They want white girls to racemix with asians men too so they're pushing kpop groups like BTS.
The Globalists are pushing Kpop boy groups on teen white girls
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they tried that with mexican bands years ago like menudo
I hope this is just bait and that you don't really believe it.
>soy boys
it's not very likely to brainwash them into thinking that because the moment they'd try to date an asian they'd either see a) too many differences in terms of genetics and cultural backgrounds and b) find out that the asian dude has hyper-nationalist parents who don't like foreigners or whites.
it's even difficult if you date some american-asian person. segregation is a good and important thing so they can date each other. anything different from that feels like pushing a circle through a triangle shape/form and """make it fit""" somehow despite all sorts of trials of calamity and backlash.
also, it's funny how those who actually did marry an asian and who live in China, Japan etc. now complain that they have a hard time getting accepted by the asian parents-in-law
Soon they will start to push russian boy bands for americucks.
>white cucks are actually this insecure
Pathetic. No wonder girls are flocking to POC.
>thinking these are 15 yr olds
>actual age 22, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27
plastic faces
those are regular Amerimutts though