I am up late tonight doing a critical analysis as to why Black Hanekawa is the best character in the Monogatari...

I am up late tonight doing a critical analysis as to why Black Hanekawa is the best character in the Monogatari universe.

Feel free to add some input as you see fit.


>boring character has the best body
>give her a temporary upgrade in personality and hair
>she becomes 1000x hotter
That's all it is.

>"bleck henekewa a besto"

>boring character

pick one

That pretty much summarizes the findings of previous threads. Though I think we must look deeper.

Hanekawa is a mysterious.

Need more male cat.

would you headpat the cat, user?

Hanekawa would be as close to homosexual degeneracy as I would go. Even though it is a male cat in mind, the body is 100% female so it wouldn't be gay. Black is bro.

For a class?

I would spoon all weekend. I don't fully understand the head pat thing. At first glance it seems a little bit demeaning. I haven't had a serious look at the issue though.

No, for self enrichment.

you're not that person with the monogatari page on kikebook who often does character analysis, are you?

I wonder if I'm the only person who gets this strange feeling of sexual attraction to a cartoon character. Literally just a drawing.

I think I may have a nekomimi fetish.

On a scale from a well adjusted individual (1) to a politically far left leaning piece of filth (10) where would this fetish be?

No, I am just a huge Liru fanatic that is looking at other kemonomimi's for research purposes to better understand my "condition".

I just want to know if what I'm feeling is truly love.

11, hardcore nigger-burning far right wing poltard

That's a relief. Thanks.

1) 'Black' Hanekawa
Not black

2) Hanekawa is one individual
Implying there's black and white about her

3) Identity, or personality so to speak cannot be a factor in determining the head count. Black hanekawa is white hanekawa at the same time.
White Hanekawa = Black hanekawa. You cannot marry just black hanekawa, you have to marry white hanekawa at the same time.

4) "Best" character in the Monogatari Universe
Implying we have already analyzed 3.5 billion females in that universe

5) "Best" = subjective term unless described in a complete technical sense. "Analyzing" Hanekawa's characteristics and comparing it to other characters' characteristics (as 'best' cannot be defined without comparison) requires definitions of the concepts that you will analyze (compare) which will be endless comparison of unlimited amount of concepts.


Are there any good black hanekawa mods for the illusion games? Or any really...

I don't recall whether black hanekawa is just regular Tsubasa or not.

Is the personality, thoughts, memories of the actual male cat in there somewhere as well?

Don't mind me.
Just posting the best girl


Doesn't kaka mean $h!t?

All caught up with the animated arcs. I'm a filthy secondary, so I need to know what kind of quasi bullshit Araragi has to do to get out of limbo after Gaen killed him. I assume that'll be answered in a later season or movie?
I guess for now I'll wait for the next two Kizumonogatari movies.

What the fuck even is the point of that white line? It doesn't cover anything at all

Will stereogatari be in 3D?

Second sword of Kissshot's first minion. Umewatari.

That actually makes a lot of sense. Let me guess, all part of Gaen's plan?

Why should it have to? Sometimes in life there is just fog or random objects obscuring the view of different parts of the human body.

You're in the wrong place for that bud.

Kind of. Owarimonogatari plot is a mess actually.

Catgirls are always best girl

I need the alternate topless version of that picture so bad.

>he's actually defending it

I want black to tug on my scrotum.

I wonder if this series is as good as the twilight saga.

Shinbo has good taste.


Shinbo wants Crab to get NTR'd so fucking bad.

So hot how her eyes change to interesting up sloping.


I wish my great-grandmother had a body like hers.


Jesus Christ, that is terrible.

Oh I dunno... I kinda like it.

Like what you like, user. My point is that it was some fucking terrible fan-art.

I would consider

Black hanekawa shouldn't always look like the cutesy generic catgirl.

I prefer the sly/cunning look more.

>le keiki is best girl


I'm fucking dying.


Then get to a hospital. This was what I meant when I said sly/cunning.

Lol he uses the Internet.

Would you hug this?

Why bitch got them old man lips?

Who else preodered?

It's hot and makes her look interesting.

An excellent job done by Yui Horie, almost verging on playing against prevailing type as well.

This shit get you randy, bruh?

I'm dying, senpai.


I like watching TV shows




Is Yui Horie the best catgirl in existence?

I'm looking for the non bootleg version version of version of this.

>le tony died

>part 2/3 release way into the new year
That's going to be a long wait.

That's because Hanekawa is the sort of girl you can bring home to your parents, but is still amazing in bed.





Gaping bald preteen vagina

Reminder that Shinobu is scientifically proven to be the best character.

I'm gonna need you to cite your sources on that one


Wilson, Bill. Why Shinobu Is Best Girl. New York: Open, 2012. Print.

Slim, Jack. Who Is the Best Monogatari Character? An Analysis. New York: Scientific, 2015. Print.

Statim, Mox. Shinobu and Donuts: The Definitive Guide. Boston: Accurate, 2014. Print.


Hanekawa is best character because she is most developed.


>I think I may have a nekomimi fetish.

Don't we all?



And please don't forget:

Ternaski, Paul, ed. Find a Flaw (Protip: You Can't): The Role of Vampire Lolis in the Animated Works of Akiyuki Shinbo. New York: Oxford UP, 2016. Print.

It's a fantastic compendium of best girl scholarship that persuasively illustrates why Shinobu, Hazuki and Mina are so best.


It's hard to believe that Araragi can be such a stubborn dumbass when it's obvious that Hanekawa loves him and wants to be with him but unable to confess why did the same shit happened to me when I kinda liked a girl but had no balls to spill it out despite her attempts to spend her time with me and in the end she obviously fucked off.

I can only imagine how hard it hurts for a girl to be like that.
Why can't she just confess first? Why can't Hanekawa just say that she loves Araragi if she's smarter than him and sees that he's a dumbass who cannot make the first move?

Crab just pushed it and ended up having the Araragis.

holy shit that ass is phat!!!

go back to tumblr

A) he has Senjougahara, B) he lusts after Hanekawa, but thinks that a relationship with her would not be a good idea.

>A) he has Senjougahara
He didn't before he met her.

There was only Hanekawa and they were almost dating.

Still leaves point B, though. The events of Nekomonogatari Black put him dead against the idea of a relationship with Hanekawa.

>Still leaves point B, though. The events of Nekomonogatari Black put him dead against the idea of a relationship with Hanekawa.

That's not really true because he obviously cares about her and lusting over her does not exclude the actual relationships.
He doesn't think it's not a good idea to date her, he just chickened out.
He would do the same with Hitagi obviously but she confessed him first and pushed the issue.

doesn't the producer ship raragi and hanekawa

>That's not really true because he obviously cares about her and lusting over her does not exclude the actual relationships.
Caring about her and thinking a relationship is a good idea aren't quite the same thing.
>He doesn't think it's not a good idea to date her, he just chickened out.
Maybe. I might need to go watch the end of Nekomonogatari Black again, but I still think it's less chickening out and more thinking it's a bad idea.

>not even the best image of Cat