I will post this every day until Christmas!
22 days!
Activity sure has dropped. I blame the late-night deletions.
Yeah, I was wondering what was up!
I thought you had left me...
fuck off with your shitty fucking threads attention seeking autist, Sup Forums already roasted your ass last week.
Fuck off tripcunt.
>Crying about Christmas
Your tears are Delicious!
learn how to read nigger.
Tfw you will never wake up to pic related on Christmas morning.
Why live?
>Learn to read
The minute you get a life and embrace the holidays, I'll get lessons!
Thank goodness ANIME and MANGA never has anything that's Christmas related. No Episodes, no Winter, No Cute Girls getting Cute Presents.
Yup, thank goodness!
>22 days!
>Image already posted
>fish got deleted today
>22 days
my /ss/ packages havent all arrived yet
I sure hope I can get them all sent off before christmas.
But Fish™ and Santa Yui™ are two different things!
For faster delivery, choose SantaFish for express deliveries!
put a poster next to your bed.
Huggable Christmas Daki
Inflatable Christmas Daki
Vibrating Christmas Daki
Why is Japanese Kurimustu so sexual?
Because it is.
Gonna make an Imgur with as many xmas pictures I can get off of these threads from now until x-mas
Just ask for the Santa Yui™ collection (Packed in a convenient zip file), free for the asking!
where is the Toradora stream this year?
o gee lad, could you smack my in the face with that Santa Yui™ collection?
Good job faggot
Waiting to see if Santa Yui replies...
I think it's Christmas Waifus collection 2015