Is this magnum opus of comedy harem genre? Prove: Name one series better. You can't
Kore wa Zombie Desuka
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Lost in best girl side.
Seitokai no Ichizon
Close enough but ayumu is more based than ken so..
Fippy bippy
Explain how she's better than Megumin.
>Explain how she's better than Megumin.
She's not actually megumin is a massive improvment. Even Haruna, the shit, is far better than explosions meme.
>voiced by many VA
>muh command
>muh armor
Megumeme didn't even stand a chance here user-kun.
Japanese comedy is shit
>muh puns
>muh pointing out stuff the viewer already saw in a loud voice
>wearing heavy armor
Anyway, S2 was a whole lot of fun.
Nah, Seto no Hanayome.
>All of those anime created by Deen
>Konosuba and Korean zombie had the same staff
Is Deen become the master of harem comedy genre Sup Forums?
yeah but it has cute girls tho
more anime like yuyushiki plz, thats the only anime that consistently makes me lol
>Seto no Hanayome
Good taste you have.
The style isn't all that impressive and I dropped the series but I have to admit: it got me laughing and made me hard probably more than any other similar title.
How did the novels end?
Ah, my bros
Same staff, but having a better character designer helped a lot.
i want to watch this one, did the anime cover the entire manga ?
No for the sake of gods
Watched kore zombie for pic related. "Characters" like Haruna will never match up to Sera's assets that barely fit her top no matter what she wears.
>not watching for goddess that is Eu
Don't be a faggot user.
>Is this magnum opus of comedy harem genre
I'm still happy about the ending
Minamifag's tears are so delicious
Is that Baka-test?
babies first harem.
>it's another let's violently beat up MC for looking in another girl's direction episode!
Yeah the magnum opossum of comedy. His other work is much better.
would the loli really hold 3 persons?
The anime end is much better than the manga chapter it covers.
Nothing is funnier and more hilarious than Seto no Hanayome.
>seto no hanayome 2007
>seitokai no ichizon 2009
>baka test 2010
>kore wa zombie desuka 2011
That show went from god-tier to utter shit in 3 seasons.
Korean Zombie was good except for the scenes with Haruna, the worst harem girl ever.
>forgetting the relationship where that's obviously played over the top for comedic effect and how they're actually the best pair
The actual main tsundere isn't violent.
You're baiting. Sera is objectively by far the worst girl and wasn't that relevant. Haruna is cute, relevant, and is one of the sweetest girl in the series.
I've been reading the LN lately and the anime totally butchered it, holy shit. The worst example is Sera whois a totally different character. In the LN she's the mature older sister type character who can sometimes be a bit harsh but it's just joking around. In the anime she's just a huge cunt. There are literally hundreds of different things the anime fucked up so if you enjoyed it, read the LN. It's a totally different experience.
>Hates superior lolis like Megumin and Haruna
Sup, THK.
>The actual main tsundere isn't violent.
I've literally deleted the second season just yesterday from my HDD, damn you for having this conversation today. But I can assure you that back when I watched it I made a mark on paper every time MC got beaten up or tortured (like when they put weights on his knees and stuff) and the paper was half black by end.
And no it wasn't just Minami, it got especially annoying when Himeji started/joined the abuse too.
Best couple was fine because they were actually an item and the girl made her feelings clear from day one, but Himeji and Minami abusing the shit out of Yoshii when he interacted with girls, without confessing or making their feelings known, was irritating as hell.
Baka to Test's comedy is over-the-top in its slapstick, manzai technique, and the whole virgin inquisition club always making a big deal when MC makes them jealous. Many cliches, but the execution is genius. If you personal problem with violent gags then it's really your loss.
I dunno, I don't remember Minami as violent to the point of annoyance.
All I remember is her crushed expression as she cant be honest with herself ;_;
>Worst Girl lost
Haruna a shit dude.
Yeah, Himeji didn't win. But the best girl didn't win either, unfortunately.
Sera a shit*
>Himeji didn't win
When will you Minamifags stop being in such denial?
