Go to check out college's anime club

>go to check out college's anime club
>everyone smells, is ugly, fat, has actual visible autism or some combination of the three
>shit taste in shows
>people are on reddit 24/7
>probably couldn't even tell them I was a lolicon without someone mentioning the word pedophile

Why can't people just act and look normal and still like Chinese cartoons

Other urls found in this thread:


but talking about your child porn comics isn't acting normal

I'm joking.

It's because all the normal people see all the ugly/fat/autistic people in the club and don't join.

Kill yourself.

But I didn't because I can understand basic social cues

>go to check out college's anime club


When I was in High School, my friend's girlfriend had anime parties every few weeks. We were all normal kids with boyfriends or girlfriends and it was a lot of fun.

I am sorry about your experience.

Why don't you try throwing an anime party?

>invading people's safe spaces to mock them

I was tempted to check out mine but now I'm having second thoughts. It might be okay since most of my school is Asian and Asian weebs tend to be less cringy then white weebs.

I was tired after my cisco final

>probably couldn't even tell them I was a lolicon without someone mentioning the word pedophile
Probably because you're a pedophile...

Do you go to SUNY Binghamton?

try living in an area with a high slant eye population, like me.
lotta normalfags into anime, even if its flavor of the month shit like Umaru.

>Why don't you try throwing an anime party?
I'll be watching S2 of Geass with a couple of friends next week

I got lucky. When I was in uni, the people with better taste split off to make their own group, and put together good ground rules.

1. Only watch shows broadcast within the last year (6 ep/showing)
2. Only talk during OPs/EDs
3. 12 episode shows only with 1-2 24 episode shows a semester.

Though they picked shit occasionally, the stuff shown was generally balanced, and most of the regulars were generally cool.

Just got to keep looking, buddy (or start your own like the upperclassmen did before I got there).

user that club sounds autistic as fuck

I'm about to start my last semester and in order to avoid feeling like Watashi in Tatami Galaxy I'm tempted to go check my school's "Japanimation Club" out, since they were advertising raising money for movie screenings. But I've never actually seen any advertisements for the screenings themselves, so I'm starting to think they don't actually do anything.

Try with karateka they sometimes are closet otaku
still don't talk about the lolicon thing out of here

I don't know, I don't like watching anime with other people.

I wouldn't go as far to say anime is my secret shame kinda bullshit, but most modern anime is awkward enough I would rather just watch it by myself.

It was either that, or shitty long running shonen like you see talked about on the net everywhere else.

Choice was pretty clear.

>anime club
>going to college

But you can't be a paedophile without fucking kids. Do you know something about OP we don't?

Some people do, I'm one of them. The thing is, being normal, we don't join fucking clubs for and publicly display our stigmatic hobbies, because we have a sense of fucking decency. If you have friends who also like it, that's cool, but don't parade that shit.

I got a look at my college's anime club when I went to a meeting they had at the gazebo on campus. All of them, overweight and/or smelly, greazy af, dyed hair, anime merch all over, generally autistic. Kept hearing "-chan" and "-kun" added onto names, and they talked about FUCKING NARUTO the whole goddamn time I was there. Had to leave halfway through when someone asked me if I'd ever seen SAO.

>Kept hearing "-chan" and "-kun" added onto names

Also, without ground rules, you have to deal with new people asking for crap like Naruto/Bleach/SAO or being loud shits.

Having guidelines keeps things sane until people acclimate. Kinda like how people should lurk Sup Forums for a few months before posting.

The system was well thought-out.

>probably couldn't even tell them I was a lolicon without someone mentioning the word pedophile
Why would you do this

Liked and subscribed.

There is literally nothing wrong with discussing naruto.

It's one of the most popular anime of all time, and going to a club about anime and expecting not to discuss Naruto is autistic. If you want to consider yourself knowledgeable about anime and able to talk about it with others then it's essential viewing.

This is bait

>It's because all the normal people see all the ugly/fat/autistic people in the club and don't join.
This is why official anime clubs are garbage. The best groups of anime friends are found informally, or via Sup Forums.
of course there are some fat autismos here too, you just can't see them through the posts

>an anime party

The fuck kinda gay shit is this?

