The dub king of hearts passed away.
The dub king of hearts passed away
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He gave a better performance in Zoids, I'm just saying.
Checked. It's not fair... He deserved to live on.
Wait what the fuck? I thought he was young? Seriously this is probably the worst death this year.
He was young, he was only 42
Does voice acting suck the life out of people or something? Why do so many of them die so young?
Blackbeard died recently too.
Actually he did voice acting to pay for medical school, he became a dentist.
He's been out of voice acting for a decade. He wasn't even in voice acting for that long, he just happens to have a couple iconic roles.
Still a bummer that he passed. His dub of Domon was corny enough to work perfectly for that series.
First Castro, now this. God this year sucks.
>Actually mourning the death of a communist pile of absolute shit
Is it bad that I feel happy to know that a dubber has died?
You shouldn't be happy that anyone dies. Much less somebody who makes less money than a McDonald's cashier to make content for the illiterate/dyslexic. The only time you should be happy someone dies is when it's someone like Fidel Castro, I have no idea what this cunt is on
If the dentist thing is true its actually the more likely career to drain the life out of you. Has one of the highest suicude rates in the u.s.
>Being white is bad meme
>not wanting Castro to be the immortal god emperor of Cuba
Literally kill yourself Poodeau. Cuba is in a ton of shit because of him.
Pretty sure he was Canadian though.
>not recognizing one of the history's greatest leaders
I'm not disagreeing with you on his character or actions. I however found Castro to be an incredible source of amusement, and don't give two fucks about Cuba itself.
Being glad that someone died over something this petty is disgusting to be honest.
They're just Americans that say "eh?" in their sentences and don't have a penny in their currency.
How did this dude die anyway
I hope this isn't a troll twitter post for some low rate Canadian VA nobody.
We don't know. And he hasn't done a role in like a decade so I don't see why they would do that.
who the fuck watches dubs? who the fuck watches enough dubs to care about the english voice actors?
People who do not care about what language they watch their oriental cartoons? Just a wild guess.
I hardly ever watch dubs but the G Gundam dub was fucking legendary.
I don't know how anyone could call themselves a man without watching it.
Apparently this guy lived in my city as a doctor. Wish I'd known before this. I wonder if he ever did any of the local cons?
Memes aside, I actually admired the guy as a younger Gundam/Mega Man fan. I remember thinking how cool it was that Domon Kasshu himself also voiced X in the later games. Honestly disheartened.
You're like 18, so you wouldn't know.
But people around 24-27 got introduced to anime or Mecha by watching G Gundamn on Toonami.
>English speaking native means you are white
When will this stop?
I'm 30, not everyone lives in america and watches your shitty tv channels
>I'm 30
What the fuck crawled up your ass?
Nah; I doubt it. The industry isn't for everyone. Dentistry is good if you have a passion for dental health and care as well as treating anomalies and such, but the pay isn't as good as people say it is.
Aside from the loans and bills, the reason costs are high with them is to continue paying for the materials used. That's usually why the profession is designed to be a big money maker; but most of that money goes to supplies and keeping the damn firm alive.
Is not as lucrative as people make it out to be.
But yeah; I'm glad he made a good career change and took the job at the time. That's always good to do cool things like that. I'm sure it paid better compared to working in anime.
I watched G Gundam on Toonami religiously. I'm legitimately saddened by this. Goodbye.
>What the fuck crawled up your ass?
people who like dubs on Sup Forums
>not everyone lives in america and watches your shitty tv channels
You're on an American site with something like 90% American users. It's not my fault you're an idiot and can't figure out basic context.
try 40%, you're just the loudest and most oblivious
G Gundam's dub was fantastic and plenty of people here watched it on TV. You're too cool for that, good for you. Now fuck off.
You're delusional, m8.
Go back to whatever shittier country you come from and invent your own Mongolian basket weaving board.
go look up the nationality stats if you want, im sick of you 'toonami' fags shitting up the board nostalgiaing over your saturday morning dubs
Say it with me, Sup Forums. One last time, for him.
>being sad a comie dictator is dead
Fuck off.
I mostly avoid dubs, but G Gundam is an interesting case. I watched it in Japanese as usual, but didn't like it much. Then I had a roommate who watched the English dub, and I would catch an episode or two when he had it on. The dub pushed the campy factor just a notch above what it was in Japanese to where it broke past my take-it-seriously threshold.
I wound up rewatching the show entirely in English and enjoying it ten times more than I ever enjoyed the original. I don't think there's any other anime I've done this for.
-2016: Nope we're still not done yet.
The dub for G Gundam was in no way masterful acting, but it set a tone that better fit the content. For that it earns its place on the very small list of shows that should be watched dubbed.
Don't you dare use Momiji for your commie shitpost, you prick
RIP man, one of the few dubs I actually liked.
Yeah, the only good dictators are the US puppets.
Why? Even if you hate dubs he has long since left voice acting. He was a doctor, he helped people.
Is it bad that I'll feel happy when you die?
>the current year man
That's how bad 2016 is. Current year man has said fuck it to the current year.
Yesterday I talked about how great domon's VA was in the G-gundam dub and now this happend.
He's right, though, 2016 was utter trash.
Who else have you talked about today?
>its a 2016 claims another life episode
You ass. You had me thinking 2016 claimed Tomokazu Seki too. That'd be goddamn ridiculous timing with the new FMP coming around.
And nothing of value has lost
No one yet
>top 10 anime betrayals.webm
Well spit in my mouth and call me Allenby; Lucas is a right motherfucker.
Well shit. He should've done more roles instead of becoming a dentist cause he was one of the few dubbed guys that actually sounded hot blooded.
Dude twitter should be banned for posting shit like this.
Die commie
Just fuck my shit up 2016
Dub G Gundam is what got me into anime in general and subbed anime in particular. They stopped airing it two episodes before the end, so I had to scramble on the internet to find them and could only find subbed versions.
G Gundam is still one of only like three shows that I think the dub was better than the sub. Except for Chibodee Crockett.
Its more like 50% Americans and 40% Brits. Everyone else is a minority not worth counting
He did a pretty entertaining and expressive Domon. Just saw G Gundam this year it was the first time I watched Dub in a very long time and his performance was one of the things that convinced me to give it a try. Good luck wherever you are now.
Things in the world of weebshit have been going really well lately, I guess the universe took something away to balance things out. You will be missed.
Good. G Gundam was awful.
Yeah Chibodee's VA should have at least tried to hide his atrocious Canadian accent. Really ruined the immersion for me.
Found the retards.
people who like fun
look, the east is burning red!
Who the fuck starts rumors people are dead for kicks? Fuck him. I was legitimately sad. If he's just fucking with people I hope some retribution comes his way.
Get memed on kiddos
One less filth to defile my chinese cartoons.
>Canadians are stupid
This is nothing new
Literally who?
>who the fuck watches dubs?
There are certain anime that just work better in English.
Ghost in the Shell in my opinion just doesn't work well in Japanese but the English puts the show a step above.