Steins;Gate 0 is fucking amazing, atmosphere, music everything feels so real
Feels bad man
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>Sup Forums was right again
what does nurupo mean?
I liked it up until Milky Way Crossing
Twin Automata was the best ending
Null pointer.
null pointer
There's a joke on either 2ch, or futuba - I can't really explain it.
>"ga" is the sound one makes when hit
The person saying it got hit before he could say the whole thing or something; I wish somebody with knowledge can explain it.
they explain it in the game.
ga is basically like Kumiko's "geh" - a sound
In this context it's basically god dammit in response to a shit meme.
nurupo is a meme which has basically lost meaning.
fucking consolefags! PC port when?
>when can I pirate it
there's literally no excuse as its JP only audio and has a good translation
why two japans?
What are you talking about im playing it on the PC lol
there's already a translation patch for PC
I require more pics of suzu from this game which is soon to be an Anime(Tm) and is already a Manga(Tm)
well fuck me then, thought it was only for vita and consoles, just hope it's available in here though..
ahh of course
it's always WW3
Stop right there criminal scum!
oh my god
Shold i buy this on my ps4 or wait for pc translation?
I'm still going to call him Ruka/Rukako, it just sounds better.
S;G 0 anime when?
probably fall 2017
probably you should fall in 2017 to your death
isn't me.
Thanks you.
that's not funny
my alternate world line self died that way
>Steins;Gate 0
People still care about this franchise?
They fuck everything up with De Javu movie.
It ruined everything for me.
It's not like you played the original VN anyways secondary
>play VN
Hell NO. I'll not touch that shit medium.
you can leave now