Why isn't Sup Forums as invested in saving net neutrality as Reddit...

Why isn't Sup Forums as invested in saving net neutrality as Reddit? You guys do know you're voting against your own interest, right?

Can't wait for their tears when its repealed.

jesus use the catalog and fuck off

Trump = Hitler
Sup Forums = Hitler
Alt Right = Hitler
Everyone who disagrees with the left = Hitler
ISPs = Hitler
Hitler = Hitler
how is this against my interest again?

Because we're not ShareBlue faggots.

>You guys do know you're voting against your own interest, right?

Not if this finally triggers a civil war.

Fuck back off to reddit kike.

The good thing about Net Neutrality is that you won't have to pay extra money to access different services online. The even worse part of net neutrality is that leftist companies like comcast and time warner can actively censor websites that they don't agree with, so it is an information control.

>comcast and time warner can actively censor websites
What does it fucking matter when downstream companies already use ToS to effectively do the same thing.

really? Can you provide a source?