>love each other
>the only reason they aren't in a relationship is due to school rules
>school is pretty much over anyway
Holy shit.
Silent you fools!
Best girl coming through
Best Busty Ninja Vampire
haruna FAGGOT and megumin FAGGOT
How you can be so shit for that pieces of shit?
But she doesn't make amazing omelettes.
MC also have feelings for Minami. Mc and Himeji were about to enter a relationship, but they couldn't by school rules. So they broke that off. The ending is open-ended due to the very fact it's suggesting anything can happen by the time after graduation, and Minami decided to continue chasing after the MC. No one won.
Sup, ESL-kun. How's your shit taste engrish today?
Katsura Hinagiku is the only one good waifu flat tsundere?
minami A SHIT
Saras is best Vampire Ninja.
You love mega cunts such as Sera and Houki. Why should people tale you seriously?
Houki is best girl user.
I'm 99% sure "ESL-kun" is actually Lelouch pretending to be ESL so he can pass off as a different person. His taste is far too similar to Lelouch who loves bitches with big tits and hates on loli and dfc.
I doubt Lelouch can speak Spanish.
Houki is cancer and is the worst harem heroine and tsundere ever.
> Many cliches, but the execution is genius.
It was so. In the first season.
The execution in the second season is horrendous and I believe you are too blinded by the first season's merits to notice that.
Yes because the good episodes focused on her came after the violent annoying shit, like when they were at the beach, or when they were on the field trip.
Who knows. He could be using Google to translate eng to spic and vice versa.
>worst harem heroine and tsundere ever.
That's Naru Narusegawa.
Stupid Idiot Austist Retarded loving that biggest cunt crap of haruna, megumin it's just a lesser evil but she is overrated like konosuba
Not is a opinion is a fact
>Name one series better
Nope. Naru is actually down-to-earth, pretty mellow, and hit it off with Keitaro early in the story. She's not a raging bitch with a rod up her ass like Houki. Naru has a personality and character beyond just being a tsundere too.
I think we did well user.
Nice recommendation thread you have here.
>can't argue
>only sperg on with nonsense
Does Oreimo count? Why no one mention it yet?
Based DEEN saving the day.
Naru is one of the best. Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.
>Houki is cancer and is the worst harem heroine and tsundere ever.
Oh louisefaggot stop lying to yourself
>worst harem heroine and tsundere ever.
That's Naru Narusegawa.
Who she is?
Louise is by far the worst heroine tsundere like pink haired flat tsundere
2nd season was the best season. Did you even finish watching it?
Ain't no one talk shit about louise faggot. Take your shitty opinion to plebbit.
Yes I finished watching it. The good last episodes don't make up for the bad middle episodes. Thus I rate first season better.
That peeping arc ED song really got me
Seras is overflowing with best!
>A Serafag/Houkifag who hates Louise
Your taste is not only bad, but it utterly contradicts itself.
>can't argue
>only sperg on with nonsense
Not is necesary because you you're all that like yours
Sera a shit no matter how many times you samefag.
Sera a best. A BEST.
Best at being shit, that is.
She's okay but really, no one can beat eu at being best girl.
Speak English, shitposter-kun.
There is definitely a power GAP between Seras and the other girls.
No one likes worst girl Sera except you. It's so painfully obvious.
Have you read vol 12,5?
Akihisa basically said that he can't develop that kind of relationship with Minami. He do think Minami as a special person but he already choose Himeji so if he accept her invitation to do a 'cultural experience' at the christmas party it will be dishonest to both of them.
Just face it user, Himeji wins
>worst girl
Yeah, no one likes Haruna.
(You), THK.
Muh African American brother.
Well meme'd.
I don't understand why so much hate towards haruna? She's like another dfc tsundere archtype. There is dozen of her type out there but why?
She's annoying as fuck but people started hating her for real after a novelfag revealed how much of a bitch she is in the novels.
Saw a mistake so I fixed it.
It's just one or two autist with shit taste. Don't take it seriously.
You ruined it.
Haruna is one of the most popular Korean Zombie and was liked when the anime was airing. The hate is just forced, really.