>be me
>be anime fan since forever
>watch tons of harems and romcoms like hayate, school rumble and Fate
>have lots of fun because it's wish fulfilment fantasy,a form of escapism and because I can self insert
>also have a waifu from one of the show
>2010 arrived
>harems suddenlybecome rarer and got replaced with tons yurishit,fujoshit that I can't self insert to
and even wish denying anime like Re:Zero and Mob Psycho which is made to spite viewers like me
>I start to enjoy anime less and less every year
>Anime is nearly void of haremshit
>it's either yurishit or fujoshit dominating sales and popularity
>Stopped enjoying anime because it alienate itself from me
>Got redpilled about waifus by shitposter on Sup Forums so I stopped loving her
>ends up shitposting on Sup Forums making shitty off-topic thread
>mfw this wouldn't have happened if anime didn't betray me of my wish fulfilling fantasies
Anime was indeed a mistake.
Be me
shit out of ten post, user
h-how many years user?
I watched anime starting from 2005 if I recall correctly.
Go out and get some prostitutes dude.
>since forever
You're a fucking casual, get out.
I read manga longer than that though.
>Anime is nearly void of haremshit
Which kind of 2016 are you at? There's at least 3 LN battle harem adaptations per season.
>>Got redpilled about waifus by shitposter on Sup Forums so I stopped loving her
My waifu is a dyke apparently so I can't love her.
Whoop de fucking doo. You're going through the phase that literally everyone goes through with every hobby if they stick with it long enough. Try something out of your comfort zone.
>Try something out of your comfort zone.
Like what exactly?
But you can love a dyke. The point is to love you're waifu. If they were real you could get friend zoned but that is also a form of love. Sounds like you just wanted a divorce.
You've been watching your favored genres so much that you've forgotten anything else exists? Scroll down Sup Forums and pick an anime that you've previously written off as something you wont even bother to watch and give it a try.
Thinking seems to be something out of your comfort zone, so try that.
Watch every subbed show and drop the ones you don't feel like watching. Try to stick past the OP. If you make it then continue until the end of the episode. If the first episode doesn't have an OP continue to the next. If the show doesn't have an OP then stop whenever you want.
Literally anything you don't normally watch.
Your waifu will never love you gay or straight, it's about you loving her.
>People unironically replying to this blog thread What's going on?
>shitposters shitposting in a shitposting thread
What else is new?
>anime is nearly void of haremshit
I fucking wish
Where the fuck can I find a translated scan of School Rumble 284. What the hell are the gooks and weebs doing? I want my free shit and I want it now.