Communism is the future

Communism is the future.

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I'd seize her means of production any day of the week

Traps are gay



believe it or not brainlets but stalin wasn’t the architect of communism, just followed a shitty interpretation of it


Name one good interpreter of communism

Means of reproduction



Heard you like your "net neutrality", cuck! I worked in industry for over 30 years how about that you liberal parasite? How long have you worked? Starbucks 2 months? TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT DEAL WITH IT KEK!

He's gonna name a pedo, I swear to god.

>everything falls
>decay is inevitable
>everything ends in death

>communism is inevitable

checks out.

No, no, no! Anytime anyone dies from Communism that just means it wasn't REALLLLL Communism.
No one dies from Communism, ever.

Attractive commiegirls get my dick hard

There is no good interpretation because #1 the theory is evil in theory not even practice #2 it goes to shit when you try to use it on humans.

literally a reddit boomer post what the fuck

If your idea of the future is a life span of 40 years, firing squads, children with disorders/mutations and starving then yeah.

And america wasn't the architect of capitalism. You could make this argument for anything

>Hitler did not adhere strictly to his message
It wasn't REAL national socialism
>The free territory in the Ukraine did not STRICTLY adhere to anarchism
It wasn't real anarchism

There is no "Real" any government by that definition. Every government needs to bend somewhat ideologically to continue existence. An anarchist society will need some form of an army, a communist society will always have a black market of some kind that will need to be tolerated. A capitalist society will need some form of taxation, a national socialist society will need to have some people that are at least somewhat jewish or mixed.

Do you support your president or not?

I'd storm her Winter Palace, if you know what I mean.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

>"""""""""""""""""the future""""""""""""""""""""

Its the natural death and rebirth cycle user.

Guss Hall, old leader of the American Communist Party.

I’d seize her means of (re)production if you catch my drift


No, the past (((1920's Russia))) is communism

lol no

XdDXDXd gomraed! Le ebin gommunism rise frum daed and maek parodize XDDD

REEEE Communism is the only holy religion! Heil Hitler! Communism has ALWAYS worked REEE

Reminder to sage all commie faggots

If communism is the future it's also the end.

even if you're right. an idiology that causes so much destruction if just one person in charge understands it wrongly is evil and stupid

go back to the_donald, it's where you belong faggot.

That's in violation of rules for the board, user.

but that ruins the fun

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

There is no fun in communist nations because everyone is equally depressed.

I'm gonna go masturbate to Witcher 3 porn, just finished downloading it.


Pol pot was real communist

all the time you spend worshipping your god could be used for something more useful, like trying to establish democracy in your country

Hell is for ever!

you keep saying that, prove it.

It's for ever. It's Hell.

Hell is for ever!


Id bend him over a table and forcefully redistribute my semen into his ass if you get me

Hell is for ever!

Post her bulge


>I can't support myself, but call myself an adult
>I need the state to take care of me
>le communism is the future xddd

How to do you support communism without embarrassing yourself? It's an admission that you're weak.

Volunteer for Stalin 2.0
Burn commies with fire!

No, user., classical liberalism has been failing as well. You shoud look at my comments here to understand a better way of denoucning them.


to be technical about it.. its the past... since only 2 regimes left out of how many?

Think he just talks about the fact that of the prominent bolsjeviks where Jews,like Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronsteinnd ) and many others, most often they took russian sounding names. The Chosen One Genrich Grigorjevitj Jagoda was responseble for Holodomor. the starving and murdering of up to 10 milion urkanians. This was pree WW2. How would the Nazis supposed to act after they heard the jews murdered 10 million white christian in Ukraine with is close to Germany.

The whole world should be one peaceful country, Kekistan.
It would not work, but still...

>Ciri futa WebMs
My dicc hardens

it'd seize her means of production if you know what i mean *wink* *wink*

i'd rape her... without consent

I wanna fuck a cute tsundere commie and make her cum

>muh dik

That's a boy

Stop replying to this faggot posts. He posts this gay shit weekly

Fill in the options field if you're dumb enough to respond to this shill

Why are commie fags afraid to show their flags? OP is likely an American.

>bomunism is da buture hurrrr
That's you. That's how you sound.

>Fill in the options field if you're dumb enough to respond to this shill
Thank you for acknowledging how dumbe you are, user. :3


If that's a boy then the wrong side won WW2



Enjoy starving to death and having mediocre programs
>But at least it's free
So is public education and that is absolute shite.

holy cannoli

Reminder that Sup Forums is a Sup Forumsetarian board

>being sodomites
Hell is for ever!

>being godless commies

Church should be free, however.



p u f f y

I think I need to replay everlasting summer again.
>tfw first possible gf killed herself Because I wasn't paying attention
it was shocked because it was my first run. I hope this doesn't tell something about my future.

Well *cough* nvm then. I just wanted to rub out a liberation fantasy.

Communism is like a diaper, it requires frequent changes because it's full of shit.

It's a sodomite, lad; that's not a cameltoe (or at one that's comparable to any I've happened to run across).


Don't despair, maybe it was a diaper. See

exactly, it's diaper bulge. she's wet and needs a change.

shes not even cute and thats a wig.



Communism is the future for the dead


That sort of thing is a disgusting form of roleplay, but it's still not as bad as sodomy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

.....and this is the future of all communists


fuck. I just got melanoma from that burn

So I can still liberate her from famine and put her in a shower vat then when the timer unlocks the shower door she will be greeted by the smell of burgers and fries?

why not both?

Pol Pot

Touche, I hope we can at least agree to kill off all the faggots and other undesirables before we kill each other.

that's a puffy vagene

FRe moni