Honestly, most of you are based mofos who are so redpilled (rpbar), that it is literally IMPOSSIBLE not to love you. Im a graduate from a good college and make enough money and I just wanted you guys to know that I love all of you and your energy and enthusiasm and your cynicism is the fuel i need to deal with the shills.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, to you younger boys, go hug your parents. They love you no matter what and they are proud of you.
And they should be proud of you.

Love you too user. In fact, I love everywhere that isn't a vile commie libshit.

Which I why I absolutely need this place. The real world not only has so many of (((them))), and it's bad manners to call your financial rapists out in public.

Love you too

If you can spare the expense, consider putting up a "it's ok to be white" billboard in capetown. About 1500 a month.

Cheers guys. I think this forum needs more unity and self support. We are at war with the people who want to steal the windfalls of our hard work without paying for it. We need to stop being so negative against our fellow brothers.

>newfag readings off the charts
calm down. save the love fest shit for your next reddit post

Easy there, serotonin boy. I find it hard to believe you love a bunch of complete internet strangers seemingly full of hatred.

Sup Forums is a board of love

you are all bad dudes that doesnt not afraid of nothing

it is

OP, you're a fag, but I love you too. This is a place where people empower each other to discover the truth instead of reveling in a sea of lies and self-pity. This is where we found our destiny.
Isn't it funny; the guy who brings the most anger out of people is actually /bestguy/. The normies who gather in groups to gossip and cackle are just using each other and don't even like each other. We inform, and help, and support.

I didn't learn to hate here. I learned to love for what the world is, instead of hate for what it's not.

Lurk moar fgt

I understand the hatred. A heathy person dispenses their frustrations/anger where it is least destructive. The internet is the best place. I am very friendly to every person i interact with in real life, kinda like gerald broslovsky from south park. Basically its a game of inches, like football. You have to change peoples minds one by one to shift the nation towards realizing ayn rand was a bigger visionary than steve jobs.

Even jew merchantposters??

we could all crowdfund this
how would you hire a billboard?
are you even able to do something like that?

No, kike.

self check
yes of course you are the chosen, tricky people

Even you guys. I'm a little hard on you, but y'know...the higher the monkey climbs the more he shows his ass.

s-shut up



The first feel good thread I've seen here in a while. Good on you user, you're not alone.

You can rent billboards easy enough. They usually come in different sizes like 8, 16, 24 sheets and range in prive from €800 - €3000 per month depending on size and location.


Sup Forums is love, Sup Forums is life.

Sup Forums is All In the Family, the website

I love all my Sup Forumsack faggots too. This place is the most clever, knowledgeable, and informed cesspool ever to grace God's green earth.

Seriously though, I love you all.

Not even a little.

even us poos

>€800 - €3000 per month
Sup Forums could do that

Love you right back.

Ok rape you next week.

go away Mossad agent

Happy pre-turkey day! Love you too, faggot. N-NO HOMO!!

don worry i love you bb

My parents are liberal cunt fags. I'm relatively successful and moved out of my parents, but even so, for the past 4 years, I've been fantasizing murdering them. They are everything wrong with the white race today. They deserve to die. Had these been more based days, I'd kill them and bury them.

i'd tell you to go hug your grandparents but I lost the lamp

i lurve u too


>trusting Sup Forums with my syrup shekkles


Do NOT go down the psychopath route. Not only does it ruin your life, but it weakens valid points you might have. Be the change you want to see.


Whites are way too cucked today.

Killing is unthinkable to you. You think your ancestors defended and colonized your nation with internet memes? No, they killed for it.

I don't have parents.

I want whites to uncuck themselves and start organized killings again. Laugh all you want, it is the only solution to the problem. Our ancestors shot and killed the Indians, or otherwise exploited them in ways that led to the Indian's demise, and the success of their own race.

I am glad that there is a center where discussions can be had openly and passionately, and that I get to call people know-nothing faggots. Thanks for helping to stem the tied of braindead lefties robbing everyone of their freedoms and prosperity in the name of "progress," Sup Forums

The ones you see on bus stops can be got for a bit less at certain locations. Also farmers that have land beside motorways often let you place them there for a fee. This avoids the scutiny you might get from larger advertising agencies. If everyone in a thread put €5 in you could get one in a prominent city center location.

People usually hate us when they come here, then they stay for awhile to tell us how the world RLY is, now they're stuck and are telling us they love us. I am confus.

I love you too user. No homo. Sup Forums has made me cynical, paranoid and introverted, but I feel as if I'm a better person and father. I don't take shit. I hate lies, and I love you all. Keep fighting the good fight. God bless President Trump and God bless you all.

Reported you to the fbi and police.

Enjoy the knocks you little psycho

Fucking dumb edgy faggot, they raised your cuck ass and allowed your pathetic ass to live there and bought you shit.

