Swim Swim did nothing wrong.
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
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Also Minael was a good friend.
Why is the anime making SW that way. Do they have a grudge against her or sth?
Do they have to make her break down at the worst moment?
Why did the Peaky Angels have to die? They were the best girls, the most peaky, popular, and most wan~der~ful.
Really REALLY wishing the Anime somehow shows us The Magical Girl Hunter, or at least the beginnings of it.
I actually like how Snow White is now, and am honestly kinda disgruntled that due to how the Anime's portraying her, Anime-Only may just hate her forever without giving her a chance.
Pukin would turn him into a literal pin cushion
As someone who has read Toaru novels for years and suffer through reading NT
His bullshit only works on people with weak mental strenght.
Put him against people who gives no shits about what others think like Pukin, SW, Pythie, Pfle to name the more known ones and Touma will gave him a run for his money.
And that's not even including the average magical girl.
I bet Cherry would kick his ass because she is faster and stronger than him.
Reminder that MG moves at sonic speed which destroys normal clothing like paper.
We got 80 percent on To Surpass the Devil, translator-kun is a god
Da fuck? I just read hours ago he just started.
Does that means the chapter is just that short?
well he's probably been TL-ing since he finished Poker Game, he just only updated it now
He works really fast, I wouldn't necessarily say its short.
Nah, he's just that fast.
He translated 3 side stories in one day, then a 40-ish page chapter after.
>Reminder that MG moves at sonic speed which destroys normal clothing like paper.
That's really underplayed in the Anime. And so is the fact that SW can fly. I'm still on the first novel because I don't want to read past the anime while it's airing, but how are the LNs treating the fact that SW can fly? Even in the first novel it seems rather forgotten after chapter 1. So it kinda makes sense that this was completely ignored in the anime.
I was always fond of her struggles from the beginning.
Now Anime SW is like naive + insensitive 5*, it is not really hard for them to show us she don't hate Alice but herself.
They even left out Alice's "Not all of them have die yet" for max blame on SW.
SW can't fly though, she just does rooftop parkour
It's not flying it's the jumping and falling slowly thing.
Probably from Agi 4*
Couldn't Touma just punch himself in the face to cast off the mind control?
>Now Anime SW is like naive + insensitive 5*, it is not really hard for them to show us she don't hate Alice but herself.
>They even left out Alice's "Not all of them have die yet" for max blame on SW.
Guess we can confirm that Punished Snow isn't happening.
Cranberry serves up some justice.
Chapter 1:
>Since then, Koyuki would often sneak out of the house at night.
>She’d go to her backyard to practice becoming a Magical Girl.
>She tried out so many of her new abilities. Flying, backflips, high jumps, kicks, punches, double somersaults.
Chapter 2:
> The twin angels saw Ruler and Swim Swim falling, and quickly rushed in to catch Ruler as she was falling down.
> Meanwhile, La Pucelle also ran to catch Snow White mid-fall, as she noticed she wasn’t flying at all.
And as far as I've read it was never mentioned again.
I gotta admit I like this death more than the one in the LN, it does a good job of showcasing Craberry's hearing
How can Agi makes you fall slow?
Pity that she didn't make it more slow and painful.
I'm assuming it was either initially planned then dropped, or SW thought that she could fly when it was just jumping and floating
Ripple's fall from sky in the anime.
it make them light I think.
Good night sweet angel. ;_;
Probably the former. It's the author's first novel after all.
The worldbuilding etc. really only started in Restart, if you think about it. Plenty of pilot episode books have a good conclusion in case it doesn't warrant a second novel, for example.
I want to kill SwimSwim.
If the translator was a magical girl, what would his ability be?
>Then she saw in the corner of her eye, Snow White, flying towards the scene of battle.
>Snow White…
>She was the ideal Magical Girl.
She can fly.
thats an expression user
translation speed
TL-kun is a Cyber Fairy.
delete this
>Online manners 2/5
>those magic candies
I still find it funny that the whole "don't overdose on these" clause didn't really play a part in anything until Limited.
they were trying to cheese the MGRP app too, probably asked Sup Forums
they really were /our girls/
I don't believe it.
I want to Protect Swim Swim
Seriously, it typically takes them only two days to translate full-length chapters.
Someone should make a graph of the translation speed.
Pointless when at the end only will remain 2
I think the longest wait we ever had for a chapter was 3 days for I'm the Villain
Author plays the long game, user.
4-D bag didn't reappear again significantly until JOKERS either (though it does technically serve some purpose in Unmarked)
Also Flamey bullying still continues ever since Restart, and the Daisy reference in Jokers.
And the chapters in Jokers are twice as long as the other volume chapters.
Will the Rabbit Foot ever save the day?
I heard the next chapter is 88 pages from translator-kun's tumblr
The author also explained what the hell demons were. It's strange to say, but I really like how "mundane" the Land of Magic is in regard to how its run, how its society functions, etc. There isn't anything too crazy, just magic being engineered in a controlled manner to be more beneficial to society.
>ywn tell Ako she isn't a burden
>ywn punches the shit out of his shitty classmates
>ywn tell her everything will be daijobu
>ywn cook for her
This is not diejobu. KILL SWIMSWIM.
Swim Swim is the better Ruler.
One of them was (You)nael.
>Magical Daisy has a OP ability.
