How much value do you put into objectification and sexualization of women?
How much value do you put into objectification and sexualization of women?
A lot. If someone isn't pissed off by it, then there isn't enough of it.
Depends on how shitty the show and the girl is. The shittier the show/girl, the more objectification and sexualizing is needed.
Humans are sexual objects.
I'm not asexual, so a lot. Someone has to continue the human species.
About three fiddy.
Humans are objects in space, and are naturally sexual by nature.
We need more of it.
And they said modern Kyoani only makes yurishit.
As long as they look good, literally who cares.
Depends. I'm not interested in tasteless sexualization, but when done well it's great.
Define tasteless.
Also respects women and NEVER sexualizes them.
Also no such degenerative genres like harems.
Tasteless fanservice has 2 properties:
1. It's a scene made solely for the purpose of sexualization, and has no character related reasons behind it.
2. It's boring and unoriginal. Something like a panty shot, a girl suddenly losing her clothes, or one of those octupus grope scenes that are in a ton of anime, to name a few examples.
Women have no value outside their boobs
so basically, you don't like fanservice scenes at all
I want to sexually objectify Koito!
You sound gay.
Sure I do. I like a lot of the monogatari fanservice scenes, since they tend to be rather original a lot of the time, and rarely boring, for example.
I also really like fanservice that's not strictly visual, like an innocent really cute girl getting embarrassed by people lewding her.
>monogatari isn't tasteless
Oh you're just retarded. Pretend I never asked.
I only like well done fanservice on a non-boring character with more depth than just the color of her panties.
Monogatari is about as tasteless as it gets.
Subtle fanservice >>> tasteless to love ru tier fanservice
I'd love to explore her depth
Kill yourselves. The main purpose of the monogatari series is the intriguing dialogue. The fan service is a stylized bonus by Shaft. Even Arararararararararagi's perversion is part of his characterization and even to some extent portrayal of jealousy of the girls. It does have plot effects take for example Hanekawa's jealousy leading the aberration to go out of control.
When someone start bringing up shit like boring/unoriginal, you know the person doesn't actually like fanservice. What they actually like is the "uniqueness" of the scene that just happens to be fanservice at the same time.
I want not-Koito to kill me with her gun!
>he doesn't like his anime SUPER INTERESTING
Don't bother, they aren't going to listen nor do they have any intention of replying seriously.
I really hope you don't actually believe this.
God CLAMP is getting worse with every work they do. I'm gonna lose it if they fuck up the R3 character designs like in Akito.
No shit, you can't reply seriously to someone like that.
Well you're not gonna do that with 2D though
You can gauge how well cooked objectification is by how many articles/op-eds/blog posts have been written calling it deplorable.
It's literally why we watch animu. That and fabulous homo.
So Cross Ange has good fanservice?
>Someone has to continue the human species
Why? Humans are evil.
To make more lolis
You sound like a fifteen year old emo that cuts their wrists horizontally.
But they are? Maybe calling them evil is a little too much but they sure aren't nice.
Can people look EXACTLY like Koito AND Sharo?
They exist for that so...