ITT: Trivialize a series with >muh
>muh space robots
ITT: Trivialize a series with >muh
>muh space robots
>muh doka
More like
Muh space freedoms
>muh waifu
Weaponized waifufagging the show
>muh feet
fuckin saved
> Muh'quve
>muh holy grail
>muh ningens
>muh leg
Who the hell brings a vase into a robot?
>muh tanks
Muh rasai
>Muh dick jokes/freedom of speech
I love you, user.
>muh escapism
>muh various forms of justice that I haven't decided upon yet
Pic didn't load.
The whole joke is fucked now
>muh mushi
>muh revenge
>muh free will
>muh racial tolerance