How is being a lolicon not being a pedophile again?

You don't see people claiming to love 2d characters of the opposite sex while also denying heterosexuality.

Lolis are cute. Real girls aren't.

>Suggesting I should watch absolute garbage anime because it's popular, so you I talk about it with trashy weebs
Nigger. Please. I have standards.

The same is true for any 2d though.

>You don't see people claiming to love 2d characters of the opposite sex while also denying heterosexuality

The point is that one doesn't guarantee the other. Also, one is a fetish while the other is literally sexual orientation

An anime girl getting ravaged by a horse could be hot. That doesn't mean I wanna start getting fucked by horses in real life or fuck horses myself


Don't worry, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a pedophile as long as you're not molesting kids. It's a hell of a stigma to put on yourself though.

They're just like Sup Forums, you know? Only difference is you can both see and smell 'em.

I'd settle for a nice Jap mangaka gf. That way she can just draw things to get me off

That doesn't address hit point in absolutely any way.

>all these people acting superior
lmao, you know ur just as bad as them. even worse in fact because you don't have any friends while they do.

>defends anime clubs


>hehe he type different way xD
>argument won face.jpg

and you wonder why u have no friends

My Uni's anime club is filled with thicc or typical nerdy asian girls and spics. Neckbeards are pretty rare where I go and the people that attend are fully fledged normies that watch naruto/dbz/AoT


are you retarded? a sexual attraction is different from actually doing illegal shit.

>sexual orientation

That's not what a pedophililia is. Pedophilia is definitely a fetish. Albeit perhaps a rather strong one, but it is not an "orientation". Orientations are gender related.

>An anime girl getting ravaged by a horse could be hot

Sure, but because you are getting off to bestiality specifically rather than say a dude with a retardedly huge cock, it's definitely confirmed that you have that as a fetish, even if it's small. It's a matter of the degree of intensity.

It's like how somebody might like bondage but not want to see women who have piercings everywhere with arms and legs contorted beyond belief.

>and you wonder why u have no friends

No, I don't. I fully understand the reason. Because most normies around me are cringy little retards, just like you in fact

>you can't be straight without fucking chicks

Virgins aren't even straight confirmed!

I used to think I was too because I think pretty lowly of myself but holy fuck some of the people I meet are on a whole different level so I don't feel as bad anymore.

>Not hiding your powerlevel and enjoying anime by yourself
No one dictates that you have to share your hobby with other people.
Personally, I'm able to immerse myself into the story and enjoy watching a show more when I'm doing so alone.
In fact, I find it outright cringy outside of the internet and I don't think I would be able to survive a walk in Akihabara without getting a heartattack. But I need my escapism man.

>t. /fit/ ultra-normie that happens to live in normieland

>That's not what a pedophililia is. Pedophilia is definitely a fetish. Albeit perhaps a rather strong one, but it is not an "orientation". Orientations are gender related.

I'm obviously referring to user's heterosexuality argument when I said "sexual orientation"

>That's not what a pedophililia is. Pedophilia is definitely a fetish

Pedophilia is also gender related. You don't just automatically like little girls AND boys. Source: boys are gross.

Also, if you're interested:
- ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22218786
- good.is/posts/is-pedophilia-a-sexual-orientation-a-psychologist-breaks-down-what-makes-a-jerry-sandusky
- thestar.com/news/insight/2013/12/22/is_pedophilia_a_sexual_orientation.html

>mfw I just spent 3 hours at a bar talking about anime with some random strangers
>no stigma or power level hiding
>we all agreed that Flip Flappers was the AOTS

Alcohol is the answer to everything, user.

A sexual orientation can be called an extreme "fetish". Though since it's normal, there's no need to call it a fetish, which by definition is abnormal or irregular.

Well duh. A virgin isn't ANYTHING yet, other than a good friend of dear rosie palm and her five sisters

lmao no friends

>it's everyone else that's stupid and wrong!
>t-that's why I'm alone, because I'm just so much better than everyone else!

Whatever tides you over until you sudoku I guess.

A real blessing, if said friends are imbeciles the likes of you

this is how most anime clubs are, sadly op i feel u
had too put up with that as well


Why does it even matter what it is anyway? I don't think it's an important argument.