Cant wait until you have to explain your post

No. This is terrible logic. This doesn't help "our cause". All this does is promote an idea that psychopaths congregate on Sup Forums. The way of change is through the ballet boxes, and education. Murdering those who upset you or disagree with you is going to help the false narrative of the MSM and liberal crazies.

Sup Forums is the one true board

trust no one, user. don't even trust me for telling you to trust no one. trust everyone.

The truth force us with us!

And I love you too.

Is he okay?

we segregated them. they failed to do anything other than fuel the gambling habits of degenerates. they are dying off as nature intended. the only reason they have not died off yet is because of gibs.

Just a scratch. He rubbed some dirt on it and walked it off.

Yeah, just a flesh wound. He'll be up and running in no time.

I'm a tranny and I love coming here.
It's like going to the zoo, only the scenery changes daily and you never know what animals will show up.

Oh, and its free. Can't beat that!

Fucking niggers

I love you too honey. And you sweetie plum. And you over there.. yes, you. I love you too.

i love you too you fucking fag

Fucking kill em all already.

How do the police know you're just just shilling for shekels and to not take your posts seriously? It's more than likely that you're just a fed.

Love you too man, hang in there, the tide is slowly turning against them.
Be strong, be safe, and be well!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!


I'm glad we can help you.
Being red pilled has been hard for like two straight difficult years, but to all the newfags : it passes.

Give it time. You'll learn to live your life while knowing the truth.

Pax Christi everyone.

The nature of the board is that there is no content control, there is no taking credit, it's all open source by design

I feel the same way.

Yup. Whites are done for. Enjoy it while it lasts, boys.

Don't worry Chaim Sheklebaum, you're an invaluable member and an asset of our friendly and inclusive community.

And this is why faggots, you never, ever, ever tell the truth... especially here of all places.

>traditional folk medicine

Well I'm certain a lone crazy going on a murderous rampage is going to "save the white race".

The logic of this type of thought is nigger tier.

Put a fucking lid on it you sperg. Don't give the left any ammo.

stop shitting up the thread, CIA

Nothin but love for you, my man.

Tell mine to quit being assholes

Right back at ya and everyone else. Kinda funny. Someone decided to make a random ass off-topic thread in the hurtlocker, just to show appreciation for people they'll never see... Guess that's how we know we're truly in this together, huh. Gotta have faith.

Y'all remember to take time to spend with your families, and be sure to enjoy tomorrow's dead bird and the Wal-Mart Hunger Games this Friday!


another day, another closeted homophobe on pol

Thanks it's hard to be this redpilled and sane, I have urges to yell at non whites every time I go outside.


digits confirm

Israel flag posters are unironically the highest quality posters on this board. Truly G-d's chosen people and our greatest ally.

Are you Netanyahus shitposting son?

>ayn rand was a bigger visionary than steve jobs
I don't know where to begin with this

Yes, killing is completely out of the question. Just keep memeing on Sup Forums while the white race is still burning to the ground all around you. That'll teach em.

Aussies are better

I can agree, this board has taught/ inspired me to
>be a true man
>take risks in some ventures, like crypto and stocks
>farm vegetables
>have 7 white children
>the truth on Hitler
>the truth about the jews
>get /fit/
>get armed
>read more books
>the truth on women
>return to God
>Deus Vult on Islam
>the truth on nonwhites
You can bet on it that I will be on this amazing Japanese Sushi Making forum for the rest of my life

>Giving a fuck what your critics say.
>"If you kill your enemies, they win!" mentality

I wonder how the Puritans would have fared against the native tribes with that mentality. Because killing is never the option!

oy vey look at the nose on that one

everyone knows deep down that Sup Forums stands for Sup Forumsite; a community of individuals who hide behind the veil of a containment 'hate box' to mask the love they share for one another as a symbiotic force for justice
>it, the board of Sup Forumsiteness, is truly an amazing thing to witness; when a group has such an undying love for those who share a mental frequency play the 'Normans' by calling each other Nigger, Faggot, Cunt, 56, Sandnigger, Poo Loo or any number of deplorable, despicable ad homs to avoid being found out as the ultimate 'hug box'
>amirite tho?


Self Improvement General is the most important general, need to see more of it. Lift yourself and eachother up, white men

Have a drink on me..or a snort...or a puff, no, don't puff that, it shoots out yucky stuff.

>Well I'm certain a lone crazy going on a murderous rampage
Also, you're just missing the point. I'd prefer if the entire white race banded together and started killing niggers and mexicans and arabs and jews. Kind of like how they are already doing to us, slowly, and under the radar (because Jews control the media anyway).

You seem to be winning the culture war on the internet, but you're losing on the ground, and everywhere else. As it stands, neither America nor Europe are going to be habitable for our white grand children.

Did he died? Plz respond

>kikes self-congratulating while posing as strangers
pathetic as fuck

no, you're not included

he's fine. it was only a flesh wound

Hell fucking yeah OP, I love you too.
I'm so glad things are working out for you!


>entire internet is kvetching about net neutrality
>Sup Forums calls for a group hug
There is no place like this
