Stop with the 56% meme

Listen up. Stop with the 56% meme. I am sick and tired of you using it, even as a "joke". Its not even funny in the first place. Its actually sad when I see bongs post it especially. As if Anglos are somehow superior. I bet your fucking ass that my state is whiter than any of your countries. You are taking demographics from a country that is bigger than Europe combined. You are all sad losers that cant think straight.

>hurr durr le 56% LOL!!

You find fucking 9gag trash memes funny? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Im the one laughing when I see that not you. So you might as well just stop once and for all.

To keep it Sup Forums related. What do you think about the eternal state of the bong islands and how cucked Br*ts are? Three dindus get into a club in Leeds and shoot it up and the media barely talks about it. ABSOLUTELY KEKED LMAO

>meme flag
slide thread detected

whats the 56% meme

Nothing meme in southern heritage. Your hippy flag is more of a meme. Gas yourself

>southern heritage
>literally the 44%ers

If you lived in a nigger infested city like I do you'd appreciate Europeans and other white nations actually mocking us for the destruction we wrought on our own population via multiculturalism.

As an American i think our nation should be mocked into oblivion for the 3rd worldist demographic displacement stance we have taken.

I think the meme should go mainstream

Only 56%ers get triggered this hard.

You had your chance with the eternal anglo, you decided to rebel.

Now you live as a mutt.


why are you so butthurt, bong?

tell me one thing your south has done

>meme flag
Hey leaf, whatcha doing?

Hey look, it's another one of those boring ass threads from americans crying over the 56% meme.

As an American I can tell you to stop being such a pussy you faggot fuck.


Reminder: the people posting this meme and the people crying about it are all leftypol faggots. Either ignore the threads or sage if you must post. Just let leftypol play pretend with themselves.

You can turn off you VPN now shill

>he wants me to lecture on Sup Forums
Ill ask again. Why are you so butthurt, bong? Is Mohammed fucking your wife?

>desperately cherrypicking

>amerifat can't even do banter
I'll ask again. what has your south done?


>fore fathers literally founded the country to rebel against the anglosphere

>complains when bloodline diluted with nigger and spic juice

Burgers are always so fucking butthurt lol, enjoy your new interwebz as well, fat cuckolds.

>Yuropoors this mad at their microscopic """countries"""
>make shitty 9gag meme to distract them from this fact


Instant pasta

this guy is trying to pose as an american being butthurt, please ignore

Boo fucking hoo. How low is your self esteem that you get triggered by a dumb fucking meme?

lmfao what year is this from?

Listen up. Stop with the 56% meme. I am sick and tired of you using it, even as a "joke". Its not even funny in the first place. Its actually sad when I see bongs post it especially. As if Anglos are somehow superior. I bet your fucking ass that my state is whiter than any of your countries. You are taking demographics from a country that is bigger than Europe combined. You are all sad losers that cant think straight.

>hurr durr le 56% LOL!!

You find fucking 9gag trash memes funny? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Im the one laughing when I see that not you. So you might as well just stop once and for all.

What happened to Anthony Joshua on the left?

He only had a fight a few days ago and now he's acting like a nigger

Ah man but its makes me feel good.

Lurk moar faggot



>think top keks are pissing on a meme

your mud blood mutt.

Drop the meme flag leaf.

kek, here's another good one.

keep crying mutt

>trying this hard



>be american
>get shot
>be american
>daughter will marry a black man or her children will in the next 100 years
lol I almost feel bad for them. How is all that WINNING now?

t. faggot leftist who spans said meme

>T. 56 percenter


Off yourself if you can't take bantz faggot


Toughen up, buttercup.

Rich coming from a leaf
very time I go to Canada I'm surrounded by every form of nigger, spic, poo in loo, gook I can fathom.

>Another triggered mutt who doesn't understand that the Sup Forums is at its beat when shitting on its own.

Fucking sick of these nu fag nics

We're coming for you nigger




what in the world..

Nice meme flag, yeh kuk.

>le 56% face


Canada is 65%, shut the fuck up faggot

when will quebec declare independence?

virtue signalling much eh

These attacks are done for the sake of publicity, to rouse other potentially violent extremists to action. By creating media circuses you play into the hands of the terrorists and perpetrators. To keep it on the down low is objectively the correct course of action in such situations.

Have you heard of "adoption"?

>le 65% face

That's just straight up wrong, less than 20% of Canadians are a visible minority and most of those are Asians.

He cucked her with an Asian. That thing doesn't look anything like the mom.

problem muttboi?

Btw I live in a big city and I can count the number of black men I've seen in my life on 2 hands, and half of those were from visits to the united states.

>he made her think she gave birth to that child but really another woman did

>Meme flag
>bitching about "Americans aren't white" threads.
>I've seem the vast majority of American flags ignore or laugh at "Americans aren't white" threads.
>looks suspiciously like op is trying to keep the meme going with a slide thread.
>looks suspiciously like op is a faggot.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?
Also, sage.


On second look, she doesn't look anything like the dad either. That gook is most likely adopted.

Both children are, in fact. I know the couple from college. He's a flaming queer, and she's his beard. She works as a PT and gets skewered by a new BBC she meets at the gym on the weekly. I used to screw her at college while they were "dating".

I find the pictures funny, because of that look of sheer terror on his face, which most would construe as his fear that he's known as a cuckold, when in fact his fear is that he'll be outed as a faggot.

This is the prime example why you shouldnt racemix. At least he will end this genetic catastrophe with him

Surely it would be easier to come out as a poof.

Only thing worse than a poof is one to pussy to out himself.

Not with his parents. He'll get nothing if they ever discover he's faggot. His family is rich as fuck; they own a huge home construction company, the second-largest in my state, and they're worth well over a billion. They have four kids and have already disowned one on account of her drug habit. She got one chance in rehab, fucked it up, and is now written out of the will.


Id rather be poor than a cuck.

If its a big secret, how do you know?

The guy was my roommate freshman year. I've known him and his now-wife since 1997. It's more of an open secret among their friends and acquaintances, but unknown to his family. The funny part is he thinks no one has caught on. It's hilarious when we get together for some alumni thing or friends' reunion and he'll try to casually mention how much he enjoys sex with his wife. I'm always tempted to say, "Me too." I haven't balled her since 2000, though.

I'd argue he's technically not a cuck. I'd rather inherit around a quarter billion than be out. Different strokes.


Was she a good lay?

Bet the bloww job was shit with those gums.

If you didn't get mad about the meme, they wouldn't post it

The sooner you burgers destroy the US the better it's not going to be hard for us to deport our pre-ghettoized, unarmed government dependent non-whites. All we really need is a reason and seeing the US fall should do it nicely.