Got drunk with some friends at his apartment and I tried to pull up some doujins on the big screen but was too far gone to put anything coherent in.

I woke up permabanned for breaking US law

>Why does it even matter what it is anyway?

I was just sayan.

kek, what

Pretty much this. Too much trouble watching it with others, and talking about it with those "clubs" is a waste of time. Although I might be biased because I live in a shitty city where everyone talks about nothing but dragonball and jojo.

Oh, I know. And I agree. I just don't think the discourse is important in the context of the whole thing.

Not that this isn't all off-topic bullshit anyway.


>anime club

I'm gonna be a little edgy here and argue that sexual orientations can be "abnormal or irregular" too. Just look at gays and bis


I had the same experience. Me and a couple friends had the displeasure of visiting on Halloween, where people were all dressed in awful looking cosplay and spouting cringy Reddit memes. The ones who didn't talk were arguably more autistic than the ones who did; one of my "normie" friends (he follows r9kwhores and is an absolutely abhorrent poster though thankfully he stays on /r9k/) was trying to start conversation with the silent autistes to absolutely no avail. These people have legitimate aspergers and they actually do not understand smalltalk in any aspect and often don't understand jokes either.

Also, at my HS, the Anime club and the GSA were the same people. Fucking disgusting degenerates all around. It's better to just watch anime with some friends that you actually know well and aren't cringy faggots with garbage taste.

>high school had a japanese language club (among other foreign language clubs)
>check it out
>most of the members are anime fans
>at this point it's pretty much "anime club"
>heard that the club adviser was kinda pissed about this

good thing i joined the robotics club instead

And homosexuality wasn't even recognized as a sexual orientation until relatively recently.

really makes u think

Like I said before I had a Cisco final I had just gotten out of and didn't feel like driving home yet. Nailed that subnetting problem though

>going to an anime club to meet the people
>disclosing your powerlevel to normalfags
>disclosing your powerlevel to low-tier weeaboo faggots

Keep that shit to yourself, idiot.
But chances are that if you went to an anime club, you're either smelly, ugly, fat or have actual visible autism.

Anime Social Gathering which shows the reality of similarly repugnant Escapists extremely displeases Escapist

More news at 11

its just watching whatever anime / movie while eating boiled eggs with your friends. you have friends right?

dat coping strategy

>Sup Forums

>back on track

i didn't think it could happen


>These people have legitimate aspergers and they actually do not understand smalltalk in any aspect

This so damn much.

They get a chance to talk about something and they DO NOT know when to stop fucking talking about a subject.

I saw one of these people in my class attempt to talk about Pokémon cards for close to 5 minutes with someone who was likely in their mid to late 30s. And this was all because the guy asked him a simple question.


>blogshit still hasnt been deleted

>Why can't people just act and look normal and still like Chinese cartoons
You say this on a board that goes REEEEE normalfags get out! Whenever relationships with 3D girls are mentioned.

Those generals aren't going to delete themselves

>while panda threads are deleted on sight

Sup Forums is autistic but not that kind of autistic

The fucktarded stigma of anime being 'for kids' just won't go away.

Nah, we're pretty autistic.

The only time Sup Forums doesn't get mad at people being sexually attracted to 3D women is in incest threads.

I don't know why but that made me laugh more than it should.

Pictured some newfag resident hotpocket gunning down the poor panda threads while he laughs maniacally

Most of my friends are crossboarders. We only get together 2 or 3 times a year because nobody wants to leave their house more than is necessary. Maybe the boiled eggs can entice them.

>literal weeb trash

>most of his friends post on Sup Forums

Unless you're doing Computer Science.

You're joking, right?

...or smell them, thank Christ.

It's gone and I wish it wasn't. The Anime community was better back when you had to keep it hidden. Back when you got bullied for watching anime, we didn't have these retarded faggots LARPing as nips inserting kawaii desu in every other sentence.

Exception, not the rule

Where the fuck do you live? I literally live in the hickest part of the United States, and I get positive comments all the time for the NERV sticker on the back of my truck.

>>probably couldn't even tell them I was a lolicon without someone mentioning the word pedophile

Lolicon literally means "pedophile" in Japanese, you fucking retard.