>Doesn't want to use it against living beings
Please don't tell me it'll cost her her life.
But that's was Minael's plan.
keep reading user, its a wild ride
Well, she doesn't use it on anyone living. Intentionally.
They did her and her sisters' death better in the anime than in the LN. Does anyone have the webm of the other sister getting her head crushed by Winterprison?
Restart Spoilers: had her season finale ruined by Keek and forced to go into her shitty game because to that grudge. Gets killed by a trash mob, Daisy had a hard life
Swim Swim is worse than Pukin and Keek. At least i can say those two are evil. She's just... autist.
>autism worse than evil
Are you insane user?
She already got her justice.
jeez I don't care about her backstory. Show me her dead body. Everyone in this show is walking dead little girls right? Why should I get attached to something what is already dead. Just get over with it and die already!
>autistic seven-year old doing whatever she can to survive is worse than a fairy-eating, sadistic, violent, psychopath and an ultimately mislead and extreme idealogue
My prediction for MGRP: Breakdown
It was Pastel Merry in the Library with a knife
If she wasnt "evil" she would be an awesome military commander I would follow to hell and back.
She's calm, professional and absolutely brutal. And still she cares for those who are under her command in her own way.
>Everyone in this show is walking dead little girls right?
The only survivors are a high schooler and a middle schooler. The last two Pure Elements was a high schooler and a middle schooler, now that I think about it. Subtle. Well, subtle enough until the high schooler died.
>ywn be invited to her house for dinner
>ywn be teased by Ako's aunt, telling how much you and Ako look like a cute couple together
>ywn become a Magical Girl with her
Nah, she probably did it with a brush, painted a herd of sheep and killed the Mage that way.
Do I win MGRP: Clue now?
please it was obviously Love Me Ren Ren in the Dining Room with an arrow, by way of making Miss Margerite do the dirty work by making her lovedrunk
Wrong show. Just go die already.
Let's ask Nephilia to ask the person who was murdered who did it.
Oh she's dead. Nephilia did it. It was a murder-suicide by smashing the back of her head with a blunt object repeatedly then running all the way to the kitchen to hide it.
I'm excited for magical girl clue, hopefully translator-kun is able to translate it as it comes out
Nah user.
She fucked up, she should have targeted Snow White even if she can detect them, they fought her before and doesn't seems strong.
Fighting someone unknown is a terrible plan.
>they fought her before and doesn't seems strong.
They fought La Boipucci and Ruler prevented SW from doing anything with her magic. They still don't know how strong she is. It was either fight someone that you can't get the drop on or fight someone you know nothing about but still have the chance to get a sucker punch or two in and win.
Snow white is an useful source for free candy milking. And since she is weak, she isnt a priority target.
SwimSwim does everything to keep her team alive, even if this means to let SW live.
If anything, I can see her keeping SW on a leash by taking her family hostage and make her collect Candies so that Swim2 can milk her.
Because that's what a cold sociopath like Swim2 would do.
>Fighting the final boss before going after a low level pacifist
Seriously what was she thinking? SW didn't even attack minael after she nearly axed her.
Human form Detick Bell a cute
They never fought. Snow White has never once shown her abilities to Swim Swim.
The only thing she knows is that they couldn't cheapshot her.
At this point they don't know about Snow and Cran's fighting abilities, so think of it this way.
Snow White: ???% CQC, 0% chance of cheapshot
Cranberry: ???% CQC, ???% cheapshot.
You know one of your chances are screwed with Snow, assuming Snow and Cran may have similar fighting skills, Cranberry really looks like the better option.
Can't wait for the WEG for that story.
I hope Mana brings 7753 and Tepsekemei along
Yes, dying with regrets, my favourite. Thank you SwimSwim for delivering.
I can hate Pukin and Keek as much i want since i know they're evil. Swim Swim doesn't do it because she enjoy doing those things, she do it just because Nemurin and Ruler filled her mind with shit and she has autism. I can't even have proper motives to hate her.
Not really, at least she had a not so painful death by having her last words with her hero.
Fuck this shit. She was the only one who really deserved a good end.
How can anyone resist that seven-years old body?
She's bringing two friends; does she even have any other friends besides those two?
If she never became a MG she would just kill herself. At least by becoming one she humiliated that bitch Mary and saved SW.
the only shit missing from this was some ave maria
rip in rip
Which magical girls are legal to have sexual intercourse? I want to impregnate Tama, but I'm not sure about her age.
I- I'm in love!
Is this the year of elf revenge for years of rape jokes or something?
Tama is school age, either middle or high, its never specified which
Middle school. Sorry user.
This is pretty funny haha. Then they'll die hahaha..
Yeah, didn't know it is so hard to kill 7 years old.
You sick fuck.
>be me
>watch mahou shoujo ikusei keikaku
>don't wanna invoke Sup Forums but...
>MSIK is basically animated "Sopranos" and "Boardwalk Empire" in nonchalantly killing off likeable characters
My lasting impression of this show
I cant hate her!
I just cant!
Well that was supposed to be a reply to , but that works too.
Author killed off his favorite character (Nemurin) first. Despite being salty with himself afterwards.
Based Author gives no fucks about likeability.
I want to teach that seven years old autist the pleasures of being a woman!
I think its a coincidence, but all of my favorites from Jokers survived the longest so far, lucky break