Have any of y’all noticed no news outlets are talking about net neutrality? We gotta take matters on our own hands and tell big youtubers to help us out, like pewdiepie, everyone get pewdiepie to talk about net neutrality for the sake of freedom and America
Net neutrality
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Big media outlets love this...because they're owned by the same conglomerates which own the ISPs.
Sup Forums is literally fighting for the liberal media to have even more of an advantage over conservative sites.
>no news outlets are talking about
They'll talk about it once it's gone
Comcast (MSNBC, NBC, Telemundo) want it gone
AT&T and Time Warner (CNN, HLN) want it gone
Verizon (HuffPo, Yahoo, Tumblr) wants it gone
Really makes you think, huh?
>anti-white, anti-border globalist megadonors rally around governmental control over the internet
Truly though provoking
Who gives a fucking shit, literally only niggers use the internet
>Sup Forums and porn is not the internet
Wait do amerifats have net neutrality now?
Sup Forums has always been retarded. This shouldn't even come as a surprise anymore.
What did he mean by this?
4chanx faggot
>no news outlets
Are you fucking kidding? Look it up, and you'll get a bunch of articles.
Except Tumblr spoke out in favor of net neutrality
Comcast owns NBC, TimeWarner owns CNN. None of them will talk about net neutrality because it hurts their bottom line
How do you do, fellow redchannitors?
there are like 1k posts per hour about this shit
>TFW I have no Idea what is going on but everyone is talking about how Net neutrality is awesome or bad.
And Google, facebook, Twitter and Netflix want to keep it. Jews jewing jews, not interested. Also:
Jews (content providers: Netflix and Google) jewing Jews (ISPs). Winning move is not to play.
It will fall. People with real influence and money want it to fall, and none of you faggots will be able to stop them because you have no real power over anything. It's only a matter of time.
But "we" (ie most of this board) either want it to fall or don't care, this isn't reddit
Yawn. Then why are you here? Brock just not have anything better to shitpost about?
I never thought I'd see the day where people on Sup Forums, the last bastion of free speech on the internet, were shilling in favor of getting choked and censored by big money. If that's not proof that there's actual fucking foreign shills on this shithole, I don't know what is. You all deserve this.
it is trumps last laugh for all the internet hate against him. surely day in and day out reading the shit thrown at him takes effect. he is the president, a billionaire. do you think he is thinking about preserving freedoms when his character is attacked and mocked on a daily basis.
Your faggotry has no power here. The content providers have convinced a load of kids that this is "saving the internet", when actually it's just more shekels for them. Watch the weev video linked above.
>drinks your nigger tears in pic related
he would never have been elected without the internet you imbecile