When is the movie raw going to come out?
When is the movie raw going to come out?
When you stop being a faggot.
Didn't it come out in in theaters like a week ago?
It's gonna be at least a couple of months then
Is this the end of boat posting on Sup Forums?
Not until Season 2 comes out with even more boat posting.
Why don't japs do camrips?
They think they're above such shit or it's probably some bullshit 20 years sentence over there like how possession of pot is 5 years.
Would you like to risk this?
There are usually camrips for big movies, but this was such a shitfest that I don't think anyone bothered to risk recording it
Who teaches the CL class?
What did he mean by this?
Her screaming can teach CLs to be proper like her.
I'm a faggot
pls respond
I can't read that
translate it weebs
The pleasure of cumming inside Saratoga.
>I got my hands on Sara's boobs, and finished the event. Now for my manuscript... The gimmicks in events lately have gotten more annoying, so they take the whole day to do...
>I should draw Sara somewhere in the book I'm working on now.
>I got my hands on Sara's boobs
Sara wouldn't appreciate that
Why do the kancolle threads keep getting nuked?
some new "no generals on Sup Forums" plan but all it really translates into is "no putting KanColle in the subject field" resulting in multiple slow threads.