Just finished Part 3, is Part 4 as amazing?
it's even better in my opinion.
It's nothing but anime kino bruh.
Part 3 is one of the worst ones. Part 4 is one of the best ones.
Part 3 is the actual worst one, worse than even part 1 in some ways. It only gets better as it goes on.
I found Part 3 to be the best one so if Part 4 is good enough to make Part 3 look bad, I can't wait!
It's much better, though I think the manga is slightly better then the anime for 4.
im up to episode 19 of part 4. definitely worth watching op
Part 3 was cool for the adventuring portion.
Part 4 is cool for world building of Morioh Town and its inhabitants.
Also, the villain gets alot more screen time and exposure compared to DIO.
just finished Part 3 a few days ago, senpai!!
Part 4 is great, just finished the second episode there. Art styles a bit different, but I feel the animation more accurately captures Araki's orig animation in regards to faces and stands than previous parts.
Also, music is catchy as hell (CNBT Is a fucking tune and the credits really remind me of a My Bloody Valentine song)
Part 3 is the first one that involves stands. The abilities are pretty straight forward and shonen like. ie. He can do this, He can attack like that. It does this, it does that.
Part 4 starts getting weirder, and become wonky, and it ramps up getting crazier worse through each new series.
next series has KING CRIMSON, and then there's the complete and utter bullshit that the following two series have.
Tldr: Yes it does get better and better and better.
part 1 and specially 2 are the best (talking about anime)
do you really need another general
Imo Part 3 is better in terms of setting but Part 4 art blows 3 out of the water and it's one of the main reasons why people don't like everything before P4. People also like 4 a lot because it's closer to your typical shonen manga.
Parts 1 and 2 were poorly animated, and the artstyle is inferior to that of the manga, while part 4 really did improve it, so as adaptations the later parts are better in my opinion
And if we are talking about the parts in general, 1 and 2 are cool, but the best ones are yet to come
I recently started watching and am almost done part 1 and really like it so far. Does it get even better?
Just go and watch the damn cartoon
But I wanna watch Jonathan die on a boat with Dio's head in his arms
So what's your problem?
Hell yeah, Stardust Crusaders was brilliant!
Watched DiU's first episode and it was good and all, but I have to ask people who have caught up... should I wait for the BD?
It depends on whether it has plenty of brutal moments like SC, if it does than I will try my best to wait, but if it's more tame I'll just stick with the censored version (I usually prefer uncensored).
Araki's art really peaked in part 4. Every panel is almost like a fullblown illustration piece
part 1: cute
part 2: clever
part 3: ebin
part 4: comfy
part 5: weird
part 6: sexy
part 7: Epic
I overall agree with that, but I think some parts are better in the anime, like the BtD arc or let's vore an Italian, even if only due to animation itself
>part 3
>amazing outside of only the very start where the new story is being set and dios world
How many episodes left of part 4? 2 or 3?
part 4 anime is mediocre like its source part 4 manga. dont waste time.
i think 3
>Everyone saying Part 3 is the worst
fuck you guys
Salty part 4/7 fags
Don't bother with them
they have to meme and show their "superior" taste.
Is Part 1 shit? I am thinking about quitting.
People don't give part 3 the credit it is due. It established stands and their rules, had one of the best villains, had a coherent overarching plot and some of the best lines of the show.
I'd also argue that most of the characters in part 3 are much more likable than part 4. Polnareff, Joseph, Iggy and Dio shit all over Josuke and Koichi. Plus they all acted somewhat like actual human beings unlike the cast of part 4 where they all alternate between brain dead retards and Sherlock Holmes in the same scene.
>Amazing outside the very start and Dio's world
Nigger those are the best parts, what have you been smoking?
>Joseph, Iggy, Dio and Polnareff are good characters
Undeniably so
>Who shit all over Josuke and Koichi
Oh, you're just a h4tefag. Shame, really
I don't hate Koichi and Josuke, they just make stupid decisions constantly and it grates against me.
That's my main problem with part 4. Everyone has super powerful stands or super great utility stands but they never use them when it'd be most effective. I get that Okuyasu is retarded but there are a lot of times when echoes act 1/2 would fix a problem and it's never used. Josuke could fix so many things (or at least try to) like frog dad, healing the nail clippings back onto Kira to track him, etc etc. Joseph literally came to Morioh to use his stand to track RHCP, why not use it on Kira?
I get why they don't do it because of the plot but it just irks me.
>Joseph doesn't use his stand to find Kira
Every fucking time
It's short enough and Dio is a much more fleshed out character in it than he was in part 3 where he was absent through 95% of the show and only showed up as the final boss.
I mean apart from spidermaning around that's literally all his stand does.
>part 2
would you do it with a man of god?
>long time ago in high school me and some other people try and make a JoJo tabletop RPG
>going through old google accounts I had, find the docs for the system
>fuck ton of stupid generated characters
JOHN PRESIDENT 「I Want To Break Free」
STR 12
INT 15
CHA of 17
END 11
WIL 16
Expertises: Accounting, Party Tricks
STAND: 「I Want To Break Free」
[Stand Ability scores appear on the left, and Physical Stand scores on the right]
Destruction 16/10
Durability 10/10
Speed 10/10
Range 17/3
Precision 9/10
Development : 10
Natural Humanoid
Memetic manipulation:
Once someone forms a strong positive relationship with John President, I Want To Break Free can modify three opinions, beliefs, ideas etc. of the victim. The victim of this Stand will still maintain their internal previous understanding of moral values and “right vs wrong” but the victim will believe whatever they “think” is just normal. When I Want To Break Free is undone, the victim’s consciousness will continue from the moment just before they were affected by this Stand. Additionally, 「I Want To Break Free」 can make three pieces of information “null” or non-existent within a population.
