That was out of nowhere
That was out of nowhere
It also went nowhere.
;_; don't remind me
So glad this fat bitch got ignored.
Huh? What did you say?
I would like to watch another fun anime like this one
It wasn't out of nowhere, they made mention of the marriage thing episodes ago
I just finished it and now I don't know what to do
Read the manga.
Drop it. Let the story fade away into your memory.
There's only pain and autism ahead of you. I truly wish I could just delete S2 onwards out of my head.
>and autism
Take that empty feeling watching this left inside you and forget about it.
And don't try to read the LN since it ends up being pointless shit and every character is an even more pathetic human being.
Come on, it can't be that bad.
It's not the worst but there are better things to waste your time on, and more worthy of being remembered.
The anime is shit but kind of entertaining, however it also makes the whole cast more likeable than they were in the LN and that says a lot about how fucking shit they were as people.
And the story after the anime ended isn't really good either and,
seems nice
I guess the manga is a middle way, it's mostly comedy.
Dude should marry his sister instead.
Haganai S1 and S2 was the perfect anime, better than The Tatami Galaxy, I just hope they don't ruin it by making a third season.
isn't this a crime?
Only if you get caught.
fbi will talk to you
by who?
Not in my world user.
what world?
If I actually was fucking my sister, I wouldn't come to Sup Forums to brag about.
I would.
I definitely would.
The world where cute sisters can be with their brothers
Look at her.
This is now a Kobato thread. Post more best girl.
Give your Chuuni Imouto the D.
Is it me or are there no lighthearted shows like this anymore? It's either action or ecchi
made for sex
>you will never fill her womb over and over again with your incestious cum until she carries your baby and is eternally loving of you
Built for breeding.
Eh? Nandatte?
Series should have stayed totally about club antics and friendship. Even with the harem setup, it didn't have to succumb to the desire for romance.
I see a lot of people saying this
Harem comedy proved too difficult to write.
The LN industry chases fads shamelessly because they pander exclusively to the lowest common denominator by applying the least amount of effort possible. Comedy harems alienate the action mouthbreather crowd, so they're eschewdd in favour of series that try to stuff every genre into one poorly written mess and then use an anime adaptation as a commercial to advertise the edgy teenage battle action power fantasy aspect.
That model killed comedy harems and romcoms in general, and now it's dying too.
If only they actually do watch anime instead of bitching on Sup Forums while being nostalgic about the past.
No, there's plenty of other retards like you.
Honestly, the premise of this series wasn't too bad. It could have turned into an exploration on the pathetic side of humans. Of course, this is an LN so the author failed to do that.
A lot of people on Sup Forums have been supported by Sup Forumsnons to bang their sister. I can't help but wonder how many have succeeded.
I'm sure there are a lot of Sup Forumsnon who bang their sister but are too worried about getting caught to brag about it.
But she lost anyway, didn't she?
yukimura 4eva
Everyone lost, but Sena is the only one with "chances" of winning the bowl since she will go with Kodaka to the same university.
There aren't many pure harems anymore. They all take place in vidya land and have lots of drama.
was kodaka a homosexual?
He decided to go out with Yukimura because of her manly charm so yes.
H-how dare you...f-filthy won't get away with this!
How's the manga doing now? Where are the raws even at?
>last update was 2 years ago
Well, fuck, one would think that people would be all over the manga. Last time I check they had already catch up with the anime finale, they should be already on the part Yozora went full ShindoL by now.
Oh. Something like this actually happened to me.
> senior year in highschool
> there's a girl that I liked for 2 years and suspect she also liked me
> did a bunch of stuff together but never asked her out because I don't know how to talk to people
> she ended up getting frustrated with my lack of reciprocation
> eventually we're alone in the school newspaper club and she blurts out "I LIKE YOU"
> I don't respond, because I'm so far out on the spectrum you could probably measure my autism with an RF meter
High school, man. Those were the days.
So what's the new fad now?
When did Sup Forums become so damn stupid?
>I can't help but wonder how many have succeeded.
Most likely zero.
>I'm sure there are a lot of Sup Forumsnon who bang their sister
No. Not true. That is seriously retarded.
>too worried about getting caught to brag about it.
Getting caught by who? The FBI? Nobody cares, that's not even a realistic thing to worry about.
I am sorry to bring reality back into this thread Sup Forumsnons, but let's be honest, nobody is actually doing/succeeding in this.
>tfw this was also the story of me and my neighbor
>she even asked me one day why i would not go out with her
>and because of my spaghetti i told her 2d>3d