Can someone accuse Stephen Colbert of sexual assault already?

I'm tired of hearing this self righteous cuck talk down to average Americans everyday, he needs to be put in his place.

Doesn't seem like perv to me to be honest, although I'd love to see him not on tv anymore

I just can't believe people can watch him and not see Stanley Gucci from hunger games. The guy is the "propagandist tv" show from every book/movie about evil governments

Louise CK said a year ago that when they first worked together Colbert pulled him into a room and dropped his pants.

It's in the interview from 1 year ago

he eye raped me through via a youtube video.

stevie coldbert grabed my pekkuh
then he made me close my eyes and drink bad milk frum a fleshy straw

Remember kids it's not assault if she doesn't remember your face.


But without Colbert would btfo GRUNOLBFD GRBPUMPFFFTFTFTFTFT!??!?!?!


lol you don't even give af about sexual assault victims you just want him accused.

Trump is a groper, Colbert is an actual good man who doesn't act like that. Deal with it.

he hasnt even been remotely funny since he left his old show

People thought Charlie Rose and Al Franken were a good men too...until literally a day or two ago.

I know a few crusty paws we can send him

Trumps been accused of worse. Oh but his accusers are liars right?

mmm nice pic albeit a bit small

>lol you don't even give af about sexual assault victims

Don't care if the allegations are completely bullshit, either.

Being that Trump never admitted any wrong doing I believe him, unlike the leftist cucks who immediately crumble and apologize and give up their careers...

They're not old enough yet, the ones that are still alive.


same with Moore. These women had decades to say something, then wait until an election? BS.

>Can someone accuse Stephen Colbert of sexual assault already?

His left hand has been silenced.

good one


Look into his past.

There will be a reckoning.

So then bill Clinton is innocent and Trump was wrong to bring up his accusers?

It'll never happen. In addition to being a scared cow of the Left, Colbert is legitimately too much of a cuck to have done anything like that. He probably doesn't look at his own wife naked without asking permission.

How the fuck can you be prochoice and a Catholic? That tells you all you need to know about him.

Oh I'm sure this guy will get what's coming to him. Nothing is a secret forever. All these sick fucks are going down,especially stevan colbert

He is gay. I hope he has some Spacey level dirt

Then again Trump's not the one calling himself a feminist and preaching to others about sexism.


> Colbert
>Good man.


I hope someone accuses elon musk, the meltdown on reddit would be legendary.

Well if the "average Americans" had any fucking brains they would shut the guy off then we wouldn't have any problem with him would we? Stephen Colbert is a pedophile supporter and probably a pedophile himself but the real problem here is that literally millions of brain dead clueless normies keep watching his show and are actually enjoying it.

the only thing Musk would sexually assault are those assembly line robot arms.

I truly doubt that Musk has any sexual desire for anything organic.

He’s guilty of raping conservatives with his show

I seriously don't believe he has genitals.

I for one am hopeful that our patience with sanctimonious foreigners (Colbert, Noah, Oliver, Morgan) lecturing us Burgers about how stupid we are will run out.

We are known for many things. Patience is not one of them.

What's stopping op from making an anonymous sexual harassment claim? Say you've been threatened into silence but you know you're not the only victim. Watch as professional victims start saying he got them too and only $$$ will fix the trauma. Watch the network drop him faster than you can say rapey kids facey spacey

You'll just go back to having the usual Jews do it themselves, only you'll be chanting U S A U S A afterwards.


If you want a job done right, you gotta Jew it yourself.

Your infallible logic must be reassuring...

I bet you don't give a shit about false allegations do you?

Yeah I don't think al Frankenstein was a big deal, but it's funny because muh wymns rites