did exdeath die?
Yep. They finally fucking got her.
Who cares anymore
Asking the obvious
Literally how, she got fucking Time stop
Akame went faster than time
Nigga what? This manga is retarded.
But I guess if you want broken powers like time stop you have to get dumber than that to succeed it
>wave and kurome have escaped
[Good End]
Did kurome and akame ever interact? I stopped paying attention to this shit early.
They will hug and cuddle more in the last chapter.
And give Wave the sister sandwich.
He is bullshitting you.
Cuckdese got cocky which allowed Akame to cut her on the arm. She then used her timestop trumpcard to perform an emergency amputation on her own arm to stop the curse spreading from the wound.
This meant that she didnt have ZA WARLDO to use as an aggressive move since it has a massive cooldown before the next use
It was then just a crazy brawl between her and Akame
Wait didn't they want each other dead?
Tatsumi will now have a humanoid body like Susanoo, Akame is now tenguless like Mine, Lenone will probably be more like a cat then every before.
So what now? If Leone finishes off Honest and dies, what's Akame going to do with herself? She can't exactly barge in on Tatsumi/Mine and Wave/Kurome, Poor lass will be alone if Leone dies.
>leone will be more than a cat
Wait really? How does her wossname work?
Leone and Akame sexy adventures need to be had.
Her Teigu is a half-transformation into a fucking huge Lion Dangerbeast that was known for its incredible self-healing abilities.
wave fixed everything
So Tatsumi's now a dragon. How is he gonna maek babby with Mien now?
they're still going to tie the knot and later she will take the knot too
Leone will be the only possible bed partner because she's half dangerbeast now.
We Leone end.
Best girl survived yet again, happy end inc