She must have been really ugly to fool everyone into believing she's a man
She must have been really ugly to fool everyone into believing she's a man
feminine dicks brah
Saber is actually a futanari.
>No boobs or ass
I would be fooled too.
You know that no one actually believed she was a man, right? It was just a meme that they made because they didnt want to look like pussies for having a queen.
It's because the Japanese have very little difference between their sexes, and this reflects in their entertainment.
A prepubscent boy not a man
>tfw in our reality Saber won the grail war and got herself erased from history
Oh shit. That hurts.
Y-you take that back.
>Blonde hair and blue eyes.
>Red hair like an Irish man.
Nips can't into anything correctly.
looks like a boy here
Nips are the dumbest, most worthless people in the world. They made anime and all that faggotry. 2 nukes weren't enough.
You're not even people then.
Actually even at the round table there were still some guys that thought Saber was a man, I imagine most of the citizens just believed what they were told.
That one speech by Agravain about how much he hates women and was glad to fall in love with a Saber, a man, is one of the cringiest things I've read
I mean Saber Fucking fucks anyway so
>gee, the king sure looks like a girl
>but it's the king and I don't want to be shorter by a head so I'm just gonna shut the fuck up
They refused to acknowledge she was a girl because men had greater influence. The enemies of Brittanica are more likely to avoid warring against a big dude with invincibility than a little girl with an invisible sword.
Are you dense? Her inner circle obviously knew and the peasants never got close enough to know one way or the other. Plus she had Merlin probably pissing illusion magic everywhere.
Merlin gave her a dick at some point, I'm pretty sure he cast illusion magic too. Round table were the only ones who knew.
>not tits
>no ass
Nigga, people rebelled because they thought that they were ruled by a fucboi.
You people are too mean to Saber.
In reality hate how Fate does the "male was actually female" thing so fucking much. With the original Seiba it was okay, but there are like 20 genderswapped characters as of F/GO.
I'm waiting for that one user to post her Lion King mode.
I'm afraid he's not around. I'm filling in for him, though.
wrong liong king.
let me correct you.
My wife, Saber, is cute.
Its not as if a lot of people actually saw her up close. Only the Knights and a few attendants. In a medieval kingdom most of the people could be tricked into thinking their King was a man if they only ever saw her from a distance.
Makes me wonder if that's ever happened in real life.
Uesugi Kenshin?
I want to stuff Saber with food.
Joan of Arc spent most of her life pretending to be a man.
Unconfirmed, and the evidence isn't even solid.
Her country must be a bunch of pussies.
>tfw will never see the animated adventures of based Saber fanboy in the land of bullshit powerlevels
>Nasu had the sense to have Arturia pretend to be male when he made King Arthur a woman, because a female king in that era wouldn't have worked well
>after deciding on a whim to make Mordred female as well for Apocrypha, he took the same approach
>then F/GO casually reveals Sir Gareth of the Round Table is openly a girl and no-one gives a shit
Grand Order is cancer.
Saber Alter is in urgent need of mana, and you're the only mage in the vicinity. How does she extract it from you?
I think Mordred was always a girl, way before apocryphat
I approve of genderbending if they make some excuse for it.
For example in Extra Drake's explanation was really amusing, but Nero's was pushing it too far even though my dick allowed it.
FGO has no fuck to give whatsoever, though
Letting her suck my dick obviously. Semen is a known way of transferring mana.
What went wrong?
You think she's gonna suck your dick just like that?
I believe an interview with Higashide in Apocrypha volume two confirms he consulted with Nasu on what to do with Mordred, and was told to make her a girl because having a male Mordred in the same novel as Astolfo would be too much.
There was a pope who was secretly a woman, and wasn't revealed until she gave birth during a meeting.
Too much of Shirou's good cooking.
It's either that or disappearing.
>Wild Hunt
That's not Lancer Alter.
>Joan of Arc spent most of her life pretending to be a man.
What ? People knew she was a girl ? Her men even saw her tits and described them as big.
She can eat souls too, as recommended by Rin.
>recommending something outrageous to be ironic
>pointing out someone actually doing something outrageous and must be stopped
Rin 2nd best Fate.
She grabs you by the throat, sits on you, and with her free hand she violates your anus to massage your prostate, forcing a boner. She then proceeds to brutally rape you until she bleeds you dry of every last drop of mana.
Would she keep you edging for hours, slowly working your prostate and your dick only to back off the moment you feel yourself about to reach your limit? Keeping you in a perpetual state of low-level stimulation to maximise the amount of semen to expell while you leak precu m like a fountain?
>tfw Saber will never eat you
Very cute.
>literally suggests forcing Saber to kill people just because she thinks sex is icky
Holy shit, what a bitch.
It's not rape if he came.
D-did she stick her finger(s)/hand up his ass in the second to last panel?
Judging by her legs in the last panel she also has her feet in his face.
Alter sure knows how to make sex kinky.
Boudica is a celt, just like the Irish
>Saber Alter will never shove her feet in your face and violate your boipucci
So was arthur
And? There are blonde celts. Besides, Saber has green eyes, not blue, she isn't arian.
they used magic to mask her. She is very cute
From a distance most people thought she was a shota.
Because when you have someone like Bedivere in the Round Table who is an actual man in the series, you don't really question whether your king is a man or woman when told that she's a man.
Literally the "draw a girl call it a guy" phenomenon. Most everyone in camelot thought she was a trap.
So they just kept thoughts like "the king looks like a cute girl" to themselves because nobody wanted to be called gay.