
To trick dumb fucks like you. It's not tailored if the chink didn't go to your sad excuse of a house and get your fucctoy's measurements.
that's why i sent the measurements dumbo
is it a dick in a box?
the fuck is this faggot shit?
Cute clothes user. I have thought about buying a 1/1 doll but think 1/3's appeal more to me. Did you get her from dxdoll?
Hopefully soon so you saberfags can spam some new saber.
I'm not even a fan of Saber but I preordered this one, the dress looks very nice.
Thanks :)
I got her from ExDoll which is the same company but cheaper
Which shops did you buy from for those clothes, and which height is your doll?
She's 145cm and i bought the school uniforms from Lehno on Tmall
the last one hasn't been marked as sent yet so i dont know if they are actually tailoring it or they aren't going to send it and i cant read chink so i cant check their turnaround time
I'll agree on the dress, it looks great.
has anyone removed the leggings from a figure like this?
I bought it for the dress too; the fact that Saber is wearing the material is immaterial.
Chocola wearing it would've been better though.