Anime women will never understand.
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This thread pops up every month and it always brings in /lgbt/, Sup Forums, and reddit.
Princess Tutu.
all of them
Any war anime in general
Evangelion. men won't understand it either.
this, women are feeble idiots
this too
You're right because Anno is a hack.
Nigga, I've been shlicking to Reinhard x Yang fanfics since the early 2000's, so shut the fuck up.
ITT: muh masculinity.
ITT: Languages women will never understand.
I don't know user. I understood and liked it. Maybe you should have put a harem anime instead. Becauae I have never understood nor liked any harem anime except zero no tsukaima season 1
>masturbating to yaoishit is the same as understanding a classic
Point proven.
LOGH is gay as fuck tho
>Anime women will never understand.
Don't forget /r9k/
>Anime women will never understand.
>Anime women will never understand.
>Post fujoshit that has women as main fanbase
came to post this
>Not fujoshit
Delusional. All the works from this author are known for targetting women, Arslan is the same
>Reinhardt x Yang
That's some truly shit taste.
GATE is just too refined for disgusting vagina owners.
Is that a FAMAS?
Anything to do with Monster Girls.
This is my proof: