Why did he do it Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


r/ChildFree lunatic went off the rails

He didn't.


mother issues

Adam Lanza never existed. They used a picture of Ryan as a baby then made this composite of "Adam." These people are despicable.

Bullying, isolation and schizophrenia

Provided it enas a coverup for child abduction


his mom was going to ship him off to retard school and he didn't want to go

brainwashed by zerzan

death squads on greenarchists when???

Sandy Hook was staged.

For what purpose

Ask Obama.

autistic that was raped by a man, gained manboy love fanatsies involving violence, who then broke when his father left his mother and he blamed her for it.

he hated women/his mother to the extreme.

I can assure you it was real. My friends step brother has a cousin that knew someone that once went to a yard sale in the same neighborhood as one of the victims parents. You have no idea what you're talking about you inconsiderate prick.

Fake and gay

Hey internet what do you think about sandy hook? Oh interesting.



Fake n goy

The Alex Jonesism is strong in this thread.

So was this for gun control or sex trafficking?

Ammo rotation, that shit is useless when it gets damp.

Obama here. I wuz laughing with the UN while saying that i would get amurica to sign the gun ban treaty shortly before this. I even reseeded all the families before the incident. After the incident i had a photo op with the participating kids and gave all the families houses on christmas even though the government was closed . We didnt put the shooting in the FBI crime statistic either.

I see it. Wtf is it?

The lawls

No sound

sound not needed

Gun control. Look up small arms treaty and everything before and after.

do you know anybody who can open their eyes this wide? I can't

Yes sound is. When it first aired they didnt have the speaking narrirator. During his laugh he clearly said "so you want me to just read from the card?XD as he chucked with everyone with a shit eating trudeu grin" it was then RE AIRED later. I bet the camera man started filming too early.

kys you fucking idiots

He was mad that it wasn't taco tuesday.

I physically saw the original when they first aired it

He was an astral projector who succumbed to evil beings from the astral realms

no really

here's the original clip youtube.com/watch?v=0JoeXAFBbpQ
he doesnt say anything meaningful AFAICT


can't post soundies on Sup Forums, only on /wsg/

I learned about the Bath school Massacre today, this fucker at least had a reason.

Shills* and 1 troll

He couldn't handle peak modernity. Also, he was a pedo.

I've posted this before, but no one seems to care. During the event the news crew interviewed children at the school. Children on site could not recall hearing any gun fire.

The event happened off campus and they were brought in. I imagine it was a test that went wrong and they ended up with a lot of dead children.

not the original. The original the narrirator doesnt speak . They spoke over him so you couldnt hear him again. I watched it before they took it down and re-edited.

>Why did he do it
Who is he?

Never happened
It was a cover up a pedo ring

jesus christ how unlucky do you have to be to witness 4 mass shootings

poor girl

He was being mind-controlled by the CIA

pretty amazing how with all those different news agencies there only the CNN clip can be found online
this is why i rip anything good using youtube-dl

There used to be tons but youtube went down the list and was deleting all the videos. I remember seeing a youtube video of a tv crew interviewing a business owner of apex glass. The businesd owner claimed that the school had been shut down from flood damage and he had permission to use the building for extra glass storage.