When using this ability on an unaware foe, it is a D20 roll + this Stand’s Ability Destruction modifier contested with a Will check from the victim. On an aware target, use this Stand’s Ability Precision score (and thus modifier) instead.
Fuck off Sup Forums
That's cute
Not as good as my stand 「We are the champions」
It automatically wins any conflict it is involved in no matter what. It can never lose. It trumps all other stands.
So why didn't GER activate during the Black Sabbath fight?
Different arrow.
But the requiem property isn't restricted to one specific arrow, is it?
It is restricted to the beetle arrow.
Part 4 is pretty rough at times. Other than 3 Jojo is basically a slide show. It's sad the show has no budget. Meanwhile you go to pantie shot harem show 523 and its like smooth as fuck
>Part 4 the only part where I want the bad guy to win
Have you yet realised that you are surrounded by a bunch of degenarates that want to fuck a gay priest and molest a underage "gangster" pussyboi and if someone sees you browsing this shit you are basically fucked for life?
have you yet realized that you are surrounded by a bunch of degenerates that want to fuck teen girls and molest underage "loli" pussy and if someone sees you browsing this shit will think you're gay?
Part 4 is boring as fuck.
The only worthy episodes are:
1-2-3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13-14-17-20-21-21-22-23-24-25-34-35 and the rest.
The people who say that part 4 is the best is because of a bad meme.
The real scale of best part is:
fuck off partskipper
Did I catch that wrong or did Bites the dust shield Hayato from that punch in the end?
Who's favourite Jojo, people? Mine is Jolyne.
what the fuck kind of questions are these? why is he asking if the baby is soft and beautiful
>Part 3 is one of the worst ones. Part 4 is one of the best ones.
Reverse these and you'd be correct.
>part 7 best
another sbr tard throwing other part under the bus. yesterday one tard was posting fucking MAL list to prove that sbr is best. CANCER
Mine's Bucciarati.
>People don't give part 3 the credit it is due
Agreed. I think it's because the anime fucked the pacing, I was loking for a few details from the manga and ended up reading 10 chapters without even noticing it. Also, if you compare it to the rest of the mangas that were out at the time, it's pretty good and sort of innovative
8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 >2 > 1
desu senpai
>post yfw DP decides to use the dropped plotline where Fugo betrays the gang
>They're all at the boat after saving Trish
>Fugo punches the boat
>Everybody dies
Full of filler, but this time going nowhere.
Has a better climax though
Yep. BTD protects Hayato from all harm. This is to protect the bomb.
>yfw DP makes Purple Haze Feedback its own five-episode miniseries
he wanted to know if it was like Dio or even an reincarnation of Dio
Not likely to happen though
Isnt PHF non-canon though?
I think Araki illustrated the book and said he liked it. It's also the most popular Jojo LN from what I've heard, so there might be a chance
Liking it doesn't mean it's canon. Also I hear the story is generally kind of divisive for how it portays some of the characters.
>tfw when watching jojo with someone
>they are so fucking upset with kira's bites the dust they almost go into tears thinking about it
Holy shit. Amusing as fuck.
taking care of invisible babies is a full time job ok?
Post jojo memes you really hate
here's mine:
>star platinum is le ghost of le jonathan
Weather Report confirmed as main villain in Death Stranded
> Watching DiU with my older brother
> He see's the whole group bite the dust and Hayato's failed attack with Stray Cat
> "What's going to happen now? It's hopeless! Kira's basically invincible!"
Feels good
>The World is Jonathan's stand
>Bite the Dust is a requiem
>Narancia is cute
>GER was an asspull
>Made in Heaven destroyed the universe
>SBRverse is a result of MiH
>Jobin will not be the main villain of P8
And I'm forgetting a lot more
Star Platinum is the ghost of Bruford
Narancia is cute isn't a meme it's a fact.
Narancia is fucking gay and gets tongues by Kira
>Your next line will be Fuck you fucker
>Narancia is cute
this nigga right here
>Implying GER wasn't
haha what a memer! You unironically made a fact a meme hahaha you are so good at this memeing thing memer!
Fuck you fucker
>The person to get the arrow will win !
>Person gets the arrow
DIO is a trash villain though
The pacing is much better.
Childhood is idolizing Part 4, adulthood is realizing Part 3 makes more sense
Hey everyone! Comparison user here. Not sure this is the correct place to post this, but seing as this is the only active Jojo thread I'll post it here. I've just done the first episode of Battle Tendency, you can find it here: jojocomparisons.github.io/jojo-bt-10/
Check it out if you like!
3. The last episode is airing on December 23rd.
Reminder that Narancia is best girl
Childhood is idolizing Part 1-4, adulthood is realizing Part 5-8 are much better
No brakes on the hype train!
Childhood is being a partfag
adulthood is liking jojo as a whole
So...I hope we get Kira's voice actor for Diavolo next season...
Hey, thanks for your work!
What's up with the next DiU BD volume? It's out already, isn't it?